
Importance of Education in India

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Importance of Education in India

Education is a significant tool that aids in the creation of a well-developed and progressive nation. Especially in a developing country like India with a population of more than 136 crores, education is the key to a better standard of living and a prosperous future. Not to mention, education is the right of every citizen of India. In this blog, you will read about the importance of education in India and the role of education in Indian society.

“ Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world “ – Nelson Mandela.

Why Is Education Important In India?

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.- Maimonides

India is a very vast and populated country but is still a developing nation. Hence, Education is one of the most vital components that will help in changing the status of India from a developing nation to a developed nation. Moreover, if we take a careful look at the demographics of India, we can observe that states and cities that have the highest literacy rates have superior infrastructure and advanced technology as compared to other states or cities. Hence, global organizations such as UNESCO and UNICEF are coming up with numerous educational projects in India to create a progressive and developed nation. 

However, the importance of Education is not just limited to creating a progressive country. There are other reasons why education is very important in India, such as:

  • Education is the right of every Indian citizen, regardless of gender or social status.
  • It promotes a democracy that comprises a civilized and well-mannered society. 
  • Education also aids in the upliftment of economically underprivileged groups and results in the creation of numerous job and employment opportunities.
  • Good education results in a peaceful exchange of ideas, knowledge, and good practices. 
  • Importantly, education secures a bright and prosperous future for educated individuals. It also helps in mitigating crime and terrorism. 

Importance of Education in a Child’s Life

Importance of Education in Ancient India

In Ancient India, Education was considered to be sacred and teachers were given the utmost respect by everyone. Education in Ancient India consisted of both physical development and learning. There was equal emphasis on a healthy mind and a healthy body. Furthermore, the main subjects that were taught in Ancient India were religion, warfare, philosophy, astrology, and medicine. 

The education in ancient India focused on the Vedas, Upanishads, and Dharmasutras. Some of the sources that were considered to be important were Ithihasa, Anviksiki, Mimasa, Shilpashastra, and Arthashastra. One important aspect of the education system in Ancient India was the Gurus and their pupils worked together to become proficient in all aspects of learning. Another important aspect of education in ancient India was that women were also given equal rights to education and teaching. 

  • In Ancient India, knowledge was considered to be sacred and hence students were not charged any fee for seeking education. Any sort of contribution towards education was considered to be the highest form of donation. 
  • Since Education in ancient India was very sacred, financial help came from wealthy merchants and parents. Ancient Universities received generous gifts such as buildings and huge lands to expand the scope of education. 
  • Apart from the curriculum, ancient education in India also focused on the well-being of the body with the help of physical exercises and activities such as archery and martial skills. 
  • Another unique thing about education in ancient India is that students who were at an advanced stage of learning often helped in guiding younger disciplines. The ancient educational system encouraged the formation of peer study groups that comprised both young and older disciplines. 
  • Lastly, teaching was largely in an oral form and students remembered and meditated on the things they had learned. 

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Importance of Education in Modern India

Just like education was considered to be very sacred and holy during ancient times, it also has relevance in today’s modern India. Education in Modern India focuses on a good blend of academic disciplines of maths, science, commerce, and arts as well as enhancement of necessary skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and essential life skills. It ensures there is interactivity between the students and the teachers.  

Education in Modern India started with the British Era and hence the English Language gained prominence over other learning languages. Furthermore, it was Lord Macauley who proposed the idea of modern education in India in the 20th century. Modern Education mainly focuses on the disciplines of Science and Mathematics. Additionally, Modern Education in India stresses listening, writing, visualizing, imagining, and thinking skills. It also involves properly written exams to test the student’s capability and level of understanding. Essentially, Modern Education in India is an evolution of traditional education which consists of conventional education on the subjects of value, manners, and social practices which are important for basic survival. 

Moreover, education in modern India is delivered through various mediums such as e-videos, podcasts, e-books, and mobile applications which makes learning easy and accessible to all.  Technology is a very vital element that aids education in modern India. 

