JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank

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JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is one of India’s premier and most competitive exams, attracting thousands of science students annually. While JEE Main provides access to admission to top engineering institutes like NITs and IITs, JEE Advanced is the gateway for those aiming for the elite Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). JEE is conducted by one of the IITs each year. JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank plays a crucial role in determining which IIT and branch students are eligible for.

In this guide, we explore JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank to help you estimate your potential rank and understand its impact on IIT admissions.

Why is Understanding JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank Important?

In JEE Advanced, a student’s rank is directly influenced by their total score across the exam’s three sections: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. This rank is crucial for determining eligibility across various IIT programs. However, the relationship between marks and rank isn’t fixed, as it can vary each year based on factors like exam difficulty and the overall performance of candidates.

it is among the toughest exams in India, and understanding the JEE Advanced marks vs rank breakdown is an essential tool that helps students set realistic expectations for their IIT admissions journey.

Here’s how analyzing JEE Advanced marks vs rank benefits students:

  • Setting Clear Goals: Knowing the score needed for a target rank can help students set specific goals, keeping them focused on reaching the benchmarks required for their desired IIT programs.
  • Guiding College Preferences: With an understanding of JEE Advanced marks vs rank, students can shortlist IITs and branches they may qualify for based on anticipated ranks, making the counseling process more targeted and efficient.
  • Enhancing Preparation Strategy: By knowing the scores associated with different ranks, students can adjust their study plans and focus on key areas to boost their chances of reaching a competitive rank.

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JEE Advanced Marks vs Ranks 2024

The JEE Advanced Marks vs Ranks 2024 criteria outline the minimum percentage of marks required in each subject and as an aggregate across various categories. These JEE Main cut-off 2024 help candidates understand the marks needed to achieve certain ranks within categories such as Common Rank List (CRL), OBC-NCL, GEN-EWS, SC, ST, and PwD, including preparatory course eligibility. Reaching these percentages is essential for students aiming to secure a place in the top IITs.

Rank ListMinimum Percentage of Marks in Each SubjectMinimum Percentage of Aggregate Marks
Common Rank List (CRL)8.68%30.34%
GEN-EWS 7.80%27.30%
OBC-NCL 7.80%27.30%
SC 4.34%15.17%
ST 4.34%15.17%
Common-PwD Rank List (CRL-PwD)4.34%15.17%
OBC-NCL-PwD Rank List4.34%15.17%
GEN-EWS-PwD Rank List4.34%15.17%
SC-PwD Rank List4.34%15.17%
ST-PwD Rank List4.34%15.17%
Preparatory Course (PC) Rank List2.17%7.58%

JEE Advanced Qualifying Marks for 2024

The JEE Advanced Marks vs Ranks 2024 criteria specify the minimum marks required in each subject and the overall aggregate out of 360 for various rank lists. These thresholds help candidates understand the minimum scores necessary to achieve ranks across categories such as Common Rank List (CRL), GEN-EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, ST, and PwD, as well as for preparatory courses. Meeting these marks is critical for students aspiring to secure their position in the prestigious IITs.

Here’s the information in a table format:

Rank ListMinimum Marks in Each SubjectMinimum Aggregate Marks (Out of 360)
Common Rank List (CRL)10109
GEN-EWS Rank List998
OBC-NCL Rank List998
Common-PwD Rank List (CRL-PwD)554
GEN-EWS-PwD Rank List554
OBC-NCL-PwD Rank List554
SC-PwD Rank List554
ST-PwD Rank List554
Preparatory Course Rank Lists227

JEE Advanced 2024 Marks vs Rank Breakdown (CRL)

The JEE Advanced 2024 Marks vs Rank analysis, based on official data provided by IIT Madras in the JEE Report 2024, helps students understand how their marks translate into ranks. Below is the breakdown of marks and corresponding ranks for the Common Rank List (CRL):

Marks (Out of 360)Ranks
301+1 to 100
300 to 258101 to 501
251 to 233601 to 1001
230 to 2191101 to 1501
216 to 2071601 to 2001
205 to 1992101 to 2501
197 to 1862601 to 3501
185 to 1733601 to 4901
172 to 1665001 to 5901
165 to 1606001 to 6901
159 to 1507001 to 8901
149 to 1399001 to 11901
138 to 13312001 to 13901
132 to 12314001 to 17901
123 to 11318001 to 22901
113 to 11923001 to 25946

Note: The JEE Advanced 2025 exam will be conducted in May 2025. Students who are waiting for the admit card to be released can check the website when they are released.

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JEE Advanced Markes Vs Rank 2023

This table provides a comparison between the marks and corresponding All India Rank (AIR) for JEE Advanced 2023 candidates.

