How to Write the BEST Personal Statement for UK Universities

3 minute read
How to Write the BEST Personal Statement for UK Universities

A Personal Statement is a single point of source through which the admission reader know about the student as a person apart from his/her academic credentials. It paints a picture of the candidate’s suitability for admission approval. So, it should demonstrate the qualities, skills, and values that a candidate has cultivated over their life and how those skills have helped them in their growth. A personal statement is an account of your achievements, talents, interests and goals often included in job or university applications or in resumes. The College admissions committee wants to make sure that why the applicant deserves to be admitted to their school. As it can make or break the possibility for admission so students should take it seriously while writing their personal statement for admission or scholarships into any university. 

Tips to Write the Best Personal Statement for UK Universities

In this article, we will discuss some key points or tips which students should follow while drafting their personal statements for UK universities.

Opening Sentence

As it said that the first impression is the last impression on the same line start drafting your personal statement by sharing some interesting, relevant, unique and surprising information so that it will engage the reader.

Words and Expressions

Students are advised not to use complex sentences containing tough vocabulary just to show their command over the language. Readers always appreciate personal statements sharing relevant information with simple, clear and effective expressions. 

Maintain Words Limit

Sharing all the required information within the prescribed word limit is an art. Generally, applicants in the emotional flow of mentioning every detail even the minor ones cross the word limit which results in skipping the required one.

Follow Timeline of Events 

Always mention all the key events both academic and non-academic in a proper timeline which makes sense and can be readable like a story for the readers. It is advised to start with school days and proceed further.

Highlights Your Strengths & Weaknesses

Among thousands of applications getting selected is not an easy task. To make it happen candidates should write about their experiences, knowledge and future plans. They need to mention both their prime strength and a few weaknesses to make a balance.

Importance of Extracurricular Activities

Students’ participation in extracurricular or community activities during school, college days and as working professionals always draws the reader’s attention. Based on the work done by the applicant chances of application selection increased.

Don’t Boast without Base

Just to make the personal statement heavier than others students should not boast about their achievements or experiences without a sound base. Exaggerated answers to the question asked about personality and purpose always create a negative impact on the reader. So students should avoid it. 

Be You Only Not Somebody Else

Students should strictly avoid copying the content of appealing personal statements of others. They can take the reference only from it but should never copy the style and information of others. Students should not promote plagiarism.

Proofread Before Submission

Grammatical and spelling error creates a bad impression on a reader as well as decreases the candidature of the applicant so it is strongly recommended that before submitting your personal statement for university whether in the UK or other students should proofread the content at least twice or thrice by yourself to avoid any error repetition.

 Role of Mentorship 

Mentorship plays an important role for a freshman candidate during personal writing statements. It is a wise act to take guidance or mentorship from professionals or experienced fellows while writing a personal statement. It will not only reduce the chances of error even at the same time it will improve the quality too.

Building an Impactful SOP for your University Application | Leverage Edu

Basically, university officials look for motivation, commitment, leadership, teamwork and research-like skills in a student profile or personal statement. Admission officials are not looking for someone who is a genius but surely for someone who is genuine about actions. Students should always be clear with the questions like why this course, why this university, and why you in a well-organised way. This article will surely help them write the best personal statements for UK universities.

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