Now, in the 21st century, modern education in India approaches learning in several innovative ways such as digital learning platforms, online education, short-term skill development courses, and usage of modern educational technology. 

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Importance of Non-Formal Education in India

In India, Non-Formal Education refers to the education that the child receives, outside their formal education system. Non-formal education may work separately or within a larger activity, but it ultimately boils down to the learning goals and aims of the students. Some activities that come under non-formal education in India include Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, community adult education courses, and professional seminars. The main benefits behind Non-Formal Education in India include:

  • It provides a functional and continuing education for people who have not completed their primary education.
  • It offers functional and continuing education for people who have not completed their secondary education. 
  • Providing skills enhancement programs and vocational courses to different categories of workers and professionals to improve their skills. 

Importance of English Medium Education in India

As mentioned earlier, the influence of the British over modern education led to the prominence of the English language over other learning languages. In a diverse country like India wherein there are multiple languages, there has been intense debate over the medium of instruction in schools. Despite this debate, the majority of the schools follow the English medium with the option of other secondary languages. Hence, the main reasons why the English Language is important in Indian Education are as follows :

  • Since there are multiple languages in India, the English language serves as a common medium of instruction for more effective communication and to avoid confusion. 
  • Around the world, Higher Education institutions prefer to communicate and teach through the medium of English. Hence English Medium Education in India imparts basic knowledge of English to students which helps them in their higher studies.  
  • English remains a dominant language when it comes to technology. Although the latest technology does provide options for multiple languages, English remains the primary language. 
  • The English Language also rules over the corporate world. Many companies look for individuals who have an excellent command of the English language. 

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Importance of Pre-school Education in India 

Preschool education or nursery school education prepares young children before they begin their compulsory or formal schooling at a primary school. It typically begins from the ages of 2 to 5. 

Early childhood education provides young children with the necessary cognitive, behavioral, and social skills, which will aid them in surviving the challenges of school education.  Although the child learns basic social and linguistic skills at home, preschool education is more capable of preparing students to enter into their primary school education:

  • It helps to reduce the dependence of young children on their parents. This helps them to gain more practical exposure to new environments and build confidence.
  • It results in strong social skills and fewer behavioural problems from a younger age. This helps children to adjust better to their school life.
  • It is an opportunity for children to be in a structured setting with teachers and groups of children where they will learn to share and follow instructions and rules. 
  • Pre-school Education aims to develop the pre-math and pre-literacy skills of children. 
  • It helps children to learn at their own pace in an interesting and fun manner. A variety of activities helps in strengthening the abilities and interests of the children.

Importance of Elementary Education in India

Elementary Education or Primary Education traditionally begins from the ages of 5-7 and ends around the ages of 11 -13. Elementary school education also plays a significant role in the overall development of the child. It is believed that primary school education lays the foundation for the development of numerical and literacy skills:

  • Reading, writing, and mathematical skills along with an elementary understanding of other subjects.
  • Elementary education increases environmental understanding and awareness of socio-economic problems.
  • It brings awareness among the students and opens avenues for opportunities as well self-advancement and improvement.
  • This level of Education also lays a solid foundation for higher school Education.

Importance of Higher Education in India

Higher Education in India means university-level education. Students actively select a course that they wish to specialize in, such as Management, Business, or Accounts, and after the completion of the course, they earn a graduate degree in their selected specialization. Higher Education Institutes in India offer several options to the students such as Higher National Diplomas, Foundation Degrees, and Honours Degrees. Students are free to pick a course of their choice, after careful contemplation of the eligibility and course syllabus. 

  • Higher Education in India provides an opportunity for students to reflect upon the social, critical, economic, and cultural issues in India. 
  • Higher Education also opens up multiple job opportunities for students after their graduation. This gives them the chance to work in reputed institutions and earn a higher income. 
  • Higher Education gives an in-depth knowledge of the chosen specialization. This allows students to discover their passions, interests, and future job prospects. 
  • Also, people with some form of higher education earn more money and have a lower probability of unemployment. Furthermore, career-oriented people tend to lead a more structured life and have a stronger sense of responsibility. 

