
Study Abroad: International students may now apply for Eiffel scholarships to study in France

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International students may now apply for Eiffel scholarships in France
International students can now apply for one of the most renowned scholarships the French government offers to study abroad.

The Eiffel Programme of Excellence scholarship application period is open through January 10, 2023. It is the most prestigious scholarship provided by the French government to students interested in pursuing a Master’s, PhD, or doctoral degree at any French university. The French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs is responsible for all of its funding.

There will be about 500 recipients of the scholarship. All academic subjects of study are offered at all French universities, and there is no application cost.

The best part of the scholarship is that study abroad aspirants from any nationality are eligible for the scholarship. For a Master’s degree, candidates should be no older than 25, and for a PhD, they can be no older than 30. Students can enroll in most French universities without taking the IELTS or TOEFL

Depending upon the level of the Masters programs, the duration of the course can range from 12 months to 36 months. Biology and Health, Ecological transition, Mathematics and Digital and Engineering Science are some of the areas of study in which study abroad aspirants can seek admissions. 

January 10, 2023 is the last day for Campus France to accept applications. and the results will be made public on April 3, 2023.

This scholarship can be applied for through the organization by following 4 simple steps-

  • Find out how to submit an application and when to do it.
  • Use the phone number, email address, or website to get in touch with a French institution’s international relations department.
  • Make sure the institution you select supports your goals for studying in France.
  • Your application for the Eiffel scholarship will be submitted through the specific Campus France website after the institution has approved it.

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