Notice Writing for Class 8: Tips and Format

9 minute read
Notice Writing for Class 8 Tips and Format

Primary and elementary education consists of engaging and informative stories, poetry, anecdotes, and memoirs of great personalities. The class 8 English syllabus aims to build a sound foundation for written and spoken English but also equips students with the essential knowledge of Letter WritingReport Writing, and Notice Writing, amongst others. Notice Writing familiarises students with how formal notices are written, their key features, and their structure. This blog explores the major components of Notice Writing for Class 8, along with the format, samples, and practice questions on notice writing.

What is Notice Writing for Class 8?

Notice writing is a formal mode of communication through which an institution (academic, professional, public, etc.) can convey news and happenings or announcements about an upcoming event, something that is lost and found, or any other vital information. You will come across noticeboards in academic institutions and organisations displaying key notifications and information. Studying Notice Writing for Class 8, you will get to learn about how to write a formal notice on varied topics following a coherent format and writing tone. 

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Format of Notice Writing for Class 8

There is a prescribed format for Notice Writing that you will get to learn in Class 8 English. Whether you writing a notice for announcements or general notifications, the notice writing format will help you structure the information in the right manner. Here is the format of Notice Writing for Class 8:

Name of the Institution/ Organisation 


Date of Issue

Heading/Title [Subject of the Notice]

[Body of the Notice (including details like date, day, time, venue, name of the concerned person, etc)]

Name/ Signature 

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Format of Notice Writing for Class 8 with Answers

Now that you are familiar with the format and writing tips, here are some Class 8 Notice Writing samples you can refer to understand the structure and writing for formal notices.

Q. You are Ishita, the head girl of P.G. Model School. The school has decided to conduct their annual program on 26th December 2020 at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi. Activities like dancing competitions, spellbees, singing competitions, and drawing competitions will be a part of the event. Write a notice for all the students of Class 5th to Class 12th informing them about the event. 

P.G. Model School
BN Block, Shalimar Bagh


30th September 2024

Annual Programme 2024

It is to inform all the students that our school is organizing its annual program on 26th December 2024 at Talkatora Stadium. The recreational activities include spelling bee, dancing, and singing competitions. Interested students of classes 5th to 12th can give their names to their class teacher by 10th October 2024. 

Head Girl

Q. You are Kaysha Jain of Class 6th D of GD Goenka Public School, Model Town. Write a notice for the students of your school informing them about the water bottle that you lost during your sports period.

GD Goenka Public School
Model Town, New Delhi 


1st October 2020

Lost Water Bottle 

This is to inform all that I, Kaysha Jain, class 6th D lost my brown colour water bottle during the sports period yesterday. It has a sticker of Barbie on it along with the pink colour string.  The cap of the bottle is also slightly broken.  Anyone who finds my bottle is requested to contact me or my class teacher, Mrs Shalini Sharma.

Kaysha Jain


Q.  Bal Bharati Public School, Rohini is organizing a 3-day and 2-night trip to Shimla.  Students of Class 8th to 12th are eligible for this trip. The cost of the trip is 6,500 INR which includes a 3-star hotel stay, a DJ night, a Bonfire night, 3 meals per day, and to-and-fro travelling from Delhi to Shimla. You are Karan, the head boy of the school, writing a notice for all the students informing them about the same.

Bal Bharti Public School
Rohini, Delhi- 67


1st October 2020

Annual Trip to Shimla

All the students must know that our school is organizing its annual trip to Shimla this year for the students of classes 8th to 12th. It is 3 days and 2 nights long trip from 21st November to 24th November 2020. The estimated charge of the trip is 6,500 which includes staying in a 3-star hotel, bonfire night, DJ night, 3 meals per day along with travelling charges. All those who are interested can collect the consent form from the undersigned and submit it to Mrs  Geeta Jain by 28th October.

Head Boy

Q. You are Rakhi of Class 8th B. While going for your sports period you found a lunch box lying on the stairs. You have kept the lunch box to return it to whoever it belongs to. Write a notice for all the students informing them about this issue.

