Ranked in the top 1% of universities of the world, University of Adelaide, Australia is a leading research university located in Adelaide, South Australia. In addition to being a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities and Group of Eight, the university is also recognized worldwide and renowned for its quality education and research.
Julia Gillard (first female Prime Minister of Australia), Bragg Tony Tan Keng Yam (7th President of Singapore) and Nobel laureates like Howard Florey, Robin Warren and William Lawrence are among the list of notable alumni of University of Adelaide, Australia.
The university primarily focuses on achieving excellence in education, research and engagement with the diversified members of its community. It aims at preparing educated responsible leaders of the future.
The University of Adelaide has four campuses in South Australia at North Terrace, Thebarton, Roseworthy and Waite. The university also offers its courses in Singapore through the Ngee Ann-Adelaide Education Centre.
- North Terrace: North Terrace is the main campus of the University of Adelaide. It is located in the heart of Adelaide.
- Thebarton: Home to the only industrial-scale wind tunnel in South Australia, Thebarton campus is a technology and research park.
- Roseworthy: An internationally renowned culture for excellence in dryland agriculture, Roseworthy is an important campus of the University of Adelaide.
- Waite: Home to the famous Waite Research Institute, Waite campus is located seven kilometres from Adelaide.
- Ngee Ann – Adelaide Education Centre: It is the first overseas centre of the University of Adelaide. Both undergraduate and post-graduate courses are offered here.
The University of Adelaide offers a wide-range of courses across Undergraduate, Postgraduate Coursework and Postgraduate Research level. As a matter of fact, all the courses are taught by superlative teaching staff, including leaders of various fields.
Moreover, the courses of the University spread across five different faculties:
- Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
- The Faculty of Arts
- Faculty of Sciences
- The Faculty of Engineering, Computer, and Mathematical Sciences (ECMS)
- Faculty of the Professions

Class Structure:
The University of Adelaide, Australia is committed to providing conducive environment to its students for the dynamic learning process. Moreover, it consciously works towards building a student body of democratic breath. The university offers an impressive class structure ensuring inclusion of students from different backgrounds and classes in the overall learning process.
- 21,241 students
- 26% percentage of International Students
- 48:52 Student Ratio of Females to Males
- 34.3 no. of students per staff
Other dynamics:
- Clubs: The University of Adelaide, Australia offers more than 130 academic and non-academic clubs to its students to choose from.
- Cultural Programs: The University of Adelaide regularly conducts diversified cultural programs including various language and cultural exchange programs, Adelaide and Fringe Festival
- Media: The University of Adelaide founded Radio Adelaide-Australia’s first community radio station. The university also has three print publications, Lumen, the alumni magazine; Adelaidean, the University’s newspaper and On Dit, the student magazine
- Sports: The sports in University of Adelaide University is under supervision of the Adelaide University Sports Association (AUSA). Also, the AUSA supports 37 sporting clubs which provide a wide range of sporting opportunities to the students of the university.
This Sandstone university has consistently focused on imparting quality knowledge and skills while boosting the zest of its students to learn and grow. All things considered, the key characteristics of Adelaide graduate include self-awareness, eloquent communication skills, teamwork and leadership readiness. Furthermore, the alumni of the university include business and political leaders, Nobel laureates, Olympic medalists and national and international heads. On a whole, University of Adelaide has significantly contributed in turning common men and women into influential leaders of the world.