
SOP for Singapore: Guidelines, Samples, Tips and Tricks

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sop for singapore

Hi! I’m Astronaut Alex 👨‍🚀🚀, and today, we’re discussing how to write a flawless SOP for Singapore universities. Do you know how Chewing gum is banned in Singapore? Only those with medical prescriptions can chew gum! Well, just something to surprise you. Anyway, I’ll show you how to get admitted to the top universities in Singapore by making your SOP stand out.


A Statement of Purpose (SOP), also known as a research statement or a letter of intent, is submitted to the admissions committee and discusses your career path, interests, professional contributions, goals, and motivation for pursuing a specific programme. This is typically submitted as an essay; however, certain universities may prefer to keep it question-based. It is the most important aspect of your application because it determines your admission to your preferred institution.

An SOP for Singapore, on the other hand, is optional. Although most universities prefer Personal Statements, students who provide SOP have a better chance of admission than others. An SOP is not required for a student visa in Singapore.

On behalf of the students, universities in Singapore register a student pass for Indian applications. They apply to the Singapore Immigration and Checkpoint Authority for the pass (ICA). New applications for student passes should be submitted one month before the start of classes, not before.

Hope you have a gist of what a SOP is and its importance for Singapore universities. This is just the beginning! Join me as I take you on a journey to understanding more about it. Let’s go!🚀

SOP for Singapore: Highlights

In terms of a statement of purpose, universities in Singapore have varying requirements. While some are program-specific, the majority are similar:


Unlike in other countries, applicants to Singapore universities must submit an essay as their statement of purpose. Though the content and expectations of SOPs differ depending on whether they are for a UG or PG programme, the structural guidelines remain the same.

➡️Word Limit

Unless otherwise specified, a typical Statement of Purpose for Singapore universities must be no more than 1000 words long ( 1-2 pages in length).

➡️Font Size & Style 

Students must only use one font style, preferably Times New Roman when writing their statements of purpose. Furthermore, a font size of 12 pt would be ideal.


In addition to being free of plagiarism and grammatically correct, the document must also follow a logical flow of information. Furthermore, Singapore SOPs recommend the use of active verbs and discourage the use of too many qualifiers.


The Singapore SOP should be error-free and grammatically correct. Before submitting the files, it is critical to proofread them and check for errors and plagiarism.

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🧑‍🎓SOP for Singapore: UG and PG requirements

Regardless of programme level, a Statement of Purpose must be attached to the application form. Because an SOP reflects how well you know and understand your desired course field, make sure you conduct thorough research and provide concrete information.

Furthermore, you must be well aware of the scope of the course and where you are heading by enrolling in it.

  • A Statement of Purpose for UG courses in Singapore should focus on a single aspect, such as previous academic achievements or plans after completing the chosen programme.
  • A graduate SOP for Singapore universities requires five main pieces of information: 
  1. In the field of concentration, 
  2. The reason for choosing the field
  3. Relevant academic/professional experience in the chosen field
  4. Why did you choose this particular school?
  5.  Where do you see yourself after completing the degree?

SOP for PG programmes must be tailored to the program(s) and college(s) for which you are applying. Repetition leads to rejection.

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Structure of the SOP

There are three sections in every structured SOP: the beginning, middle, and end. A statement of purpose for Singapore, on the other hand, must include specific details within these three components.


Introduce yourself precisely; admissions officers want to know who you are and what qualifications you have. Singapore universities prefer that you keep things simple. There is no need to select an out-of-the-box quotation, as seen in an SOP for Canada, the United Kingdom, or the United States.


Once you’ve finished your introduction, establish the main idea/theme of your essay—your unique selling point—around which your essay will revolve. Whatever ideas and elements you highlight should complement the theme and tone of your SOP.

For example, one of the key questions that PG students ask is, “Why do you want to study in Singapore?” As a result, if we keep this question at the heart of your SOP for Singapore, you can include the following elements in the essay:

  • How has your programme selection influenced your choice of study location?
  • Why is Singapore a better study destination for you than India?
  • How will your education in Singapore benefit your plans in India or elsewhere?


Summarize your writing in a few words or a paragraph. Maintain a neutral tone in your conclusion.

Must Read: Expert Tips on How to Write an SOP!

❌How to Avoid Rejection from Universities?

There are certain points to remember while writing your SOP for Singapore to avoid rejection from the Universities. These points are listed below:

  • Keep your statement concise. The essay should not be an unnecessarily long piece of detail; brevity should be considered until a logical point is reached.
  • Do not verbatim copy your CV. You can expand on what your CV says, but add a personal and confident touch to your purpose statement.
  • Instead of void claims, use concrete examples. Everything you say in your SOP must be supported by examples and proof, not just facts. This improves the reader’s engagement.
  • Extracurricular activities should not be overemphasised. It’s an important part of your wholesome statement, but it shouldn’t be the focus.
  • Your SOP should be a reflection of yourself. Make sure it has elements of originality and interest.

