A lot of students in India are rejoicing as the latest update for Class 10th and Class 12th exams have been cancelled. The Class 10th and 12th Date Sheet had been released and revised multiple times. However, on 1 June 2021, the Prime Minister of India announced that the Class 12th Board exams have been cancelled.
“Health and safety of our students are of utmost importance and there would be no compromise on this aspect,” a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said. “Anxiety among students, parents and teachers, which must be put to an end…Students should not be forced to appear for exams in such a stressful situation. All stakeholders need to show sensitivity for students,” it said.
As for Class 10, the results will be prepared on the basis of the ‘objective criterion’ to be developed by the board. If students are not satisfied with the marks received, they can sit on an exam which will be conducted after the situation improves. This meeting is not only concerned with CBSE Board exams but also considers bringing a uniform policy or guidelines for state board exams.
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Latest News on CBSE Class 10 and 12 Date Sheet
18 October 2021
On Monday, October 18, the Central Board of Secondary Education issued the date sheet for the 10th and 12th Boards 2022 Term 1 examinations. The CBSE Board Exams 2022 Date Sheet is available on the CBSE’s official website, cbse.gov.in (after it is uploaded). In a previous announcement, the board stated that in the 2021-22 school year, it will hold two tests for classes 10th and 12th. The term 1 test, which will be held in November-December 2021, will last 90 minutes and will include objective questions. Depending on the COVID-19 scenario in the country, the term 2 test, which will be held in March-April 2022, will be either subjective or objective. All these examinations will be conducted offline. Students can download the class 10th and 12th date sheet from below:
1 June 2021- Evening
The exams for Class 12th have been cancelled. Following is the official notice of the exam.
1 June 2021
Students had been waiting for this for a long time. But chances for a decision on Class 12th Exams are low today. Students have filed a petition at the Supreme Court regarding the conducting of Class 12th board exams. The matter will be taken up on 3rd June 2021. The Ministry of Education will only be able to confirm the results after the decision is taken by the Supreme Court. The Prime Minister of India will chair an important meeting regarding Class 12th examinations this evening.
31 May 2021
The centre has informed the Supreme Court that the exams for Class 12th will be declared within two to three days. The state governments have already suggested their inputs for the conduct and format of the CBSE Class 12 exams.
25 May 2021
CBSE has announced that the Class 12th board exam dates will be declared on the official website of CBSE as soon as the Ministry of Education decides. CBSE has proposed to conduct exams between July 15 and August 26 and results will be declared in September
23 May 2021
On 23rd May 2021, the Ministry of Education declared that CBSE Class 12th exams will, in fact, take place. But there will be certain amendments to the exam. The Ministry has given an option to state governments to either conduct exams in only a selected few major subjects or hold exams in the school but change the exam pattern with only objective questions. The government has also offered the states to decide on holding the exams as per the conditions. The final exam date and mode of exam will be announced on 1st June 2021.
17 May 2021
On 17 May 2021, The Ministry of Education held a virtual meeting with different state-level authorities to take decisions on the upcoming Class 12th exams. While students across the country waited to get a final decision on the exams, the meeting came with no result on the cancellation of exams. However, it is important to note that neither CBSE nor the Ministry of Education is agreeing to cancel the exams. However, the idea has yet not been dismissed. Students have been showing their concerns across the country through social media by trending #Cancelboardexams2021. However, a decision is expected by 24 or 25 May 2021.
14 April 2021
As per the press note shared by CBSE, “The pandemic situation in the country is seeing a resurgence of COVID 19 positive cases in many states, with a few states having been affected more than others. In this situation, schools have been shut down in 11 states. Unlike State Boards, CBSE has an all-India character, and therefore, it is essential to hold exams simultaneously throughout the country. Hence, the decision to cancel the class 10th board and postpone the class 12th board exams has been taken.”
29 March 2021
As the covid cases rise again, CBSE has announced that students who are covid positive do not have to worry about their exams. Their exams will be conducted in April or even after the official exam date. These students are advised to rest and stay quarantined at home. If a covid positive student is not fit for taking Practical exams, their exams will also be postponed accordingly.
The new date sheet has a certain revision to reduce the burden of students. As per the exam schedule, the first exam will still be on 4th May for both years. Class 10th and Class 12th Date Sheet mentions that the last exam for Class 10th students is still on 7th June 2021, while for Class 12th students the date was initially June 11, 2021, but it is now June 14, 2021.
