Affordability of IGNOU Fee Structure attracts students to get admission here. The tuition fee for bachelor’s courses at IGNOU starts from INR 6,000 to 69,000 annually. To pursue postgraduation you need to spend a minimum of INR 10,000 per year. The amount will increase according to the choice of course. The IGNOU fee structure contains annual course fees for all the UG, PG, PhD, Certificate and Diploma programmes offered by the university. In this article, we will discuss the IGNOU fee structure for all the courses.
Name of the University | IGNOU |
Full Form | Indira |
Location | Pan India |
Education Level | Undergraduate Postgraduate PhD Diploma and Certificate |
Tuition Fee Ranging Form | INR 1000 to INR 69,000 |
Application Fee | INR 300 |
Official Website | |
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Also Read: How to Apply for Reevaluation at IGNOU?
IGNOU Fee Structure
The tuition fee at IGNOU starts from INR 1000 and goes up to INR 62,000. Candidates looking for admission at IGNOU need to pay the tuition fee to the university to successfully secure seats. The IGNOU fee structure is different for the undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral, diploma and certificate programs. Moreover, the duration of all the courses mentioned above levels is different. The cheapest tuition fee at IGNOU is for a Certificate in Urdu, which is INR 1000 only.
The undergraduate fee at IGNOU starts from INR 3600, which is for a Bachelor’s in Social Work. This is the cheapest course available at IGNOU at the undergraduate level. The table below highlights the IGNOU fee structure for BA courses.
Name of the Courses | Course Code | Tuition Fee (INR) |
BA Economics (Hons.) | BAECH | 9600 |
BCom General | BCOMG | 8100 |
BA Political Science (Hons.) | BAPSH | 9600 |
B.a In Tourism Studies | BTS | 14100 |
BA History (Hon.) | BAHIH | 9600 |
BA Psychology (Hon.) | BAPCH | 11400 |
BA Sociology (Hon.) | BASOH | 9600 |
B.a. In Gender Studies | BAGS | 13500 |
BA in Vocational Studies Tourism Management | BAVTM | 12600 | Honours Anthropology | BSCANH | 15600 |
Bachelor Honours Public Administration | BAPAH | 9600 |
BBA (Services Management) | BAFSM | 31500 |
Bachelor Of Arts (General) | BAG | 7200 |
BA English (Hon.) | BAG English | 12000 |
Bachelor Of Arts (general) In Hindi | BAG Hindi | 12000 |
Bachelor Of Arts (general) In Philosophy | BAG Philosophy | 8100 |
Bachelor Of Arts (general) In Sanskrit | BAG Sanskrit | 12000 |
Bachelor Of Arts (general) In Urdu | BAG Urdu | 12000 |
Bachelor Of Arts (vocational Studies) Micro Small And Medium Enterprises | BAVMSME | 15300 |
Bachelor Of Arts In Applied Hindi | BAAHD | 13500 |
Bachelor Of Arts In Applied Sanskrit | BAASK | 13500 |
Bachelor’s Honours Degree Programme (Hindi) | BBASM | 60000 |
Bachelor Of Business Administration In Retailing | BBARL | 27000 |
BCom (Accountancy and Finance) | BCOMAF | 6000 |
Bachelor Of Computer Applications | BCA | 40200 |
Bachelor Of Education | B.Ed. | 55000 |
Bachelor Of Library And Information Science | BLIS | 7900 |
Bachelor Of Performing Arts-hindustani Music(honours) | BAPFHMH | 27600 |
BSc | UGC-CBCS | 16500 |
BSc in Biochemistry | BSCBCH | 43500 |
Bachelor of Social Work | BSW | 12000 |
Bachelor Of Tourism (online) | BTSOL | 14100 |
Bachelor’s Honours Degree Programme (Sanskrit) | BAHDH | 13500 |
Bcom With a Major In Corporate Affairs And Administration | BASKH | 13500 |
Bachelor’s Honours Degree Programme (urdu) | BAUDH | 13500 |
Bcom With a Major In Corporate Affairs And Administration | BCom (CA&A) | 4800 |
Bcom With a Major In Financial And Cost Accounting | BCom (CA&A) | 6000 |
Bcom With a Major In Financial And Cost Accounting | BCom(F&CA) | 6000 |
Bcom With Major In Financial And Cost Accounting | BCom(F&CA) | 4800 |
Bsc | General | 12500 |
BSc Nursing (Post Basic) | BScN(PB) | 69000 |
IGNOU offers dozens of postgraduate courses to eligible students in various fields. Candidates planning to study a graduate-level course at IGNOU must know the fee structure of their course and other related information. The table below highlights the IGNOU PG fee structure.
