
International study programs to get back on track but China and Russia lag behind

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International study programs to get back on track but China and Russia lag behind
Many international courses rebounded after the pandemic, but China and Russia are left behind.

After a two-year-long pandemic halt, international study programs are starting to pick up again. However, China and Russia are lagging in this reviving process. Previously existing college study programs are now being re-instated, and students are pretty thrilled as they will be able to pursue their dream courses again.

During these two years of the pandemic, students were deprived of many educational opportunities. But now, as things are returning to normal again, students also look forward to returning to their international studies programs.

Source: Open Doors Data

In 2020/21, There was a decline of 15% in the total number of international students. The year affected 99% of the Intensive English Programs. In addition, according to The Open Doors Report on International Education Exchange, the number of American students who travelled abroad to study decreased by 53.1% in 2020.

But now, the conditions are improving for colleges with international study programs. In another recent study by the Institute for International Education (IIE), there has been an 83% increase in study-abroad numbers in the USA compared to last year. Furthermore, the report also showed that 65% of universities had witnessed a growth in applications from international students coming to the United States for academic purposes.

However, two countries, China and Russia, are the slowcoaches in this resurgence process. China was highly affected by the outbreak. Many academic programs in China have halted, excluding New York University, Shanghai, and a few others. This reduced the number of programs being continued in china, causing concern for those who wished to pursue education in the country. 

Similarly, Russia is also stumbling behind in the resurgence of the process due to its ongoing war with Ukraine. This resulted in the suspension of many programs in Russia. Though some universities are seeking Russian language learning opportunities in the neighbouring countries, it is still a challenging approach as war tensions may escalate in the adjacent regions as well. 

Even though China and Russia are left behind in the rebound, the officials have stated gradual changes to occur by opening its border for students and taking prudent measures.

Officials are adapting to the new Covid-19 restriction updates in colleges, universities, and countries, which may require vaccination, testing, or quarantine.

Around 81% of institutions surveyed by IIE stated that vaccination would be required to pursue a program, which increased drastically when many institutions necessitated vaccines but were not put through. Now, as well, the vaccine requirement policies may differ depending on the university, country, or programs.

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