By passing Resolution A/RES/70/212 on December 22, 2015, the General Assembly decided to create an annual International Day to recognize the crucial role that women and girls play in science and technology. UNESCO and UN-Women, in collaboration with organizations and partners from civil society, put forth the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which is observed on February 11. This day presents an opportunity to encourage women and girls to participate fully and equally in science. The support of young girls, their education, and their full capacity to express their ideas are levers for development and peace. Gender equality is a global priority for UNESCO. Check out all the details of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in this blog.
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Also Read: Women’s Equality Day
Women have outperformed men in the past 20 years in terms of the likelihood of earning an undergraduate degree. Despite their overall success, women still only receive half as many STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) degrees as men do. The United Nations took note of this discrepancy and declared February 11 of each year to be the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in 2015.
Women have more employment options and higher pay than those found in many other fields thanks to the ability to pursue STEM fields. We must make sure that women and girls do not lose out on the growing global demand for STEM skills.
This day gives us the chance to acknowledge the contribution that women and girls already make to science, to encourage younger generations of women to consider STEM careers and to inform men about their responsibility to support and mentor women and girls who are interested in technical and scientific fields in their academic and professional lives.
The time has come to realise women’s full potential in these fields and to examine how their contributions might change the world.
Also Read: Know all about Women’s Equality Day: History & Celebrations
Theme 2024
The theme for International Day of Women and Girls in Science is not declared yet.
Theme: Innovate. Demonstrate. Elevate. Advance. Sustain. ( I.D.E.A.S.)
Objective: Promoting Sustainable and Equitable Development for All
This year’s International Day of Women and Girls in Science (IDWGIS) will highlight the contribution that women and girls make to science in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will be discussed at the upcoming High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), specifically SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), SDG 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and SDG 17 (means of implementation), while the 2nd UN Ocean Conference and its High-Level Symposium on Water held in Lisbon, as a contribution for the 2023 UN Water Conference, and other UN Flora. The 2nd High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action on Water for Sustainable Development 2018–2028 was held in Dushanbe.
By doing this, the IDWGIS hopes to strengthen the connections between science, policy, and society for future-focused strategies. It also hopes to connect the international community to women and girls in science. In order to address the opportunities and challenges related to the SDGs, the IDWGIS will demonstrate best practices, strategies, and applied solutions. Additionally, it will feature a science workshop for blind girls and a presentation on “Science in Braille: Making Science Accessible” from blind scientists who are also scientists.
How to Observe International Day Of Women And Girls In Science?
Here are some ways in which you can observe International Day Of Women And Girls In Science:
Discover the Contributions Made by Women to Science
Learning about the numerous female pioneers who have made significant contributions to our society through science is fascinating. Look for materials that tell their stories in books, movies, and online resources. Through social media, honour these women and share what you’ve learned.
Girls, to be encouraged to pursue their Academic Passion
Do you know a young girl who enjoys science or do you have a daughter who does? Encourage her to persevere! Girls are not encouraged to follow their passions and too frequently stray from them. Find a friend who is knowledgeable about the most recent STEM career options so they can mentor her and explain them to her.
Connect with Girls Who Code
By 2027, the Girls Who Code organisation hopes to eliminate the technological gender gap through community-based girls’ clubs, summer camps, college programmes, fundraisers, corporate sponsorships, and advocacy. You can participate individually or you can encourage your business to participate corporately.
Also Read: International Women’s Day here!
Why Don’t More Girls Pursue Careers in the STEM fields?
This is a challenging and intricate query. Many solutions have been put forward.
Early years
Some claim that girls are less exposed to toys and activities that foster an interest in science. Some claim that because girls tend to be less confident in their own abilities and think less highly of themselves, they may not feel “qualified” to pursue a STEM degree at a university.
Choosing Options at School
According to studies, girls performed just as well on science exams as boys. However, girls have more options when choosing what to study because they frequently excel in other subjects as well. Their future employment decisions will undoubtedly be influenced by this.
Stepping into the Workforce
Another factor might be that girls may be deterred from pursuing careers in research or engineering if they consider themselves to be a small minority on a university course or at work. There is a widespread belief that being a minority will result in discrimination and require you to work much harder to succeed.
Importance of this Day
Here’s why this day is important not only for the girls, but people in general.
Boys Should be Taught
Boys must feel at ease around girls in STEM programmes just as much as girls must feel at ease being there. The goal of the global initiative Y4X is to advance gender equality in science by encouraging young boys and men to respect and acknowledge their female peers and to look to women in the field as mentors and role models.
Opportunity to Recognise Contributions
Today is a day to celebrate the accomplishments of women who came before us and made significant contributions to the world.
Time to Seize Opportunities
The time is now to support women in STEM fields, regardless of their age or stage in their careers. Finding and retaining women who are proficient in and enjoy technology is important to us all given the rate of job growth in the field.
5 Science Females You Should Know
This International Day of Women and Girls in Science, you must read about these women scientists who changed the world with their exceptional work in the field of science:
Katherine Johnson
Johnson, a mathematician best known for his work on Hidden Figures, calculated orbital mechanics for NASA and was essential to the first crewed spaceflight.
Lillian Gilbreth
Gilbreth, who was known as “America’s first lady of engineering” and the first industrial/organizational psychologist, was also one of the first American women engineers to receive a PhD. She was also the first female engineering professor at Purdue University.
Ruth Benerito
The wash-and-wear cotton fabrics Ruth Benerito created are perhaps her most famous invention. She was an American chemist and inventor who held 55 patents.
Edith Clarke
In the 1920s, while working for General Electric, Clarke made history by becoming both the first American woman to hold a professional position as an electrical engineer and the first female electrical engineering professor in the nation.
Rachel Carson
The US Environmental Protection Agency was established as a result of changes made to our pesticide policies and increased conservationism as a result of Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, which raised awareness of the use of pesticides in America.
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Ans. Promoting equal participation of women and girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) was the day’s primary goal.
Ans. The theme of the eighth International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly is not declared yet.
Ans. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science was established by the UN General Assembly on February 11 in order to recognise the significant contribution that women make to the fields of science and technology.
This was all about the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. For more information about such informative articles, check the trending events page of Leverage Edu.