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Importance of Women Education in India

Source: Giphy

In the patriarchal society, women have always been a marginalized section of society and have been held back many times from achieving their full potential. However, in the 21st century, women have also become equally entitled to their share of property and respect. Women all over the world are surpassing expectations and proving themselves to be as capable as their male counterparts. By not educating girls and women, India loses a substantial part of their human resources. 

  • Education is a right of every citizen of India. Our society comprises a vast number of talented young women with blooming potential and education is the key to unlocking that potential. 
  • Educated women can take charge of their own lives and live independently. 
  • Educated women are in a better position to contribute towards the family income. This also results in financial stability and independence for women. 
  • Educated women are less vulnerable to the horrors of domestic violence and human trafficking. They are confident in voicing out their opinions and suggestions for the betterment of society. 
  • Educated women are also capable of taking care of their children and extended family. They are also aware of the dangers of maternal mortality and take proper measures to reduce child and maternal mortality. 
  • Educated women play a major role in key decision-making positions and take up important holistic decisions for the betterment of the country. 

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Importance of Health Education in India

It is rightly said, “Health is Wealth”. It does not matter how rich you are, if you’re unable to take care of your health, then you certainly are not in a good position to achieve your goals in life. Health education imbibes students with the necessary knowledge of maintaining good health and preventing dangerous diseases by reducing unhealthy habits. Furthermore, the importance of health education in India is as follows :

  • Health education acquaints students with physical, mental, emotional, and social health. It motivates people to adopt healthy habits to prevent the onset of risky behaviours. 
  • It also talks about the negative effects of consuming hazardous products such as alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful drugs. Furthermore, it talks about the impact of consuming such hazardous products. 
  • Health education also aims to acquaint students with the rules of good health and hygiene. It further discusses the proper norms for maintaining good health. 
  • It educates students on precautionary and preventive measures against communicable and non-communicable diseases. 
  • Aims to provide sufficient knowledge on family planning and related topics. 

Importance of Science Education in India

Source: Giphy

Science Education forms a very important part of Indian school education due to its relevance in the modern world and its universal application in many fields. Science and Technology go hand-in-hand and they are present in every part of our life. Additionally, it is very prudent that students understand how scientific knowledge is constructed and can distinguish between scientific and everyday knowledge.

  • Science education is a logical way of approaching unfamiliar topics, hence ensuring that students can learn how to relate theoretical and practical work.
  • It arouses curiosity in young minds and encourages them to explore innovations and unexplored topics.
  • Science Education also opens up many career opportunities for students.
  • It aids in the development of communication skills with other people and develops patience and perseverance in children.
  • Education in the science field instils a sense of intrigue that allows students to understand and form questions based on the knowledge they gained.

Importance of Human Rights Education in India

Human Rights Education can be defined as a learning process that helps to build a thorough knowledge regarding the values and importance of human rights. This will enable students to examine their experiences from a human rights point of view and integrate these concepts into their everyday decisions and values. 

  • An important outcome of human rights education is empowerment. This will enable students to take control of their own lives and make decisions that will empower them. 
  • Human rights education also aims to teach students about how human rights promote participation in decision-making, eventually resulting in the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  • It also educates students about the history and continuing development of human rights as well as about international law, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Furthermore, human rights education highlights human rights violations such as torture, genocide, or violence against women and the social, economic, political, ethnic, and gender forces which cause them.

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Importance of Engineering Education in India

Source: 3 Idiots

Infrastructure is another vital component that contributes to the development of any nation. Engineering education is gaining more relevance nowadays with many individuals striving to gain admission to prestigious engineering colleges around the world. The importance of engineering education came to light, especially after the achievement of Independence in the year 1947. The Indian government realized the huge potential of engineers in the development of the nation. They realized the importance of developing engineering education for ultimately building the Indian industry, roads, dams, communication systems, power and drinking water facilities, and other necessary infrastructure. 