Name of the Courses | Course Code | Tuition Fee (INR) |
MA in Development Journalism | MADJ | 10000 |
MA in Journalism And Digital Media | MAJDM | 10000 |
MA in Arabic | MAARB | 10800 |
MA in French | MAFL | 12500 |
MA in Hindu Studies | MAHN | 14000 |
MSc (Applied Statistics) | MSCAST | 30800 |
MSc Geoinformatics | MSCGI | 31400 |
Ma in Distance Education | MADE | 10800 |
Ma in Gender And Development Studies | MAGD | 10800 |
Ma in Journalism And Electronic Media | MAJEM | 25000 |
Ma In Psychology | MAPC | 18600 |
Ma in Translation Studies | MATS | 10800 |
Master Of Arts (drawing And Painting ) | MADP | 16500 |
Master Of Arts (economics) | MEC | 12000 |
MA General | MEG | 13200 |
Master Of Arts (Hindi Vyavsayik Lekhan) | MAHV | 14000 |
Master Of Arts (Hindi) | MHD | 13200 |
Master Of Arts (hindi) Online | MHD Online | 12000 |
MA History (Hons.) | MAH | 9000 |
Master Of Arts (Jyotish) | MAJY | 12600 |
Master Of Arts (ma In Folklore And Culture Studies) | MAFCS | 10800 |
Master Of Arts (Philosophy) | MAPY | 9000 |
Master Of Arts (Political Science) | MPS | 9000 |
Master Of Arts (Public Administration) | MPA | 9000 |
Master Of Arts (Rural Development) | MA(RD) | 13600 |
Master Of Arts (Russian) | MARUS | 10800 |
Master Of Arts (Sanskrit Online) | MSKOL | 14000 |
Master Of Arts (Sanskrit) | MSK | 13200 |
MA Sociology (Hons.) | MSO | 7300 |
Master Of Arts (Urdu) | MAUD | 12600 |
Master Of Arts (vedic Adhyayan) | MAVS | 14000 |
Master Of Arts In Adult Education | MAAE | 14400 |
Master Of Arts In Corporate Social Responsibility | MACSR | 14000 |
Master Of Arts In Development Studies | MADVS | 11000 |
Master Of Arts In Distance Education Online | MADEOL | 12000 |
MA English (Hons) | MEGOL | 12000 |
Master Of Arts In Environmental And Occupational Health | MAEOH | 13200 |
Master Of Arts In Environmental Studies | MAEVS | 12000 |
Master Of Arts In Gandhi And Peace Studies | MAGPS | 9000 |
Master Of Arts In Gandhi And Peace Studies | MAGPS | 5000 |
Master Of Arts In Gandhi And Peace Studies | MAGPSOL | 9000 |
Master Of Arts In Journalism & Mass Communication | MAJMC | 25000 |
Master Of Arts In Journalism & Mass Communication | MAJMC | 25000 |
Master Of Arts In Sustainability Science Mass | MASS | 7000 |
Master Of Arts In Urban Studies | MAUS | 12000 |
Master Of Arts In Women’s And Gender Studies | MAWGS | 14400 |
Master Of Arts In Women’s And Gender Studies (revised) | MAWGSR | 14400 |
MBA | MBA | 62000 |
Master Of Business Administration (banking & Finance) | MBF | 62000 |
Master Of Business Administration (Financial Management) | MBAFM | 62000 |
Master Of Business Administration (Human Resources Management) | MBAHM | 62000 |
Master Of Business Administration (Marketing Management) | MBAMM | 62000 |
Master Of Business Administration (Operations Management) | MBAOM | 62000 |
MCom | MCom | 11000 |
Master Of Commerce In Business Policy And Corporate Governance | MCom (BP & CG) | 6000 |
Master Of Commerce In Business Policy And Corporate Governance | MCom (BP & CG) | 7000 |
MCA | MCA | 72000 |
Master Of Library And Information Science | MLIS | 10800 |
Master Of Science (counselling And Family Therapy) | MSCCFT | 34200 |
Master Of Science (Environmental Science) | MSCENV | 15000 |
Master Of Science (food And Nutrition) | MSCDFSM | 33000 |
Master Of Science (physics) | MSCPH | 28000 |
Master Of Science (Renewable Energy And Environment) | MSCRWEE | 24400 |
Master Of Science In Geography | MSCGG | 28000 |
Master of Social Work | MSW | 32400 |
Master Of Social Work (Counselling) | MSWC | 36000 |
Master Of Tourism & Travel Management | MTTM | 14200 |
Masters In Anthropology | MAAN | 18300 |
Masters Of Arts In Migration And Diaspora | MAMIDI | 12000 |
MSc (Mathematics With Applications In Computer Science) | MACS | 26400 |
MSc in Life Science | MSc LS | 5000 |
The table below highlights the tuition fee for Doctoral programmes at IGNOU.
