
Applications of Robotics

4 minute read
Applications of Robotics

Imagine having a robot to tackle all your mundane household chores with just a few controls to adding the coolness quotient in your life! As we are living in a tech world filled with AI technologies, hoping for the possibilities of robots in the near future has the potential of turning into a reality. Robotics as a field has grown immensely as the continuos research and development in this sphere has led to many innovations. But do you know that there are various types of robots which are specially designed to carry out tasks at par of human capacity for various industries? These intricately designed robots can handle all the human tasks efficiently from doing menial household stuff to assisting the military. Curious about robots and their applications? Scroll this blog to know the top astonishing applications of robotics!

Industrial Applications

Courtesy: Tech2025

All across the globe, robots are majorly used in the large scale industries that involve massive production and manufacturing. From having mobility and human-like flexibility, the robots that are used in industries vary greatly with respect to the tasks associated. Industries producing ready-made food products, generally use robots for designing, manufacturing, packing and such. Along with this, some are used to lift heavy raw materials from one place to another. In industries, many robots are also programmed to control machines conducting several activities. 

Domestic Chores

Home Robot Zenbo
Courtesy: Pinterest

Amongst the most sought-after applications of Robotics, many robots are designed to carry out household activities like grass-cutting, pool-cleaning, window-cleaning, vacuuming, locking and opening doors, etc. The robots designed for such tasks can be easily pre-programmed and are less costly, light-weight and mobile as compared to the industry-oriented ones. Also, there are some AI-equipped gadgets that can be used to carry out tasks like maintaining the temperature of the house, central locking and unlocking, face-recognition entry, etc. 

Military Assistance

While soldiers and military officials have an indispensable role in a country’s defence force, robots can also be of great assistance in the military. As one of the much-needed applications of robotics, automations and robots in the military have been used for a very long time. Totally automated robots with special programming can carry out functions like catching the target, launching missiles, shooting guns, etc. Military robots are frequently used for bomb disposal scenarios as there is no risking the lives of soldiers. Such robots are controlled by humans and can be operated from a safer distance thus also facilitating the protection of soldiers and military force.

Medical and Health Care 

Courtesy: Rebloggy

As the medical industry has been revolutionized by technology, there are many applications of robotics in the healthcare sector. Incorporating various applications of artificial intelligence, many high-end robots can be seen operating surgeries in the medical field. As the intricate task of performing surgeries involves utter precision, the robots are meticulously programmed to carry them out. The use of such advanced technologies and methods in the healthcare sector has benefited hundreds of patients and doctors. By this application, doctors are now able to carry out surgeries that involve a high risk of infection without any fear. 


Another prominent use of robots is seen in space science and astronomy. Operations like collecting data or exploring the terrains can be completed through robots. Some of the commonly deployed space robots are Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) and the Remote Manipulator System (RMS). All the information that is difficult to achieve humanly, can be stored by search robots.


Gone are the days when farmers used to plough the field on their own. Nowadays many electric equipments are used in the agriculture sector which helps farmers achieve better targets with less human involvement. Robots are programmed to harvest certain crops, plant seeds as well as extract out unwanted weeds. Along with this, robotic applications can be seen in the livestock industry as well for completing tasks like milking. 

Surveillance and Security 

Courtesy: Pinterest

One of the most beneficial applications of robotics is public security. Automated robots can be installed for surveillance and security at areas where human force is present in bulks. The task of patrolling can never be put on hold with the help of robots. 

Thus, we hope that this blog has familiarized you with the major applications of robotics around the world! Planning to study a degree in Robotics? Get in touch with our experts at Leverage Edu and they will help you in finding the best-fit degree in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Sign up for an e-meeting with us today. 

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