  • Engineering education holds the potential to come up with innovative solutions to almost any kind of problem and the capacity to settle, prevent and preview any practical anomaly in a complex object. 
  • Furthermore, a degree in engineering can open up a range of job opportunities for students in a number of fields due to the universal application of engineering. 
  • Engineering education helps in developing innovation, creativity, and knowledge in shaping the future of an individual. 

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Importance of Workers’ Education in India

Workers’ education helps in creating awareness regarding trade union consciousness among the workers. The majority of the workers in India are treated unjustly and receive an average minimum pay that is not sufficient enough to sustain their families. Unfortunately, due to a lack of education, it becomes impossible for workers to fight for their rights and wages against wealthy employers, who are backed by a powerful political system. Hence, it becomes mandatory that workers are also made aware of their rights and privileges through proper workers’ education. 

Furthermore, workers’ education mainly focuses on familiarizing the workers with the capitalist culture and the business philosophy. It also aims to foster the workers’ loyalty towards the trade union and impart necessary training to the workers to ensure they have the necessary skills and capabilities for efficient and effective participation in the union. 

Source: Giphy

Workers’ education also aims to promote a greater understanding of the country’s economic and environmental problems as well as acquaint them with their rights and privileges which allows them to be better participants of the trade union. 

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Clinical Legal Education (CLE) has been a significant part of legal education since 1960. Essentially, clinical legal education can be defined as a multi-disciplined, multi-purpose education that can develop the human resources and idealism needed to strengthen the legal system. CLE students can help in making major contributions to the national development of India and bring about social change in a constructive manner. 

  • Clinical Legal Education involves a different approach to the learning of law: it encompasses experiential learning. The scope of the client’s problems is determined then the appropriate solution is concocted. This gives students an excellent opportunity to explain why they are taking certain actions and consequently, they can discuss and reconsider their actions. Hence, this way, students can examine social and legal issues in an in-depth manner. 
  • Clinical Legal Education is based on a practical approach and hence it helps in the acquisition of skills. The skills may include research skills, communication skills, interviewing clients and witnesses, counselling, drafting, negotiating, and problem-solving skills. These skills are necessary for the legal field. 

Importance of STEM Education in India

STEM essentially stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM Education refers to any subject that falls under the category of these four main streams. In a developing nation such as India, STEM Education is important in enhancing the creativity and innovative skills of young minds. STEM Education results in an interactive and gamified learning experience, for students, through gadgets that help in developing a sturdy foundation for their education. 

Additionally, STEM Education imparts real-life problem-solving skills along with computational thinking, creative thinking, logical reasoning, better decision-making, and good observation skills to students. It also helps with the overall development of students as it builds their self-confidence through experimentation-based learning.  It also creates an interactive learning environment allowing students to acquire hands-on learning experience and evolve their mindsets towards being more technologically advanced. 

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Importance of Vocational Education in India

Vocation Education forms an essential element of the Indian school system. It imparts the necessary practical skills that are required by students when they enter the job field. Vocational education focuses on the non-academic aspects of training. Such training is more useful because there are practical programs that are designed to help the students be accustomed to a professional setup and be comfortable working in such an environment. 

  • Vocational Education broadens the educational horizons of students and enables them to reach higher levels of achievement through self-learning. It prepares students for specific competencies in numerous job fields. 
  • It ensures that the student understands the social reality and realizes their potential within the framework of economic development.
  • Vocational Education also opens up multiple avenues and channels for employment and self-employment.
  • It results in the supply of more skilled manpower or technical personnel. This results in positive growth for the nation. 

Importance of Primary Education in India

Here are various benefits of primary education in India and why it is important:

  • Primary education imparts a thorough boost to your child
  • It enhances your kid’s awareness
  • It sets up a base for your child
  • It also helps in boosting social and emotional development

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This was all about the importance of education in India. This blog has extensively covered the importance of education in many sectors. Follow Leverage Edu for more interesting and informative articles on school education.

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