
UK Visa News

2 minute read
The UK launches scaleup visa to encourage more talent into the country

As soon as the world opened up after the pandemic, Indian students who wished to study abroad immediately started their application process. The UK, a popular destination for Indian students aspiring for overseas education, saw a huge influx of Indian students applying for the UK Tier 4 visa for studying full-time at the best universities in the UK. According to the statistics published by the UK government, there was 102% growth in the UK student visa applications from September 2020 to September 2021 from India alone. In this blog, we cover all such news and updates surrounding UK Visa for students.

What is the effect of such growth on UK visa applications?

Due to high demand, a lot of Indian students are facing delays in their UK Tier 4 visa applications. This is because the embassies and consulates are opening up with slower services after the pandemic.

UK Visa News about Green, Amber and Red List

Another advantageous situation for the Indian students is the removal of lists by the UK government. During the pandemic, to impose travel restrictions, the UK had divided countries into green, amber and red list depending upon the Covid-19 situation. 

India was on the red list in April 2021 and moved to the amber list in August 2021. In October 2021, the amber list was abolished to ease travel restrictions within countries. When India was moved to the amber list, the UK student visa applications started picking up speed. More Indian students applied to study under the UK Education System

Omicron Restrictions in for Indian students

As the cases of the novel variant omicron started growing in the UK, the government put 11 African countries on the red list in November 2021. The variant has now reached community transmission. Therefore, the UK government has abolished all the lists. Indian students have to now follow the Covid-19 protocols rigidly before and after the travel to the UK. It is best to get fully vaccinated before you fly to the UK for higher education.

As of December 2021, these are the latest news updates for UK visas for Indian students. To learn how to apply for a visa, click here.

Need help with your study abroad applications? LeverageEdu’s end-to-end counselling services make it easy. Book your 30-minute profile evaluation with our experts today, totally FREE. Call 1800572000.

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