Must Read: Most Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your SOP Writing!

🏫SOP Guidelines for Top Singapore Universities

In this section, we will go over a few requirements set by top Singapore universities:

➡️National University of Singapore (NUS)

A Personal Statement of 2000 characters is required by the National University of Singapore (about 300 words). In this statement, applicants must outline their accomplishments. Students should prepare the draught as an MS Word document and paste it into the online application form.

➡️Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Nanyang Technological University requires a personal statement as well as a writing sample. The word limit varies depending on the programme. Typically, the word limit is 200. The personal statement should respond to the following prompts:

  1. What makes you unique and interesting?
  2. Which of the following is your preferred major?
  3. Why did you choose your preferred major?
  4. What do you hope to gain by finishing this major?

➡️SMU (Singapore Management University)

A personal statement of 300 words highlighting your most outstanding achievements or contributions in your life is required. You can include the following accomplishments/contributions in your SOP for Singapore Management University:

  1. Sports and/or arts excellence and/or leadership.
  2. Influential leadership and/or involvement in community service and volunteer programmes.
  3. Significant awards and accomplishments in the field(s) relevant to the course(s) applied for.
  4. Notable participation in work (or internship) related to the course applied for.
  5. Notable participation in entrepreneurial activity.
  6. Capability to overcome major difficulties and life challenges.

➡️Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

The application form for the Singapore University of Technology and Design includes a set of questions. Applicants must select and respond to two of four questions that best present new and additional information that will be useful for the applicant’s profile. Aside from that, applicants must provide a record of their accomplishments, past leadership experiences, and community service.

➡️SIT (Singapore Institute of Technology)

A personal statement or essay describing an outstanding achievement is required for the Singapore Institute of Technology. This document should highlight your educational and/or work experience. It should also respond to the following questions:

  1. What impact would these have on your program(s) of choice?
  2. How will it assist you in achieving your life goal(s)?
  3. What are your plans after you graduate?

➡️James Cook University-Singapore (JCU) 

James Cook University requires a personal statement or statement of purpose. Specific course requirements may differ.

➡️Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)

Singapore University of Social Sciences requires a reflection essay of 500 words on the following topic: Choose ONE quality that you have gained from your personal experience. Describe how you obtained it and why it is important to you. In addition, applicants must submit a portfolio highlighting non-academic achievements such as

  1. Extracurricular pursuits
  2. Volunteering or community service
  3. Positions of leadership
  4. Working knowledge (internships, traineeships, job shadowing)
  5. Entrepreneurship (start-ups or competitions) (start-ups or competitions)

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Here are a couple of samples of SOP for universities in Singapore to help you understand the flow, structure and writing style.

➡️Sample 1

➡️Sample 2

✅ Tips to Write a Flawless SOP

An SOP for Singapore contains various bits of information, but how they are presented is what makes it unavoidable to reject. To make your personal statement more acceptable, consider using the following suggestions:-

  • Use sample essays for inspiration, but create the statement in your own terms.
  • Make certain that the SOP contains no plagiarized material or AI-generated content.
  • Make certain that you adhere to the criteria of the university to which you are applying.
  • Don’t go above the word limit.
  • To seem more confident, make your sentences dynamic.
  • Longer sentences are more likely to contain errors. So make your sentences shorter.
  • Make sure you answer all of the university’s inquiries.

Must Read: SOP for Scholarship: Sample PDF, Examples, Tips & Tricks


It is critical to keep the tips, given in this article, in mind when writing an SOP for Singapore to increase your chances of admission. To summarise, the SOP must reflect the student holistically while providing accurate information. We hope that the guidelines will assist you in writing the ideal SOP for your preferred university in Singapore.

Mr. Astronaut👨‍🚀🚀- “ Kiddos, I have answered all your queries with the utmost precision that I was capable of. Now, I will be taking my leave, but if you think that I might have missed something do check out the FAQ section or drop a comment. I always respond!”

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Q1. How do I write an SOP in Singapore?

Ans. The personal statement should respond to the following prompts:
What makes you unique and interesting?
Which of the following is your preferred major?
Why did you choose your preferred major?
What do you hope to gain by finishing this major?

Q2. Is SOP important for visas?

Ans. Admission to a specific College or University is determined by the SOP. It should be clear enough to describe your objectives and accomplishments. The admissions team evaluates students’ goals and works with them to help them achieve them. It is a mandatory requirement along with other documents in the study visa application.

Q3. What is the word limit for SOP?

Ans. Statements of Purpose should not be longer than one to two pages (350 to 750 words); some colleges require a maximum of 1000 words.

To help you write an SOP and shortlist colleges/universities for Singapore or any other country, please contact Leverage Edu. You can also call us at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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