
London Ranked Best City in QS Best Student Cities Ranking 2023

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London Ranked Best City in QS Best Student Cities Ranking 2023

London has surfaced as the best city for students in the QS Best Student Cities Rankings 2023 published on 29 June. London has received an Overall Score of 100, scoring high on factors such as Student View, Student Mix and Rankings, while receiving a low score on affordability.

London has retained its position as the best student city for the fourth consecutive time this year. It also ranked first in 2018, 2019, and 2022 lists for the best student cities.

In this list of best cities for students to study abroad, Seoul and Munich have tied for the 2nd spot while Zurich and Melbourne are at the 4th and 5th places respectively.

Top 10 Student-Friendly Cities

The top 10 best student-friendly cities for studying abroad are as follows:


Mumbai Ranked the Most Student-Friendly City

Four cities from India have also made it to the list this year with Mumbai at the highest rank –  103, followed by Bengaluru, Chennai and Delhi at 114, 125 and 129 respectively.

Among India’s top student-friendly cities featured in the list, Bengaluru has scored the highest for Affordability. It has also scored high for student view. On the other hand, Delhi has received the highest score for rankings whereas Bengaluru has scored high on employer activity.

QS publishes independent data that shows a range of factors like affordability, quality of life, and the standard of university, which determines the ranking and puts three cities in India as student-friendly cities. 

All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) reports say the number of international students enrolled in Indian universities was just 47,427 in the academic year 2018-2019. It is expected that India will attract 200,000 international students by the end of 2023. 

International students represent only a small fraction of the overall student body in India. The number is more than four times the current total. Previously a goal for the number of students was set prior to the pandemic, it was deeply affected due to lesser international student mobility, and now it needs to be reviewed.

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