How to Ace Physics Practical in Class 12?

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physics practical

Class XIIth is a difficult time for everyone. The pressure to perform excellently in the final showdown of board examination houses in the gut of each and every student, irrespective of the steam they belong to. If we talk about the Science stream students, the pressure turns out to be a level up due to the early introduction of practicals. These are conducted mainly for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science and Physical Education at the senior secondary level. In this blog, we will discover all about Physics practicals in class XIIth and tips to ace it!

The Physics practical constitutes 30 marks in total, where the students can easily score really high marks like 28 or 29 out of 30 marks. Following the correct approach and tricks is the only way to bag the highest scores.  

Important Tips to Ace the Physics Practical in Class 12

When it comes to practicals, one must start preparing from the beginning of the academic session. While regular practice provides an upper hand in grabbing a great score, there are some tips and tricks that can facilitate the performance of later realisers. Given below are some of them that can help you wing the Physics Practicals in class XIIth. 

Know the Concepts Well!

When students sit in the Practical exam, they must read the question carefully in order to understand the principle behind the experiment. It is necessary for candidates to know all the concepts well in order to identify the correct methodology for solving the given problem. If the students pay attention to the practical classes, doing the same task in Physics practical won’t be a tough nut to crack!

Opt for a Stepwise Approach 

Before performing a specific experiment, students must make a plan of action by noting a series of steps which is to be involved in carrying out the experiment. Different experiments require a different approach, creating a stepwise guide will enable the candidates to know what to do next beforehand. Therefore, it is quintessential for aspirants to have a good knowledge of the apparatus along with the steps!

Understanding Over Cramming

Understanding the flow of the experiment, and comprehending the answers of all the whys and hows in advance will ease the process of learning the chronological order of events. This will also help students to retain the concepts for a longer duration. However, cramming might lead to confusion in the final exam time.  

Practice Makes A Man Perfect

When preparing for the physics practical exam, students must practice circuits and diagrams well. They must learn the circuit diagrams carefully and have a clear idea about how different terminals are connected to each other. The examiner might come to the candidates and ask them to set the apparatus again and failing to do so might lead to trouble! The only way to avoid this situation is the continuous practice of setting the apparatus. 

Be Confident 

During the Physics practical examinations, a student must remain calm no matter what topic is given by the examiner. Staying calm and composed can help students in performing the experiment in a better way. Being confident is the only way for students to score great marks. 

Cbse Board Practicals  Do's and Dont's | Anurag Tyagi Classes
Source: Anurag Tyagi Classes on Youtube

List of Experiments for Physics Practical Examination of Class 12

There are numerous experiments that are included in the Physics Practical XIIth standard syllabus. Learners must have tried each experiment, to acquire the necessary set of skills to excel in the final test. Given below is a list of some important experiments that might be asked during viva questions

  • Students might be asked to use a convex lens and find out the focal length of a provided convex mirror.
  • Students might be provided with a meter bridge and then asked to verify laws pertaining to a parallel combination through necessary experiments.
  • Using the meter bridge, students might be asked to find the resistivity and the resistance of a wire and determine the material of the same.
  • Students might be provided with a travelling microscope and asked to find out the refractive index of a given glass slab.
  • Students might be provided with a meter bridge to verify laws pertaining to a series combination. 

Candidates can get hold of the entire Physics practical syllabus here

Major Skills in Class 12 Physics Practical PDF

Get to know about the introduction to major skills in Physics practical work in Class XII, via a direct official PDF link mentioned below. This comes under NCERT Science Laboratory manuals.

[Bonus] Other Important Blogs For Class XIIth Students

Here are some of our blogs that can help class XIIth students in making the correct choice afterwards. Opting for study abroad opportunities right after class 12th can help candidates with a bright future later. 

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Competitive Exams after 12thMedical Courses in Canada after 12thStudy in Singapore After 12th
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What are the topics in physics practical?

Some of the topics in the physics practical of Class 12 are:
Motion In Physics.

How do I study for physics practicals?

One tip to study for physics practicals is to practice the diagrams and circuits.

How many marks are in physics practical?

The physics practical of Class 12 is 30 marks.

Do follow these tips and tricks in your upcoming Physics practical to get good marks in Board Examinations. Signup for a  free career counselling session with Leverage Edu and resolve all your queries related to career pathways!

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