All India Rank (AIR)Marks (Out of 360)
1 – 500341 – 242
501 – 1000241 – 219
1001 – 1500218 – 203
1501 – 3000202 – 174
3001 – 5000173 – 153
5001 – 10000152 – 125
10001 – 15000125 – 109
15001 – 20000109 – 97
20000 – 2632197 – 86

Also Read: How to Prepare for IIT JAM?

JEE Advanced Marks v/s Ranks (2022)

The following table provides a comparison between the marks and corresponding ranks for JEE Advanced 2022 in the Common Rank List (CRL). This will help you understand how your marks translate to your rank in the exam.

JEE Advanced Rank in CRLJEE Advanced Score (Out of 360)
1 – 501314 – 192
601 – 1001186 – 170
1101 – 1501167 – 156
1601 – 2001153 – 146
2101 – 2501144 – 138
2601 – 3001137 – 132
3101 – 3501131 – 126
3601 – 4001125 – 122
4101 – 4501121 – 118
4601 – 5001118 – 115
5101 – 5501114 – 112
5601 – 6001111 – 109
6101 – 6501108 – 107
6601 – 7001106 – 104
7101 – 7501104 – 102
7601 – 8001101 – 100
8101 – 850199 – 98
8601 – 900197 – 96
9101 – 950195 – 94
9601 – 1000194 – 92
10101 – 1050192 – 91
10601 – 1100190 – 89
11101 – 1150189 – 87
11601 – 1200187 – 86
12101 – 1250186 – 85
12601 – 1300184 – 83
13101 – 1350183 – 82
13601 – 1400182 – 81
14101 – 1450180 – 79
14601 – 1500179 – 78
15101 – 1550178 – 77
15601 – 1600177 – 76
16101 – 1650176 – 75
16601 – 1700175 – 74
17101 – 1750174 – 73
17601 – 1800173 – 72
18101 – 1850172 – 71
18601 – 1900171 – 70
19101 – 1950170 – 69
19601 – 2000169 – 68
20101 – 2050168 – 67

JEE Advanced Marks v/s Ranks (2021)

The table below shows the marks and ranks for JEE Advanced 2021, as released by IIT Kharagpur. This comparison will help candidates understand the approximate marks required for different ranks.

JEE Advanced Rank in CRLJEE Advanced Score (Out of 360)
1340 – 350
10300 – 315
40 – 45280 – 290
80 – 90270 – 280
200 – 230250 – 270
490 – 500225 – 250
600 – 650215 – 230
720 – 780210 – 215
800 – 820208 – 210
990 – 1000200 – 207

JEE Advanced Closing Ranks and Marks 2020

Students can check the JEE Advanced marks vs closing rank 2020 here.

Name of the CategoryClosing Rank (Gender Neutral Category)Marks (Out of 360)Closing Rank (Female Only Category)Marks

JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank Trend in 2019

Check out the detailed analysis of the JEE Advanced marks vs ranks for the year 2019:

JEE Advanced RankJEE Advanced Marks
1346 marks
2340 marks
3335 marks
4333 marks
5328 marks
10310 marks
45284 marks
87273 marks
237252 marks
500227 marks
648220 marks
746216 marks
780214 marks
852211 marks
868210 marks
981207 marks
1000206 marks

JEE Advanced Closing Ranks and Marks 2019

As per the previous year’s data, tabulated below are the closing ranks of the year 2019-

Category Closing Rank (Gender Neutral Category)Marks Closing Ranks For Female Candidates Only Marks 

Also Read: IIT vs MIT

JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank Trend in 2018

The JEE Advanced marks vs ranks in 2018 are tabulated below:

JEE Advanced RankPercentileMarks Obtained (out of 360)

JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank Trend in 2017

The JEE Advanced marks vs ranks in 2017 are tabulated below:

JEE Advanced RankPercentileMarks Obtained (out of 360)

Factors Influencing JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank

  • Exam Difficulty: A difficult paper can lower the required marks for top ranks, while an easier paper can raise the cutoff.
  • Total Number of Candidates: Higher competition increases the rank spread for similar scores.
  • Normalization: JEE Advanced applies normalization to ensure fair ranking, as slight variations in scores could otherwise significantly impact ranks.

Tips for Achieving a Higher Rank

Here are tips for how to prepare for the JEE Main exam and achieve a Higher Rank:

  1. Focus on High-Weight Topics: Prioritize topics with a higher weightage across the three subjects.
  2. Practice Regularly: Regular practice can improve speed and accuracy, which is crucial for scoring well.
  3. Take Mock Tests: Simulate exam conditions to gauge time management and identify areas of improvement.
  4. Revise Thoroughly: Regular revision helps reinforce concepts and reduces last-minute stress.

Minimum Marks to Qualify JEE Advanced

In order to qualify for JEE Advanced, you need to manage two eligibility criteria. Following are:

  1. Class 12th Result
    For the general category, your marks should be at least 75% or equivalent in Class 12th. For the SC/ST/PWD category, your minimum marks should be 65%. 
    The student should be in the top 20 category percentile of the qualifying examination. 
  2. JEE Mains Qualification
    In order to qualify for JEE Advanced, the student must be among the top 2.5 lakh candidates who qualified for JEE Mains.

