What are Human Rights?

6 minute read
What are Human Rights

We are surrounded by news articles talking about human rights violations by countries, leaders and fellow members of societies. We hear about activists and people fighting for their human rights, organisations rallying for equalising these rights for all but, what are human rights? What do they entail and who grants us these privileges? What privileges are there under human rights and how can we avail them? In this blog, let’s strive to be political and active members of our society by understanding what these protections are and their importance!

What are Human Rights?

what are human rights
Source: Un.org

In 1948, the General Assembly recognised certain values and rights are integral to the very essence of humans. The world was torn by two world wars and the need to establish universal values and ideas for mutual respect and recognition became the crux of the newly formed United Nations in the early 20th century. Human rights were declared fundamental rights that each human being has as a virtue of his or her birth into the human race. It is inherent in human individuals, regardless of nationality, religion, language, sex, colour, or any other factor. The provisions of the Indian Constitution that give people their rights are known as the Rights and Fundamental Rights. These fundamental rights are basic to all citizens, regardless of gender, caste, religion, or faith, are entitled to. These sections are the most important parts of the Indian Constitution, which was established between 1947 and 1949.

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Human Rights in India

What are human rights
Source: Tailhead

In India, there are six fundamental rights in India. They are the rights to equality, freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom, cultural and educational rights, and right to constitutional remedies. These protections are important for the growth of the country’s people, which in turn contributes to the development of the country as a whole. Every person of India is granted basic human rights under the Indian Constitution.

The framers of the Indian Constitution made every effort to include all of the essential provisions. The horizon of these protections has, nevertheless, broadened as a result of ongoing changes. Parliamentarians are increasingly playing a significant role in recognizing people’s rights and passing laws, modifying laws to protect and serve the people in this technologically advanced age. 

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What are Human Rights: Explained Briefly

Human rights in two minutes
YouTube: Amnesty Switzerland

The fundamental rights are listed below. They are different from legal rights because every individual is entitled to the protection of these rights and can directly move to the Supreme Court of India if she/he is denied any of the freedoms covered by these rights.

  • Right to Equality
  • Right to Freedom
  • Right against Exploitation
  • Right to Freedom of Religion
  • Cultural and Educational Rights
  • Right to Constitutional Remedies

Right to Equality

Equal rights for all citizens are guaranteed under the right to equality. Inequality on the basis of caste, religion, place of birth, race, or gender is forbidden by the Right to Equality. It also provides equal opportunity in public employment and prohibits the government from discriminating against anybody in the workplace based solely on religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, place of residency, or any combination of these factors.

Right to Freedom

The right to freedom gives us a variety of rights. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly without arms, freedom of travel across our country’s territory, freedom of association, freedom to pursue any profession, and freedom to reside in any part of the country are among these rights. 

Right against Exploitation

Human trafficking, child labour, and forced labour are all illegal, according to Right Against Exploitation, and any act of forcing a person to work without pay while he is legally entitled to not work or get paid for it is also illegal. Unless it’s for the public good, such as community services or non-profit labour.

Right to Freedom of Religion

In India, the right to freedom of religion provides religious liberty and promotes secularism. According to the Constitution, all religions should be treated equally and impartially, and no state shall have an official religion. It also ensures that everyone has the right to freedom of conscience and to preach, practise, and propagate any religion of their choosing.

Cultural and Educational Rights

Cultural and Educational Rights safeguard the rights of cultural, religious, and linguistic minorities by allowing them to conserve their heritage while also safeguarding them from discrimination. Educational rights ensure that everyone, regardless of caste, gender, religion, or other factors, has access to education.

Right to Constitutional Remedies

Citizens’ right to constitutional remedies allows them to approach India’s supreme court for enforcement or protection against violations of their basic rights. The Supreme Court has the authority to enforce the Fundamental Rights against private entities and, in the event of a violation, to give compensation to the individual who has been harmed.

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Why are they Important?

Fundamental Rights Indian Constitution | Quick Revision
YouTube: Finology Legal

In recent decades, there has been an increase in interest in and understanding human rights. But, why are human rights important? Here are the reasons:

Human Rights guarantee that People’s Fundamental Needs are Addressed

Everyone needs food, and water, as well as clothing and shelter. Everyone has a baseline degree of dignity when these are included in a person’s basic human rights. Unfortunately, millions of people still lack basic essentials, but by framing it as a question of human rights, activists and others may strive to ensure that they are provided for everyone.

Human Rights empower Individuals to oppose Social Corruption

When individuals are subjected to abuse or corruption, rights empowers them to speak up. Because no society is flawless, particular rights such as the freedom to assemble are important. People are empowered by the concept of rights, which teaches them that they are entitled to dignity from society, whether it be the government or their workplace. They have the option to stand if they do not receive it.

Human Rights allow Individuals to Practice their Religion Freely 

Religious violence and oppression have occurred repeatedly throughout history. It is about respecting a person’s religious and spiritual views and allows them to exercise them in peace. It is also a human right to refuse to follow a religion.

Human Rights allow People to Access an Education

Education is essential for a variety of reasons, and it is especially necessary for cultures where poverty is widespread. To break the cycle of poverty, organizations and governments are concerned with access to schools, supplies, and other resources. When education is viewed as a right, it implies that everyone, not just the wealthy, has access.

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List of Organisations working for Human Rights

Here is a list of organisations that work towards increasing awareness and access regarding individual rights and duties.

  • Amnesty International
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Civil Rights Defenders
  • Asian Centre for Human Rights
  • People’s Union for Civil Liberties
  • People’s Union for Democratic Rights
  • People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights
  • National Confederation of Human Rights Organisations
  • National Human Rights Commission of India

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Human rights are the basic rights that are necessary for a person’s growth as a human being. The Constitution serves as a safeguard for those fundamental rights known as Fundamental Rights. We hope that we have familiarized you with what human rights are and why they matter. Follow Leverage Edu on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and LinkedIn to get more riveting content on the fascinating world of education! 

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