50+ Questions on Classification Non Verbal Reasoning 

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Classification Non Verbal Reasoning

Under logical reasoning, Non Verbal reasoning practice set is an important component that assesses analytical thinking in addition to several other abilities. Analogy, classification, series, image and figure counting, cube and dice, and other related subjects are some of the other significant subjects covered within Non Verbal reasoning practice set. In this article, we will cover the topic of classification from scratch to advanced. 

It’s very important to practice Classification  Non Verbal Reasoning Questions while you get ready for India’s competitive exams. Different categories of Classification Non Verbal Reasoning questions are included in the following article. Now let’s begin practicing classification questions.

Topic Description
What is Classification?The method of sorting items based on common qualities
and identifying the odd one out.
Types of Classification Non Verbal Reasoning Questions:Choosing the Odd Word Based on General KnowledgeChoosing the Odd NumberChoosing the Odd Numeral Pair/GroupChoosing the Odd Letter GroupChoosing the Odd Pair of Words Based on Synonyms and AntonymsChoosing the Odd Pair of Words Based on the Image
Importance of Non-Verbal Reasoning Practice Set:Assess analytical thinking abilities for competitive
exams in India like Bank Exams, LIC (AAO), RRB, CAT, Management Exams, UPSC CSAT, State PSC Exams, SSC (CGL, Steno,)

What is Classification? What are Classification Non Verbal Reasoning Questions?

Classification is defined as the method of sorting the various items of a given group based on certain common qualities they possess and identifying the odd one out. The classification section addresses different categorization standards that can be applied to group the items. This classification may be based on some common characteristics they have, such as shape, number of sides, division of figures, etc. So, the things that have these qualities in common are grouped, and the object that doesn’t—the odd one—should be taken out of the group.

Let us understand the basics of classification through one example:


In the above figures, each of the figures except the circle is formed with straight lines. Thus, the circle is the odd one out since it doesn’t fit in with the shared characteristics 

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Types of Classification Non Verbal Reasoning Questions

Let’s examine each of the many question kinds that could appear below one by one:

  • Choosing the Odd Word Based on General Knowledge: Identify the word that stands out based on overall knowledge.
  • Choosing the Odd Number: Differentiate number pairs to identify the one with a unique relationship.
  • Choosing the Odd Numeral Pair/Group: Find the incorrect pair or group among given numerical combinations.
  • Choosing the Odd Letter Group: Identify the group of letters that don’t fit the established pattern.
  • Choosing the Odd Pair of Words Based on Synonyms and Antonyms: Select the pair where the words have an unusual relationship in terms of synonyms or antonyms.
  • Choosing the Odd Pair of Words Based on Image: Determine the odd image pair by recognizing visual differences.

Tips to Solve Non-Verbal Reasoning Practice Set on Classification

Time Management is a very important factor in every competitive exam. One should always have a ready-made strategy beforehand as to how to solve questions in a limited time frame. The challenge is that some questions check your calculation ability as examiners want to be aware of how many students can solve the questions with speed and precision. So if you wish to solve your government or bank or any question paper quickly then you should utilize the below tips of reasoning and Classification (Non Verbal Reasoning) which will help you to solve government, bank, and other exam papers without any problem.

  • Since the Verbal reasoning questions dealing with classification are one of the trickier ones, applicants should carefully read the question before selecting their response.
  • Since most of the Non Verbal reasoning questions related to classification will call for it, candidates must be able to think creatively and have evaluation abilities to answer questions on Non Verbal reasoning.
  • In “Selecting the Odd Figure-based questions”, four or five figures with the labels (a), (b), (c), (d), and/or (e) are provided. Three or four of these figures share qualities and are thus somewhat similar. One of the figures does not fit with the other figures since it lacks the shared qualities. You need to select a figure that does not belong to the group.
  • In “Choosing Figure with Same Characteristics based questions” there are questions and answer figures being provided. Based on some shared characteristics, the problem figures are connected, and one of the answer figures is included in the group of problem figures. The figure that you remove from the collection of problem figures is the one you must use as your solution.

Classification Non Verbal Reasoning Practice Set:

The following questions will give you a better insight into each type discussed in the above section::

Directions for Q1 and Q2: In the following questions, a group of five figures is given, Out of which four figures are similar to each other in a certain way and one is different from the other. Find the odd figure out.



A1. (d) After examining the above figure, it is found that except (d), all figures can easily be obtained by clockwise and anti-clockwise movement of each other.



A2. (d) All figures except figure (d), can be rotated to form different figures.

Q3. In each of the following questions select the one that is different from the other three responses.

  1.  Centaur
  2.  Tortoise
  3.  Goat
  4.  Tiger
  5.  Lion

A3: (A) Centaur

Q4. Select the one that is different from the other three responses.

  1.  23
  2.  25
  3.  19
  4.  11
  5.  17


Directions for Q5 -Q12:In the following questions, a group of five figures is given, Out of which four figures are similar to each other in a certain way and one is different from the other. Find the odd figure out.