Minimum Marks in JEE Advanced to Get IIT

There are no specific minimum marks in JEE Advanced to get into IIT. But, every year, a cut-off is released for the IITs. This depends a lot on the total number of students appearing and the average performance of each student. Candidates who crack both JEE Mains and JEE Adva“alternate Name”: “jee advanced marks vs rank, jee advanced rank vs marks, marks vs rank jee advanced, minimum marks in jee advanced to get it, jee advanced marks, iit advanced marks vs rank, marks vs rank jee advanced, jee advanced rank, rank vs marks jee advanced, minimum marks to qualify to jee advanced, what is a good score in jee advanced, jee advanced rank list, good score in jee advanced, how many percentages required for it, minimum marks for it, minimum marks in jee advanced to get iit bombay, minimum marks in jee advanced to get iit for sc,iit advanced marks vs rank, how much marks required in jee advanced for it, minimum marks in jee advanced to get iit delhi, jee advanced minimum marks for it, jee advanced rank for it, how many marks in jee advanced to get iit”, need qualify for IITs. 

Minimum Marks in JEE Advanced to Get IIT Bombay

Every year, the institute releases a different cut-off for all the courses. Here is the cut-off for batch 2021:

Course NameCategoryGender NeutralFemale Only
Aerospace EngineeringOBC13302727
Chemical EngineeringOBC11182363
Civil EngineeringOBC12083061
Computer Science and EngineeringOBC37122
Electrical EngineeringOBC175756
Engineering PhysicsOBC11862924
Mechanical EngineeringOBC4772219
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials ScienceOBC19104016
Environmental Science and EngineeringOBC30124480

Minimum Marks in JEE Advanced to Get IIT Delhi

Every year, the institute releases a different cut-off for all the courses. The minimum marks in JEE advanced to get into IIT institutes are listed below.

CategoryMinimum Percentage of Marks in Each SubjectMinimum Percentage Aggregate Marks
Common rank list (CRL)5%17.50%
GEN-EWS rank list4.50%15.75%
OBC-NCL rank list4.50%15.75%
SC rank list2.50%8.75%
Common-PwD rank list (CRL)2.50%8.75%
OBC-NCL-PwD rank list2.50%8.75%
SC-PwD rank list2.50%8.75%
ST-PwD rank list2.50%8.75%
Preparatory course rank lists0.75%2.625%

How to Predict Your JEE Advanced Rank?

If you are dubious about everything related to JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank, we have curated a rank predictor based on the previous year’s data: 

Range of Marks ObtainedApproximate Rankings 
400+1 to 10
380 to 40011 to 49
350 to 38050 to 100
337 to 350101 to 200
322 to 337200 to 300
300 to 322300 to 500
275 to 300501 to 1000
250 to 2751001 to 2000
209 to 2502001 to 5000
175 to 2095001 to 10000

Colleges Other Than IITs Accepting JEE Advanced

JEE Advanced scores are not limited to IITs, numerous universities accept scores and provide admission on the same basis to candidates in bachelor’s, dual degrees and integrated master’s programs in the field of Engineering. If you are looking for any college other than the IITs, here is a list of the other popular universities and colleges that you might consider applying to.

  1. National Institute of Technology (NIT)
  2. Institute of Science (IISc)
  3. Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy (IIPE)
  4. Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER)
  5. Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST)
  6. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT)
  7. Jadavpur University
  8. Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology
  9. Delhi Technological University
  10. Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology
  11. Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS)


1. Can I get an IIT with 140 marks?

Ans. No, you can’t get into IIT with 140 marks.

2. What is the minimum rank for IIT Bombay?

Ans. A score of around 3000 in JEE Main is required for admission into IIT Bombay.

3. Can I join IIT at 25?

Yes, any individual who has passed their 12th Grade examination can apply irrespective of their age and academic background.

What rank is 150 marks in advance?

If you score 150 marks in JEE Advanced, your rank is likely to fall between 1501 and 2000, based on the previous year’s data. Keep in mind that this is an approximate range and can vary slightly depending on factors like the exam’s difficulty level and other candidates’ overall performance.

What rank is 120 marks in JEE Advanced?

A score of 120 marks in JEE Advanced typically corresponds to a rank range of 10,102 to 20,101. This marks vs rank analysis can help IIT aspirants estimate their rank and determine the potential institutions they may be eligible for based on their performance.

This was all about the JEE Advanced Marks vs Ranks. It is important to work hard and be dedicated to your endeavours if you want to achieve success in the field of Engineering & Technology. For those of you looking for an alternative way to study a course in this field, contact Leverage Edu. Call us on 1800572000 for a free career counselling session with us and get the answers to all your study abroad queries!

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