Jesus and Mary School
Karol Bagh,  Delhi


1st October 2020

Found a Lunch Box

This is to inform all the students that I have found a lunch box near the second-floor staircase.  It is pink and yellow and is of Milton brand. There is one sticker of Spider-Man on it. The lunch box also contains a spoonful of steel. Whosoever has lost it, can collect it from the undersigned.  

8th B

Q. The officials from the Trustee committee of your school will be conducting an inspection tomorrow. Draft a notice for all the students informing them about the same along with the necessary code of conduct that must be followed tomorrow. 

Symbiosis Public School 
Kamala Nagar, Delhi- 23


1st October 2020

Inspection by Trustees 

This is to bring under everyone’s notice that tomorrow there will be an inspection going on an entire day by the Honorable Members of the drafting committee. Students must come in their proper school uniforms. The boys must have their hair set back without any hair gel and the girls must braid their hair properly. Everyone must have a class pass while moving out of the class for any purpose. Students loitering in the corridor will be punished.  

Head Girl 

Tips for Notice Writing for Class 8

Since notice is a part of formal writing, there are certain dos and don’ts you must follow. A notice is a small piece of information about an event or activity, thus, it is mandatory to incorporate only the vital information. Here are the tips and points to remember for Notice Writing for Class 8:

  1. It is compulsory to write ‘NOTICE’ at the top along with the name of the organization or institution.
  2. A notice shall not exceed its standard word limit which is 40 to 50 words.
  3. A notice must always be put inside a box. 
  4. Only the points that are important concerning the event or clause must be mentioned.
  5. A notice shall always inform the reader about 5Ws and 1H, i.e., Where, What, When, for Whom, Who to Contact as well as How. 
  6. Follow a coherent and concise writing tone and style. 
  7. All information should be presented without any ambiguity and you can highlight it either by underlining or using capital letters.
  8. A notice is written in the third person hence, avoid using personal pronouns like I, you, me, etc.
Notice Writing Format - Notice Writing Tips | Class 4 - 8 English Grammar
Source: Magnet Brains

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Points to Remember While Writing Notice

Students must keep the following points in mind while doing Notice Writing questions in exams: 

  • The 5 Ws must be mentioned in a well-written Notice:
    • What event is going to happen?
    • When and where will it happen?
    • When is it going to happen?
    • Who can apply for it and who is eligible?
    • To whom does one need to contact?
  • Only the most crucial details should be written down.
  • Any pertinent information not covered in the question may be added.
  • The sentences must be concise and grammatically correct. As far as possible, they should be written in the passive voice.
  • A box should be used to present the Notice.
  • A Notice’s word limit is 40–50 words (only the words in the body of the Notice are counted).
  • A Notice’s information must be clear and not cause any misunderstanding or confusion.
  • A notice must be engaging and catchy; it must grab the reader’s attention right away.

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Notice Writing Class 8 Topics for Practice

Here are some important exam questions for you to practice in Notice Writing for Class 8.

