
How to Get a High Score in IELTS Academic Reading?: Tips and Tricks

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How to Get a High Score in IELTS Academic Reading (1)

The foremost thing in your study abroad journey is to score well in IELTS. Since English is not every student’s native language, Indian students are required to appear for an English test to demonstrate their language fluency. The IELTS Exam is divided into General and Academic, and as a student, you need to take the academic test. 

IELTS Academic consists of 4 parts i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. However, IELTS Academic Reading is one of the major factors contributing to your overall IELTS Test Score. In some cases, students do not have a command over every section of the IELTS exam, however, if you can score well in the reading section, it will most likely increase your chances of getting enrolled in your preferred university. Let’s get the preparation insights of IELTS Academic reading through the blog curated for you!

About IELTS Academic Reading

IELTS Academic Reading is taken to assess a wide range of reading skills including your ability to catch an argument and recognise a writer’s opinion. The purpose of IELTS Academic Reading is to identify how well you can read and understand the main ideas, details, opinions and implicit meanings throughout the passages. 

In IELTS Academic Reading, you are given three passages segregated into 40 questions. The passages are extracted from Books, Journals, Magazines and Newspapers. You are given 60 minutes to complete the task. 

Tips to score high in IELTS Academic Reading

To achieve a high score in IELTS Academic Reading, you must work on your strategies. Here are some of the most useful tips to ace your IELTS Academic Reading; 

First, Read the Instructions

Read all the instructions carefully before starting. Always stick to the word limit, if the answer is supposed to be given in 3 words, then follow the lead as exceeding the word limit affects your score negatively.

Squeeze the Passage 

Reading the entire passage takes a very long and you might lose out on time, so it is recommended to skim the passage for 2-3 minutes. Make sure that you underline the important keywords while scanning the passage. This way you can easily locate all the answers within the passage without wasting any time.

Develop Your Vocabulary

Always remember that learning vocabulary is not just knowing the definition of the word but its implication in a sentence. Developing vocabulary also helps you with collocation, through which you identify how a particular word can be used with either verbs or nouns. 


As you know, the IELTS reading section is conducted to assess your understanding of language complexities. For every correct answer, you will be required to choose from the options, there will always be a paraphrased part in the text.

Don’t Leave any Questions

Always remember that you will be marked zero for ignoring a question. Never leave any questions unanswered. When you realize that there’s no time left, just guess and write anything relevant, you may manage to guess it right.

Time Management

Time management has always been a good option. Don’t waste your time on a single question which is taking more than the required time. Try finishing each question within the given time and spare some time for reading passages. 

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To get 9.0 in IELTS Academic writing, the candidate has to practice some tips and tricks such as Reading the passage, squeezing the text and making sure to practice daily.

What is the full form of IELTS?

The full form of IELTS is the International English Language Testing System.

How many sections are there in the IELTS Academic exam?

There are four sections in the IELTS Academic exam, such as Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

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