
Success Mantra for Competitive Exams

4 minute read
Success Mantra

Preparing for a competitive exam is like fighting a battle with a headstrong monster ready to ambush you with its unlimited powers. You can only rely on your own strengths and combat skills to gain a successful win. Similarly, for a competitive exam, you are aware of the vastly monstrous syllabus and the pattern but unaware of the exact way to cover everything, accumulate and retain the knowledge. Here the key question is: Is there a success mantra for competitive exams?

Tips and Tricks for Acing Competitive Exams

Following the right methods of preparation can get you closer to cracking a competitive exam. How? Keep reading and get ready to be imparted with the success mantra of victoriously nailing competitive exams.

Study smart

Most of us grew up following the education system of ‘studying and working hard’. But, studying the smart way helps you attain the right knowledge, retain it for the long run and utilize it when you sit for the competitive exam.

Knowing the smarter way to study is the first success mantra for competitive exams. Begin at an early phase with the following key steps:

  • Plan the preparation of the respective exam’s syllabus
  • Strategize as per topics you need to cover and your available time
  • Prioritize the topics as per your knowledge and grasp over them
  • Practice and revise every topic consistently to keep it in your long-term memory

Another scientific method of studying is the popular ‘Textbook reading method’ by Cornell University’s Dr. Walter Pauk. This methodology is based on power reading a chapter or a topic through the steps of OKR4, i.e. Overview, Key Ideas, Reading, Recall, Reflect and Revision/Review.

Overview: Start with a general glance at sub-headings, introduction, and an overall synopsis.

Key Ideas: Go back to the chapter again; note the key ideas through bold and italic texts, pointers and pictorial content.

Reading: Thoroughly read the whole chapter.

Recall: Put the text away and write the points you can recall.

Reflect: Reflect upon the topic and its elements and connect it with other topics you know.

Revision/Review: Regularly revise and test yourself about every chapter to keep it in the long-term memory.

The Mantras of Knowledge Retention

Knowledge retention is extremely important in competitive exams because there is a vast syllabus to cover and retaining everything you learn can be hard.

For maintaining your knowledge in the longer run, Ivan Pavlov’s method is a helpful success mantra for competitive exams.

Pavlov, a Russian physiologist found in an experiment where dogs were kept waiting in anticipation even after the bell for food was rang, it made them salivate and more hungry. Just like this, when our brain is trained to study a particular subject at the same time regularly; it helps in making it ready for a subject over a period of time, no matter how boring you find it. You can use this trick to prepare your brain for a boring subject.

Moreover, always try to have brief study sessions with the maximum studying time of 40 minutes. Rather than doing similar subjects together, try sandwiching different subject combinations to help your brain feel refreshed.

Keep a check on stress

The third and pivotally important success mantra for competitive exams is to find time to rejuvenate and refresh your mind in between the study hours. Coffee is considered good for concentration but too much caffeine can affect your brain adversely so monitor your coffee intake. Get 8 hours of sleep every night. Create a minimum 20-minute exercise routine or go for running or long walks every day. Incorporate meditation in your study routine because it will keep your mind calm and peaceful along with boosting concentration.

Hacks to have your focus intact

There are some proven hacks and tricks that can also work as effective success mantra for competitive exams. Here are some of the best hacks you can follow to improve focus:

  • Use colorful highlighting in your notes.
  • Create your flashcards and infographics to turn boring topics into interesting ones. This works amazingly for building vocabulary.

Also read: 50 Difficult Words with Meanings

  • Break a chapter into core keywords to remember it easily.
  • Revise a topic consistently.

Tackling distractions

Distractions will try to seek your continuous attention while preparing for competitive exams. Spend minimal time scrolling through the internet and try balancing your social life to maintain your focus on preparation.

Instead of staying on social media for hours, use your time online to read and explore informational content from websites such as Quora, TED, etc. Choosing the kind of content you want your brain to absorb during this phase is a significant success mantra for competitive exams as it will assist immensely in keeping you motivated.

Success Mantra for your Career Path

On the path to getting geared up for a competitive exam, you will need to know your weaknesses and strengths to tap into the potential you possess. And that’s what our experts at Leverage Edu are here for!

From sticking by your side throughout the exam preparation to boosting your morale and helping you channel the right energy for the competitive exam, the Leverage Edu mentors will assist you in manifesting the success mantra for competitive exams leading you to nail it. Get in touch with us at Leverage Edu: +91-8826200293 and let us be by your side in your journey to a successful career.

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