  1. You are Yuvraj the football captain of your school and selections are going on for the football team. Your sports teacher has requested you put up a notice informing students about the trials that will be conducted for classes 10th to 12th. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words mentioning all the details.
  2. While going to the dance auditorium, you have found a wristwatch lying on the stairs. Draft a found notice for the wristwatch for all the students mentioning its detailed descriptions.
  3. Being the head girl or head boy of your school, you have been asked to put up a notice on the notice board informing students about zero tolerance regarding misbehaviour due to Holi. Also, mention the new set of rules that have been implemented especially for the ongoing week. 
  4. Your school has put up a charity box for Raunak Helping Hands and all the students are more than welcome to contribute items of clothing, toys, storybooks, activity books, etc for the students of the NGO. Write a notice informing all the students at your school about the same.
  5. On account of the founder’s day of your school, it has organised an art competition for all the classes. You are Sakshi or Sahil, the head girl or head boy of your school,  write a notice for all the students and inform them about the details of the event.
  6. The Residents’ Welfare Association, Sarva Priya Vihar is organising a Diwali Fiesta’ in the locality. As the President of the Association, draft a Notice in not more than 50 words informing the residents about the same.
  7. You are Shalini Jain, the sports captain of Digambar Jain Senior Secondary School, Meerut. You have been asked to write a Notice regarding a sports kit bag found on the school playground. Write the Notice in not more than 50 words. Invent necessary details.
  8. You are Rama Malik, the head girl of R.K. Public School, Delhi. Your school is organizing a tour of Shimla. Write out a Notice inviting students who want to join the tour. Put the Notice in the box.
  9. You are Ayaan, the sports captain of St. Mary’s School, Dehradun. Write a Notice in 50 words for the school Noticeboard informing the students about the inter-school cricket tournament to be played.
  10. You are Malika, the President of Rose Valley Public School, Delhi. Write a Notice for the school Noticeboard informing the students about the school inspection to be held on 25th November 2021 by the Director of the school. 

FAQs on Notice Writing for Class 8

Q1. What is notice writing in English class 8?

Ans. Formal and informal communication are the two modes of communication. A formal mode of communication is notice writing. The objective of notice writing is to draw to the attention of a group of individuals a certain piece of information.

Q2. How is notice writing written?

Ans. Points to Remember About Notice Writing Format
The person or organisation sending the notice should be identified. The reason for issuing the notice must be stated. The primary body of the notice should not be longer than 50 words. Indicate who or what group the notification is intended for.

Q3. What is notice and its format?

Ans. Because it is a formal mode of communication, the language used should also be formal. There will be no flowery text. Keep your sentences short and straightforward. Because notices are typically brief, it is important to keep things simple. As much as possible, use the passive voice.

Q4. What is the purpose of notice writing?

Ans. The main goal is to inform people about something important in a formal and concise manner. Notices are commonly used in schools, offices, and public institutions for announcements like events, deadlines, or updates. For example, a notice can announce a change in schedule or invite participants to a competition.

Q5. What are the key features of a notice?

Ans. A notice is formal, precise, and provides essential details about the subject. It includes the date, heading, body, and issuer’s name. Notices use simple and direct language, ensuring that the information is clear to the intended audience.

Q6. What format should Class 8 students follow for a notice?

Ans. Class 8 students must use the following format:
1. Name of the institution at the top.
2. The word “NOTICE” in bold and capital letters.
3. The date on the left-hand side.
4. A suitable title or heading.
5. A short and clear body providing the necessary details.
6. The name and designation of the person issuing the notice.
It’s also important to enclose the notice within a box for presentation.

Q7. Why is a box drawn around a notice?

Ans. Drawing a box around the notice separates it visually from other text, making it easy to locate and read. It also ensures proper formatting, which is important in exams or formal assessments.

Q8. What is the ideal word count for a notice?

Ans. Notices should generally contain 40-50 words in the body to ensure they are concise yet informative. Exceeding this limit may lead to marks being deducted in exams or dilute the message’s clarity.

Q9. What are common topics for notice writing in Class 8?

Ans. Topics often include school-related themes such as:
Announcements for competitions like debates or quizzes.
Lost and found items.
Information about events like annual days, sports meets, or picnics.
Instructions about schedule changes or special assemblies.

Q10. What details must be included in a notice?

Ans. Always include the following details:
What the notice is about.
When the event or activity will happen.
Where it will take place.
Who the audience is (e.g., students, teachers, or a specific group).
Additional details such as deadlines or contact information if needed.

Q11. How important is grammar in notice writing?

Ans. Grammar is crucial for ensuring clarity. Poor grammar can lead to confusion and reduce the notice’s effectiveness. Proper punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure are essential to maintain the formal tone.

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Hence, we hope that this blog helped you understand the essentials of notice writing for Class 8. Unsure about the right stream after your 10th? Visit our school education page and follow Leverage Edu for your academic and career journey. Sign up for a free session today! Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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