A5.(e) Except figure (e), all have three sides but in figure (e) there are four sides.



A6.Except for figure (e), all figures are made up of three simple lines but in option (e) four lines are involved.



A7.Except for figure (a), all figures have an equal number of figures both inside and outside of the main figure.



A8.(a) Except for figure (a), all figures are divided into two equal parts.



A9.Here each figure except (a) is divided such that each figure contains as many parts as equal to the number of sides in each figure.



A10. Let us consider the two adjacent bent lines as a pair. Then, in each figure except (d), there are two straight lines between the bent pair and the remaining bent line when the direction of the bent is considered.



A11.Except for figure (d), in all figures, the middle of the square is open and touches the blank box.



A12.(c) Except for figure (c), in all the figures, both the inside and outside figures are similar but differ in size.



A13.Except for Figure (c), all the figures are mirror images of one another.

Q14. In each of the following questions, select the one that is different from the other three responses:

  •  58-85
  •  96-69
  •  38-83
  •  53-35
  •  47-73


Q15. Select the one that is different from the other three responses :

  •  Cholera
  •  AIDS
  •  Cancer
  •  Smallpox
  •  Health

A15: Health

Directions for Q16:In the following questions, a group of five figures is given, Out of which four figures are similar to each other in a certain way and one is different from the other. Find the odd figure out.



A16.(a) In all figures, except (a) the line attached to the corner of the figure is facing outside the figure but in figure (a) it is inside the figure.

Directions for Q17 and Q18: In the following questions a group of four/five figures are given. Out of which three/four figures are similar to each other in a certain pattern. Find the figure that does not belong to the group.



A17. (d) Two lines on the extreme ends of all the figures, except figure (d) have the same direction of arrows. In Figure (d), the directions of the arrows are different.



A18.(e) In all the figures, except figure (e), two concentric figures are arranged in such a way that the inner figure has one side less than the outer figure.



A19.In all the figures, except figure (b), the arrow is one step away from the shaded sector of the circle in the anti-clockwise direction.



A20.In all the figures, except figure (b), arcs in pairs outside the hexagon are two sides ahead of the single arc.

Directions for Q19: In each of the following questions, there are two problem figures followed by answer figures marked as (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e). The two problem figures have some common characteristics. Select the answer figure which has the same characteristics as that of the problem figure.



A19.(e)Two identical figures intersect each other and any one outer portion of the figure is shaded. Figure (e) has similar characteristics and hence, belongs to the same group.

Directions for Q20 and Q21: In each of the following questions, there is a set of four figures named problem figures followed by answer figures marked as (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e). The four problem figures have some common characteristics. Select the answer figure with the same characteristics as the problem figure.



A20.(c)When we closely observe the problem figure, then we find that there are an even number of dots in the problem figure. So, the answer figure having an even number of dots is the correct answer i.e., option (c).



A21. (b) Each problem figure is divided into as many parts as the number of sides in it. Hence, the correct answer figure bearing the same characteristics is given in option (b).

Q22.Which of the following shapes is different from other shapes?

  1. Shape A
  2. Shape B
  3. Shape C
  4. Shape D
  5. Shape E

A22.(C) In all of the shapes, except shape C, a line starts from one side and intersects the opposite side into two equal parts. In shape C, the line that starts from one side of the trapezoid does not divide the opposite side into two equal parts, so it is different from the others.

Q23.Which of the following shapes is different from other shapes?

  1. Shape A
  2. Shape B
  3. Shape C
  4. Shape D
  5. Shape E

A23.(A) All of the shapes, except shape A, are made of straight lines. The shape A is a cylinder that cannot be made using straight lines. So, this shape is different from other shapes.

Q24. Which of the following boxes is different from the other boxes?

  1. Box A
  2. Box B
  3. Box C
  4. Box D
  5. Box E

A24(B)The lines in all the boxes, except box B, show a similar pattern, e.g. a large line alternates with a small line. The lines of box B don’t follow this pattern, so it is different from other boxes.

Q25.Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group.

  1. Tiger
  2. Lion
  3. Leopard
  4. Cow

A25.(D) In this group of words, all animals are carnivorous but cows are herbivorous. Hence, the correct answer is Cow.

Q26.Choose the odd pair.

  1. Volume: Liter
  2. Time: Second
  3. Length: Meter 
  4. Pressure: Barometer 

A26.(D) In all options, the second pair is the unit to measure the first one but in option 4, the barometer is the instrument to measure pressure. Hence, the correct answer is Pressure: Barometer.

Q27.Choose the number that is different from others in the group. 

  1. 13
  2. 17
  3. 23
  4. 27

A27. (D) All numbers from all the options are prime numbers except option 4. Hence, the correct answer is 27.

Q28.Choose the number pair which is different from others in the group

  1. 14 – 7 
  2. 24 – 3 
  3. 37 – 5 
  4. 42 – 2

A28.(C) The first number is the multiple of the second term except for the third term. Hence, the correct answer is 37 – 5.

Q29.Choose the letter pair which is different from others in the group.

