
7 Reasons to Do a Summer Internship

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Summer Internship

For those pursuing an undergraduate or postgraduate level program, a summer internship is an integral aspect included at the end of the spring semester. There are plentiful reasons to do an internship as it extremely benefits your career growth and brings you innumerable opportunities to explore the industry you have always dreamed to become a part of. Furthermore, it is a perfect opportunity for those aiming to steer towards a career change and want to discover a new sector towards which they are inclined. This blog will walk you through the prominent reasons why pursuing a summer internship is incredibly important for anyone curious enough to explore the unknown!

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Get the Real-world Corporate Experience

For college undergraduates, summer internships are golden possibilities to unlock the door to immense industrial exposure. Bachelor’s degree and master’s degree programs incorporate internship and training at the end of the annual curriculum only to let students explore their field of interest by getting real-world experience. Pursuing a summer internship, you will get to know about an organisation work, the corporate culture as well as you will get to gather an immense amount of knowledge of carrying out different tasks as well as responsibilities.

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Furnish Career Skills & Build an Impressive Resume

While the summer break is designed to help students take a break from their study schedule, opting for an internship during this time can assist you in acquiring precious career skills as well as furnish your communication skills and competencies. The experience you gain through an internship is extremely valuable in familiarising yourself with the field you aspire towards and what roles you find fit for yourself to pursue. An additional benefit is that it will surely complement your resume as completing your degree, your employers would certainly consider the internships and training you have accomplished during your graduation or postgraduation.

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Increase Your Chances of Receiving a Pre-placement Offer

During a summer internship, if your organisation finds you to be a valuable asset then there is an increased chance that you might get a pre-placement offer to turn your training into a full-fledged job. Companies are always on the lookout for persevering and hard-working interns who can show true passion towards the organisation and its workings and thus offer them to pursue a full-time job once their course concludes! So, even if you get an unpaid internship, it is your attitude, work ethics and contribution to the organisation that will ultimately decide whether you will get a pre-placement offer or not!

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Evaluate Your Career Goals

Since internships need no prior experience from the candidate to be able to qualify for them, they are a wonderful opportunity to experiment and evaluate your interests in career goals. For instance, if you aim to build a career in digital marketing, try exploring varied summer internships at advertising agencies or for marketing training positions at different companies. When you will pursue an internship in a field of your choice, you can delve deeper into assessing whether your career goals are realistic enough for you at a particular stage of your professional journey!

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Avail Networking Opportunities

No matter which career field you aspire for, networking always plays a central role in getting you in touch with the best opportunities. Doing a summer internship in the field of your choice, you will get to interact with people who are working in the same industry you are aspiring for and thus you can avail this chance to build as many contacts as possible. The industrial exposure you will get through an internship is immensely valuable and you never know you might end up meeting people who might ultimately play a great role in getting you closer to your career aspirations!

Gain Professional References

Professional References often play a crucial role in an application for whether you are aiming to study abroad or applying to your dream job. Summer internships during your degree program is are a great way to avail networking opportunities and gain professional references. Your teachers and supervisors can always a significant academic reference but someone from your chosen field will surely add up to your resume. A letter of recommendation from an industry professional would help you reach great heights in your professional career.

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Apply Classroom Learning in the Practical World

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Your prime aim of taking up a summer internship should always be to learn as much as possible. You can further incorporate what you have learnt in class to the real-world problems you will face as an intern. Industrial training is a fun way to put your bookish knowledge to good use and analyse if what you are learning in the classroom is just theoretical or has practical applications as well.

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Hence, a summer internship is incredibly advantageous for anyone wanting to explore a career field through practical experiences. If you are struggling with career choices and feel unsure about which career path to take, book an e-meeting with our Leverage Edu experts and we will help you sort your interests and preference and find the right pathway to follow to actualise your career aspirations!

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