
This Day in History – April 1

4 minute read
April 1

If you have always thought of history as boring and heavy but still want to know certain historical facts to brush up your general knowledge, worry not, we have you covered! Here, in this blog, we talk about the important and life-changing events that took place on April 1, this day in history. 

What Happened in India on April 1? 

Project Tiger - April 1
Image Source: Big Cats India

1936: Orissa and Bihar 
Orissa and Bihar were recognised as new provinces under British rule on April 1, 1936. They were earlier a part of Bengal. 

1935: Reserve Bank of India 
India’s central banking institution, the Reserve Bank of India, was established on this day in history. 

1973: Project Tiger 
A project aimed at the conservation of Tigers, named Project Tiger, was launched in India’s famous tiger sanctuary, Jim Corbett National Park. 

Events that Happened Around the World on April 1 

Adolf Hitler - April 1
Image Source: Business Insider

33: The Last Supper 
The Last Supper was held according to a few historians accounts on this day in history. 

325: Jin Chengdi 
Just at the age of four, the Crown Prince, Jin Chengdi, became the Eastern Jin Dynasty emperor after succeeding his father. 

988: Robert II of France 
Marriage was held between Robert II of France and the Rozala of Italy on April 1, 988. 

1293: Robert Winchelsey
Heading towards Rome, Robert Winchelsey left England to be consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury. 

1318: Berwick-upon-Tweed captured 
Scotland captured Berwick-upon-Tweed from England on this day in history. 

1545: Potosi, Bolivia
After the discovery of huge deposits of silver, Potosi, Bolivia, was founded.

1625: Recapture of Bahia 
A combined Portuguese and Spanish fleet of 52 ships commenced the recapture of Bahia from the Dutch. This was during the Dutch-Portuguese war. 

1789: Frederick Muhlenberg
The first quorum was achieved by the United States House of Representatives and elected Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania as its first speaker.  

1826: Gas or Vapour Engine 
A patent was received for the compressionless Gas or Vapor Engine. It was given to Samuel Morey on April 1, 1826.

1854: Hard Times by Charles Dickens 
The novel Hard Times by Charles Dickens was begun being serialised in his magazine, Household Words. 

1867: Singapore
Singapore became a British crown colony on this day in history.

1873: Sinking of RMS Atlantic 
The White Star Steamer, RMS Atlantic, sank off Nova Scotia. It killed 547 people and was one of the worst marine disasters of the 19th century. 

1891: Wrigley Company 
The famous chewing gum making company Wrigley was founded in Chicago, Illinois.

1918: Royal Air Force 
A merger was done of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service, which led to the establishment of the Royal Air Force on April 1, 1918.

1924: Adolf Hitler imprisoned  
Adolf Hitler was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. This was done for his participation in the ‘Beer Hall Putsch’. However, he was in jail for only a span of 9 months. 

1933: Boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in Germany
The newly elected Nazis organised a one-day boycott of all Jewish owned businesses in Germany. It led to a series of Anti-Semitic acts. 

1937: Aden
Aden became a British crown colony on this day in history. 

1941: Military coup in Iraq
The regime of Abd-all-lah was overthrown in Iraq by a military coup.

1948: Faroe Islands 
The Faroe Islands gained autonomy from Denmark on April 1, 1948.

1974: Local Government Act of 1972
The Local Government Act of 1972 of England and Wales came into effect. 

1976: Apple Inc.
Steve Jobs formed Apple Inc. in Cupertino, California, USA. 

1979: Nickelodeon
The famous channel for the entertainment of children, Nickelodeon, was launched in the United States.

1989: Local Government Tax
Margaret Thatcher introduced the new local government tax, also known as the Community Charge was introduced in Scotland. 

1997: Comet Hale-Bopp
The Comet Hale-Bopp was seen passing at perihelion on April 1, 1997.

2001: Same-sex marriage
Same-sex marriage became legal in the Netherlands. It was the first contemporary country to legalise it.

2004: Gmail 
Google announced the most popular Gmail to the public on this day in history. 

2011: Burning of the Quran 
There were protests held in Afghanistan against the burning of the holy book Quran, which turned violent. It led to an attack on the United Nations compound, which caused the death of 13 people. 

2016: April War 
April War or The Four Day War began along the Nagorno-Karabakh line of contact on April 1, 2016. 

Important Birthdays 

  • 1980: Randy Orto
    Famous professional wrestler and actor Randy Orton was born on April 1, 1980. 
  • 1982: Mahhi Vij
    A popular Indian actress and model who has appeared in many television serials was born on April 1, 1982. 
  • 1995: Logan Paul
    Famous YouTuber Logan Paul was born on April 1, 1995. 

With this, we come to an end of this blog on this day in history, April 1. We hope you enjoyed going through this blog, and it refreshed your history – just like we wanted. For more such entertaining content, keep following us on Leverage Edu. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. 

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