Programme Name | Programme Code | Programme Fee(INR) |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Geography | PHDGEOG | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Performing And Visual Arts With Specialization In Fine Arts, Theatre Arts, Music And Dance | PHDPVA | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy Computer Science | PHDCS | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy in Food & Nutrition | PHDFN | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Rural Development | PHDRD | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Anthropology | PHDAN | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Biochemistry | PHDBC | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Chemistry | PHDCHE | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Commerce | PHDCOM) (Regular Mode | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Development Studies | PHDDV | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Economics | PHDEC | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Education | PHDES | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In English | PHDENG | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Environmental Science | PHDEV | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Geology | PHDGY | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Hindi | PHDHIN | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In History | PHDHIS | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Inter-disciplinary And Trans-disciplinary Studies | PHDITS | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Journalism & Mass Communication | PHDJMC | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Law | PHDLE | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Library & Information Science | PHDLIS | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Life Sciences | PHDLS | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Management | PHDMGMT) (Regular Mode | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Mathematics | PHDMT | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Nursing | PHDNS | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Physics | PHDPH | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Political Science | PHDPS | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Psychology | PHDPC | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Public Administration | PHDPA | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Sanskrit | PHDSK | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Social Work | PHDSW | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Sociology | PHDSOC | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Statistics | PHDSTAT | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Tourism And Hospitality | PHDTS | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Urdu | PHDUL | 16800 |
Doctor Of Philosophy In Vocational Education | PHDVET | 16800 |
Integrated Msc-PhD In Physics And Astrophysics | IPHDAP | 14000 |
PhD in Arabic | PhD (A) | 5000 |
PhD in French | PhD(A) | 14000 |
PhD in Dairy Science And Technology | PHDDR | 16800 |
PhD in Distance Education | PHDDE | 33600 |
PhD In French | PHDFL | 16800 |
PhD in Translation Studies | PHDTT | 16800 |
PhD in Gender And Development Studies | PHDGD | 16800 |
PhD in Women’s Studies | PHDWS | 16800 |
IGNOU Diploma Fees
The table below highlights the tuition fee for IGNOU Diploma courses.
Name of the Course | Tuition Fee (INR) |
Diploma In Creative Writing In English | 3800 |
Diploma In Event Management | 8000 |
Diploma In Aquaculture | 7000 |
Diploma In Critical Care Nursing | 6000 |
Diploma In Nursing Administration | 9600 |
Diploma In Teaching German As A Foreign Language | 7000 |
Diploma In Tourism Studies | 4500 |
Diploma In Women’s Empowerment And Development | 3600 |
IGNOU Certificate Fees
The table below highlights the tuition fee for Certificate programmes at IGNOU. Candidates can pay the fee by using online payment methods such as UPI, credit/debit card or more.
Name of the Course | Tuition Fee (INR) |
Post-graduate Certificate In Agriculture Policy | 3600 |
Advanced Certificate In Information Security | 5400 |
Post Graduate Certificate In Information And Assistive Technologies (Visually Impaired) | 3600 |
Post-graduate Certificate In Adult Education | 3600 |
Post Graduate Certificate In Gandhi And Peace Studies | 2000 |
Post Graduate Certificate In Industrial Safety | 6000 |
Post Graduate Certificate In Cyber Law | 8400 |
Post-graduate Certificate In Bangla-Hindi Translation | 1800 |
Post-graduate Certificate In Malayalam-Hindi Translation | 1800 |
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The BA English (Hons.) fee at IGNOU is INR 9600 for the entire course duration. Candidates applying for this course need to pay the admission fee either online or offline.
IGNOU accepts tuition fees in both offline and online modes. Candidates who can make the payment online need to visit the official website and pay the fees using their credit card/ debit card/ net banking.
The tuition fee for Diploma courses at IGNOU varies, depending on the course. The most expensive Diploma course at IGNOU is the Diploma In Nursing Administration, which has a total tuition fee of INR 9600.
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This was all about the IGNOU Fee Structure. For more such informative blogs, check out our IGNOU Admission & Student Help Centre Page, or you can learn more about us by visiting our Indian University page.