16th March 2021
Students whose families have moved to different cities or states can now apply for a change in examination/ practical exam centre. Students will be issued a universal roll number and have to put in a request in their schools for a change in the examination centre for both examination and practicals. Students can only make these changes once on their school portal on CBSE Website. Students have to choose one single centre for both practical and theory exams. The decision of CBSE will be considered as final.
Check out the official Notice by CBSE:

2nd February 2021
The Education Minister, in his video, assured the students that major exams have a significant preparation gap in between, for them to have enough time to prepare well and reduce their stress. He also applauded the students for being cautious with the pandemic, all the while taking care of their future as well. He takes the example that many teachers in India have set for the world with the rapid introduction of online classes and their hard work during the pandemic. Finally, he wishes great luck to every student and advises them to take these exams with fun!
State Level Exam Decisions
Several states including Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Haryana have already approved to conduct the exams. Different state governments have taken decisions for the upcoming exams:
Delhi- The exams will only be conducted once students are vaccinated
Gujarat- The government has decided to conduct exams for Science and General streams from 1 July. Part-1 of the exam will have multiple choice questions and Part-2 will have descriptive questions
Haryana- The government has suggested an allotment of exam centres, and have allowed students to take exams in their respective schools.
Tamil Nadu- The government has proposed conducting the exam after the Covid-19 situation subsides.
Assam- Students appearing for High School Leaving Certificate and Higher Secondary Exams will appear in only three papers
Bihar- The government has offered to conduct online examinations as the exams cannot be conducted in a pandemic situation.
Punjab- The government has offered to conduct exams for only three subjects.
Odisha- The government has mentioned that the exams can either be conducted after the situation is good or can be cut short. They also shared that the government is busy preparing for ensuing cyclones.
Karnataka- The government has mentioned that conducting the Class 12the exams is important
Madhya Pradesh- The decision on the class 12th board will be taken on June 1st.
Maharashtra- The decision will be taken in a week’s time
Class 10 and Class 12 Exams
CBSE released a revised date sheet for Class 10th and Class 12th Date sheets for the year 2021 on 5th March 2021 and on 14 April 2021, the CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 have been cancelled and postponed The original date sheet was announced on 2nd February by Hon’ble Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ via a video shared by him through his official Twitter handle.
The practical exams have started on 1st March 2021. Keeping in mind, the situation of the pandemic, the board says that Class 12th exams will be conducted in two different shifts.
CBSE Class 10 and 12 Results 2021
The results for CBSE Class 10 will be declared after CBSE declares the ‘objective criterion’ and Class 12 results will be announced after the exams are conducted. Till then, Class 10th Students can get ready for their New Classes and Class 12th have a longer time to prepare for the exam.
Important Details for CBSE Class 12 Exams
Due to the pandemic, the syllabus has been brought down to 70% for both classes 12th. For Class 12th, there are two shifts for the exam, the first is from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM and the second one is from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM.
For any updates on the upcoming CBSE exams, check out the CBSE Official Website.
Will there be a board exam in 2021 Class 10?
Class 10 Exams have been cancelled for the year 2021.
The exams for Class 10 have been cancelled but Class 12 exams have been postponed till further notice.
CBSE Class 10 Exams were postponed several times for the year 2021. However, as Covid second wave comes around, Class 10 exams have been cancelled.
You can easily score 90 in CBSE boards if you:
– Prepare well
– Work on weaknesses and improve your strong subjects
– Do practice tests daily
– Revise for your exam
– Focus on scoring subjects
– Manage your time during the exam
– Do not panic during the exam
CBSE was released its date sheet for classes 10 and 12. However, the class 10 and Class 12 exams have been cancelled and postponed respectively. We will be updating the date sheet for Class 12 soon.
Class 10 exams have been cancelled.
You can access the CBSE Date sheet directly from www.cbse.nic.in whenever the revised datasheets are released. Till then, prepare well!
The Class 12 and Class 10 exams have been postponed and cancelled respectively
That is all you need to know about Class 10th and 12th Date Sheet 2021. Leverage Edu wishes you very good luck with your upcoming exams!
Result class 10
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Result class 10