What is the Full Form of UNIDO?

3 minute read
UNIDO Full Form text with a picture of the UNIDO logo and SDG 9 logo and construction image

The full form of UNIDO is the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. UNIDO is a specialised agency under the UN Economic and Social Council. Moreover, UNIDO seeks to help countries with sustainable as well as inclusive industrial and economic development. UNIDO was formed on the 17th of November, 1966 with its headquarters located in Vienna, Austria. “Progress by Motivation” is the motto of UNIDO. Moreover, the current director general of the UNIDO is Gerhard “Gerd” Müller. As of today, there are 172 member countries of the UNIDO. 

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What are the Aims of UNIDO?

In addition, the Aims of UNIDO are as follows: 

  • Environmental Sustainability: UNIDO emphasizes environmental sustainability by promoting the adoption of cleaner technologies and sustainable production practices.
  • Promotion of Industrialization: Moreover, UNIDO also aims to encourage and accelerate industrialization in developing countries. It does so by focusing on sustainable and inclusive development.
  • Poverty Reduction: Additionally, UNIDO seeks to contribute to poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards in developing countries by facilitating industrialization.
  • Inclusive and Sustainable Development: The organization works towards inclusive and sustainable development by supporting countries in building productive capacities, creating jobs, and improving economic competitiveness.
  • International Cooperation: The UNIDO promotes international cooperation to encourage the exchange of knowledge, technology, and best practices in the industrial sector throughout the world.

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What is the Role of UNIDO in India?

In India, UNIDO has set up the International Centre for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in New Delhi. The purpose of the Centre is to boost manufacturing technologies in India, transfer expertise and technology to Least Developed Countries (LDCs), primarily in Asia and Africa, as well as to promote South-South Cooperation.  

Furthermore, UNIDO has a strong role in sustaining industrial development in India via initiatives and programs. This comprises of:

  • Technical Assistance: The UNIDO gives technical assistance and expertise to help India develop its industrial sector. It also improves efficiency and adopts sustainable practices.
  • Capacity Building: The organization backs capacity-building initiatives to enhance the skills and capabilities of people and institutions who are involved in industrial development.
  • Promotion of Sustainable Practices: In addition, the UNIDO works with India to promote sustainable industrial practices which include energy efficiency, waste reduction, and the adoption of cleaner technologies.
  • Facilitating Investments: The UNIDO may also enable investments in key sectors to boost industrial growth and create employment opportunities in India.


  1. What is the full form of UNIDO?
    The full form of UNIDO is United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
  2. What are the aims of UNIDO?
    UNIDO aims to promote environmental sustainability, industrialization, poverty reduction, and inclusive, sustainable development through international cooperation.
  3. What is UNIDO’s role in India?
    In India, UNIDO supports industrial development through technical assistance, capacity building, promotion of sustainable practices, and facilitating investments in key sectors.

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