  1. BD
  2. IK
  3. PN
  4. SU

A29.(C) All the groups consist of two alternate letters in order, while in the group they are in reverse order. Hence, the correct answer is PN.

Q30.Choose a pair of words that are different from others in the group.

  1. Length: Extend
  2. Duration: Period 
  3. Time: Span 
  4. Expanse: Stretch

A30.(D) Here, in all options, the first word is the synonym of the second word except the last one. The last one is the antonyms of the first one. Hence., the correct answer is Expanse: Stretch.

Q31 In the following question, find the odd one from the given alternatives.

  1. Linen
  2. Cotton
  3. Iron 
  4. Silk

A31.(A) Linen, Cotton, and Silk are types of clothes. Hence, Iron is the odd one from the given alternative.

Q32. In the following question, find the odd one from the given alternatives.

  1. Netherlands
  2. Brunei
  3. Croatia 
  4. Serbia

A32.(B) The Netherlands, Croatia, and Serbia are European countries. Hence, Brunei is the odd one from the given alternative.

Q33.In the following question, find the odd one from the given alternatives.

  1. Electrician
  2. Paediatrician
  3. Oncologist 
  4. Cardiologist 

A33.(A) Pediatricians, Oncologists, and cardiologists are Doctors. Hence, the Electrician is the odd one from the given alternative.

Q34.Select the odd number pair from the given alternatives. 

  1. 13, 169
  2. 17, 269
  3. 14, 196
  4. 16, 256

A34.(B)  Here is the solution

  1. 13, 169 → (13)2 = 169
  2. 17, 269 → (17)2 = 269 ≠ 289
  3. 14, 196 → (14)2 = 196
  4. 16, 256 → (16)2 = 256

Hence, 17, 269 is the odd number pair.

Q35. In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.

  1.  Herb
  2.  Flower
  3.  Tree
  4.  Shrub
  5.  None

A35.(B) Flower

Q36.In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.

  1.  Cow
  2.  Buffalo
  3.  Horse
  4.  Goat
  5.  None

A36.(C) Horse

Q37.In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.

  1.  Moon
  2.  Mars
  3.  Venus
  4.  Jupiter
  5.  None of these

A37 (A) Moon

Q38. In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.

  1.  Pen
  2.  Paper
  3.  Marker
  4.  Highlighter
  5.  None of these

A38. (B) Paper

Q39.Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

  1.  Manure
  2.  Nitrogen
  3.  Ammonia
  4.  Urea
  5.  Potash

A39.(B) Nitrogen

Q40.Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

  1.  130
  2.  131
  3.  125
  4.  138
  5.  146

A40.(B) 131

Q41. Choose the number that is DIFFERENT from the rest.

  1.  28
  2.  45
  3.  72
  4.  81
  5.  None of these

A41.(A) 28

Q42. Four of the following five words are alike in a certain way one is different pick the odd one out.

  1.  89
  2.  56
  3.  50
  4.  62
  5.  32

A42.(D) 62

Q43. Select the one which is different from the other three responses.

  1.  1
  2.  65
  3.  8
  4.  64
  5.  None of these

A43.(B) 65

Q44.. Three of the following four numbers are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the number that is different from the rest.

  1.  126
  2.  189
  3.  254
  4.  217
  5.  None of these


Q45. Select the one which is different from the other three responses.

  1.  AIUE
  2.  PIRE
  3.  VALT
  4.  TORE
  5.  None of these

A45:(A) AIUE

Q46. In the following question, select the odd letter group from the given alternatives.

  1.  CPBO
  2.  BODY
  3.  ANHU
  4.  ESGT
  5.  None of these

A46: (C) ANHU

Q47 In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.

  1.  Petrol – Car
  2.  Oil – Lamp
  3.  Coal – Engine
  4.  Smoke_ Fire
  5.  None of these

A47: (D) Smoke_ Fire

Q48. Select the odd number from the given alternatives.

  1.  15
  2.  20
  3.  30
  4.  40
  5.  50

A48. (C) 30

Q49. In the following question, select the odd number from the given alternatives.

  1.  51
  2.  45
  3.  63
  4.  39
  5.  85

A49.(E) 85

Q50.. In each of the questions, there are four groups of letters. One of these groups is different from the other groups.

Find out the different groups.

  1.  ZWT
  2.  FCA
  3.  SPM
  4.  HEB
  5.  LIF

A50. (B) FCA

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What is the classification question and answer?

Finding the odd object in a group of objects based on common characteristics such as shape, size, category, color, or characteristic is the process of classification. 

What is non-verbal classification?

Non-verbal classification is the process of sorting visual elements based on common features and identifying the ones that don’t fit.

What is classification in reasoning?

Classification in reasoning involves categorizing items based on shared characteristics and identifying the ones that don’t follow the pattern.

How many types of non-verbal reasoning are there?

Non-verbal reasoning includes various types like figure classification, analogy, series, image counting, cube and dice, and more.

What is figure classification?

Figure classification is a type of non-verbal reasoning where visual elements are grouped based on common features, identifying the odd one out.

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