
Top Educational Quotes to Keep You Motivated

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Top Educational Quotes to Keep You Motivated

“Strive for Progress, not for perfection.” Education aims to create progressive human beings and not just the ones who vaguely run behind perfection. If you think about it, the only essential factor that transformed the human society into a civilised one is education. In primitive times, the early man found ways to communicate engraving their thoughts and ideas on the walls. About millions of years ago, the medium of writing and language was yet to be discovered. But it was our strive towards learning that brought us to the tech age where everything is under our fingertips. In the present times, quality education has an incremental role in every individual’s life. Growing up, the initial two decades of our lives are engrossed in completing different levels of education and especially when one concludes their higher secondary level, every career decision holds a strong impact on their educational and professional journey. So, if you have been feeling lost in life or facing a rut in your career and searching for some motivation, don’t worry we have got you covered. Through this blog, we are bringing some of the top educational quotes that will surely boost your morale and help you find the right motivation to sail ahead in your career.

“The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.”- Aristotle 

Amongst one of the best educational quotes by Aristotle, this statement simply conveys the reality of the struggle which everyone goes through during the years of attaining education. While you might face many struggles and hurdles along the way, the only thing that you need to ensure that you are giving it your best. Learn from your mistakes as well as the hardships you come across as all of these will polish your skills and abilities and ultimately make you a better and learned individual.

Abraham Lincoln

“Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potentials”- John Maxwell

The only pivotal difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former ones are those determinant and strong-headed people who put all of their best efforts in achieving their set goals while the latter ones lack the perseverance to actualise their objectives. The primary step in attaining what you always have desired is settling your focus on it and chase it consistently as a goal. The hard work and determination that one puts in are the only distinguishing factors when it comes to analysing whether they are successful or unsuccessful. Being of the best educational quotes, it teaches you to be passionate about your goals in order to transform them into sure-shot success. 

Mahatma Gandhi Educational Quote

“The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn.”- John Lubbock 

Said by one of the renowned philanthropists of England, it is amongst those educational quotes that counter the traditional learning methods of cramming up subjects. Lubbock elucidates that rather than making children compulsorily study a particular subject, instead, their learning experience should focus on what and how children are being taught. Teachers have a crucial role in ensuring that they are igniting the strive for knowledge in their students rather than just limiting them to classroom learning.

Bill Gates

“Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”- John Wooden   

You will come across many people in your life that will tell you that you are not good enough. While you might not be an expert in some things, you will have your own strengths and abilities as well as areas where you can shine. While there will be many educational quotes that will tell you to never give up, the most important thing you need to keep in mind is to focus on your strengths and utilise your own unique skills and abilities to turn your goals into milestones. Don’t let others get into your head and keep your eyes on the goal and you will get there. 

Albert Einstein

“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me.”- Fred Rogers 

Teaching is one of the noblest and selfless professions. Teachers try to impart the best practical and moral knowledge to their students through several creative and innovative methods to make them into better humans and great learners. While educational quotes provide you with some wise lessons from great personalities, everyone has a hero or many mentors in life they look up to. These teachers are not just the ones you come across in your academic journey but throughout your life, be it your elders or those that ended up imparting you with pivotal knowledge in life. 

Steve Jobs Educational Quotes
Steve Jobs Educational Quotes

“What we learn with pleasure we never forget.”– Alfred Mercier

Through this statement, Alfred Mercier aims to convey that we should not limit the process of learning to the four walls and should make it more enjoyable. It is not a one-way process definitely, both students and teachers should get to interact and learn from each other. With interactive classrooms, the learning process can be made fun and this way students will get to retain much more knowledge than the conventionally rigid learning environment. Learning something in a fun way is a much better way to retain it than cramming it.

Thus, the pivotal element of all educational quotes is the emphasis on the importance of learning and knowledge and their significant role in moulding us to become the best version of ourselves. If you find yourself stuck at any stage of your academic or professional quest, book a free 30-minute counselling sessions with our experts at Leverage Edu and let us guide you throughout your career journey, be it choosing the right course or university or finding suitable career prospects.

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