
Letter of Complaint

5 minute read
Letter of Complaint

How many times has it happened that you bought a product and it turned out to be defective or you availed of any public service and were left dissatisfied? Most of the time, we do not take any action in such situations because of which negligence increases. The most common way to address such problems is to write a letter to the concerned authorities. Let’s explore the letter of complaint, its format, types, and more.

What is a Letter of Complaint?

A Complaint Letter is a type of letter written to address any type of wrongdoing, offence, grievance, or resentment arising out of a product, service, etc. It is used to raise your concern about unfair things and seek a productive outcome. It is a fundamental right and duty of a citizen to seek justice arising out of any injustice, and the first step toward it is, filing a Complaint. It inspires other troubled consumers, influences the concerned authorities to take proper action, and makes the defaulters more liable, responsible, and responsive.

How to Write a Complaint Letter?

When you are dissatisfied with a service or have a problem that needs to be handled, you should write a complaint letter to the appropriate authorities. Make an effort to compose the letter in a polite manner. The format of a complaint letter is similar to that of a formal letter. Start with the sender’s address, then the date, the receiver’s address, the subject, the greeting, the body of the letter, complimentary closing, signature, and name in block letters.

Sender’s address




Receiver’s address



Subject: ___________________________

Sir/Ma’am, (Salutation)

Body of the Letter explaining the reason for your letter and the complaint.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully, (Complimentary Closing)


NAME in block letters


  • Personal Complaint Letter- The type of complaint letter you write on your own individual level pertaining to your individual grievances is referred to as a personal complaint letter.
  • Professional Complaint Letter- It is the type of complaint letter that is written on behalf of the organization pertaining to issues that are affecting the organization as a whole.

Common Letter of Complaint Topics

  1. Incomplete or defective order
  2. Abnormal delay in sending the consignment
  3. The goods arrive in a damaged condition
  4. The goods are different from what was ordered
  5. Quantity of goods is not what was ordered
  6. Goods are delivered to the wrong address
  7. Work undertaken is done unsatisfactorily
  8. Misbehaviour of staff or salesman
  9. A mistake in preparing the invoice
  10. Defective packing might lead to damage of goods in transit
  11. Mistakes in a bill or reminders for payment after the bill has been paid, etc
  12. Wrong-doing in public.
  13. Rash driving of the DTC drivers.
  14. Poor treatment of street dogs

Also Read: How to Write a Letter: Letter Writing Types and Examples


SENDER’s ADDRESS- The sender’s address is usually put on the top left-hand corner of the page.

DATE- The sender’s address is followed by the date just below it, i.e. on the left side of the page. This is the date on which the letter is being written. It is to be written in expanded form.

RECEIVER’s ADDRESS- Whether to write “To” above the address depends on the writer’s preference. Make sure you write the title/name/position etc of the receiving official, as the first line of the address.

SALUTATIONS- This is where you greet the person you are addressing the letter to. Bear in mind that it is a formal letter, so the greeting must be respectful and not too personal. The general greetings used in formal letters are “Sir” or “Madam”.

SUBJECT- Then we sum up the purpose of writing the letter in one line. This helps the receiver focus on the subject of the letter in one glance. It is important to underline the subject.

BODY- This is the main content of the letter. It is either divided into three paragraphs or two paragraphs if the letter is briefer. The tone of the content should be formal. Do not use any offensive language. Another point to be kept in mind is that the letter should be concise and to the point. And always be respectful and considerate in your language. It should include-

  1. Short introduction paragraph- Provide details about the product or service that is the subject of the complaint. Include dates, locations, and specifications about the item or service.
  2. State the issue with the item or service. Provide details as to the cause. This may include malfunction, billing issues, details that were not disclosed, etc.
  3. Indicate how you would like them to resolve your problem. Provide specifics about what you’re seeking.
  4. Indicate you are including copies of the transaction document.
  5. Indicate you look forward to their reply within a specific time period.
  6. Indicate that they can contact you about the issue and provide your contact details

COMPLIMENTARY CLOSE– At the end of your letter, we write a complimentary closing. The words “Yours Faithfully” or “Yours Sincerely” are used.

SIGNATURE– Here finally you sign your name. And then write your name in block letters beneath the signature followed by your designation. This is how the recipient will know who is sending the letter.

Tips for Writing an Effective Letter of Complaint

  • Although the motive of the complaint letter is to vent out your grievance and frustration, it is imperative that you use a tone that is polite and simple. Try to be formal and avoid using offensive and disrespectful words.
  • Make sure that you introduce yourself properly.
  • The purpose of writing should be loud and clear.
  • Do not deviate from the topic and write to the point.
  • Make sure you adhere to the format as it carries marks.
  • Underline the subject of the letter with a pencil. Also, underlining the main points is very important, but it is advisable that you do it after finishing your exam. Use a pencil and scale for underlining.
  • Make sure you double-check for grammatical accuracy and spelling. They carry marks.
  • Leave an adequate number of lines between paragraphs to make it look clean.
  • The presentation is very important.
  • Read a lot of letters to get an idea.


How to close letter of complaint?

Complaint emails should be formal. Usually, writing “Sincerely” followed by your name suffices. If you’re writing an email at work or on behalf of a company, include a professional email signature.

What should be included in letter of complaint?

Give the basics.
Tell your story.
Tell the company how you want to resolve the problem.
Be reasonable.
File your complaint.
Your Address.
Your City, State, Zip Code. [Your email address, if sending by email]Date.

What is the answer to complain letter?

Read the complaint carefully.
Please express your sorrow for any inconvenience.
Describe what might have caused the issue.
Provide a specific, workable remedy.
Describe how you intend to improve the consumer experience in the future.
Make an incentive available.
Encourage consumer feedback.

We hope that this blog has helped you understand what a Letter of Complaint is and how you can effectively draft it. For more such blogs, please follow Leverage Edu on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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