

3 minute read

If you are planning your masters, then your mind is loaded with a bunch of questions. Should I go for a full time MBA or a part time MBA? Should I apply to US or Canada or Europe? Should I go for master’s degree or MBA? Which school would be the best option for me? Interestingly a new question is also added to this big list for most of the candidates- Which exam should I take- Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE)?

The big change in MBA admissions in last few years, is that the business schools have started accepting  both GRE and GMAT, which implies that students will have to decide a better option among both tests. Competition among the most famous tests worldwide for masters creates an ambiguity among test takers. Many business schools say they want to broaden their horizon of applicant pool by accepting the GRE as an alternative in the admissions process.

Let’s have a look at the key differences:



5,84,677 with almost 99,376 Indian test takers Approx test takers worldwide for last one year 2,61,248 with almost 30,123 Indian test takers

Master’s degree or Business school

Who takes the Test

Business school and that’s all !

Over 1150 universities accept the GRE and this number is growing every day.


Over 1800 universities across globe accept the GMAT score

$195 Cost


The GRE consists of a 60-minute AWA with two essays at 30 minutes each. There are two 30-minute Verbal Reasoning sections. There are two 35-minute Quantitative Reasoning sections. There’s also a 30-35 minute experimental section that can be either math or verbal

Exam Structure

The GMAT consists of a 30-minute AWA section with one essay, a 30-minute Integrated Reasoning section, a 75-minute Quantitative section and a 75- minute Verbal section with three specific order preferences.

Computer adaptive by section


Computer adaptive by questions

3 hours 45 minutes

Testing hours

3 hours 30 minutes

5 years Validity

5 years



GRE verbal ability section is focused more on vocabulary whereas the GMAT tests grammar, logic, and reasoning skills. Your skills in math may play a vital role in your decision of which test to take. GRE math tests , concepts related to fundamentals on number theory, basic triangle properties while the GMAT tests your systematic approach for solving long word problems. As per ETS guidelines revised GRE still requires basic math skills such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis; however, it will focus more on data interpretation problems and real-life scenarios.

Eventually, both GMAT and GRE have more in common than the variations. To score at either of them you need to master all basic concepts of math plus improve your reading and critical reasoning skills. If you are still not sure, try this plan of action:

  1. Prepare a list of schools where you want to apply on the basis of course requirement and your profile.
  2. Contact the respective schools and enquire about their eligibility criterion. Ask if they give advantage on one test over other. Most of the cases, answer will be “NO”.
  3. Take a diagnostic test for both GRE & GMAT. For GMAT download free gmatprep software from www.mba.com and for GRE download free power prep software from www.ets.org.com. Take each test and see how you score.

In the end, the test/score that you decide to apply with, should be good enough to leverage your application for higher education.

Chinu Vasudeva

Head, Academics

[email protected]

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