
Career Outlook – Bioinformatics

3 minute read

The field of bioinformatics and computational biology has become a critical science with the increase in the quantitative and digital biology which witnesses the mapping of the human genome. Additionally, the professionals who wish to enter it will need an integrated education that incorporates the skills and experience which is important for the development and application of the computational techniques as well as mathematical concepts for the analysis of biological data.

Bioinformatics is the application of computer science and information technologies to the processing and analysis of biological data. It is essential to give meaning to the huge chunk of the biological data which is being produced in the post-genomic era, therefore playing a critical role in the biomedical and biotechnological research of this century. The current challenge for the bio-scientist is to be able to manage this information easily.

Why study Bioinformatics?

  • Bioinformatics is a transversal area, applicable to all sub-sectors of the life sciences. It is very important to handle and interpret large-scale data for Omics research.
  • Bioinformatics professionals are in high demand in Academia, Research and Industry because few people have the education and skills to fill the available positions.
  • Learning bioinformatics is a sure shot to professional success. Bioinformatics professionals enjoy a vast range of research and professional jobs and earn competitive starting salaries.
  • Bioinformatics expertise is highly valued. Innovative and technological abilities and easy adaptation to changes are intrinsic traits of Bioinformatics professionals, broadening their employability in the modern scientific and technological societies undergoing permanent renewal.

Career in Bioinformatics

A new kind of biologist is beginning to thrive in the niche created by recent genomic and computational advances. There are two paths to careers in bioinformatics, both of which require learning a new language. Computer scientists must be fluent in the life science theory of genetics, genomics as well as cellular biology. Biologists must pick up skills in data analysis, including statistics, logic and programming. When the field was developing, fledgling bioinformaticians often taught themselves. Now, more institutions are offering formal training, and the field is maturing rapidly.

The skill set needed by a bioinformatics professional keeps evolving with time. In the early days of the human genome project, it was sufficient for scientists to find homologous genes of one organism in the genome of another. Now, bioinformaticians compare multiple genomes, analyze the regions that don’t code for DNA and incorporate a host of proteomic information in their analysis on a regular basis. Both the type and amount of information continue to expand, as biological techniques continue to improve.

As a result, the proficiency bar in bioinformatics continues to grow along with the demand for talented bioinformatics professionals. A few decades ago the ability to scour databases to find a single gene provided at least a plank in the platform for a career in bioinformatics. Now skill set is a mandated part of a molecular biologist’s toolkit, as essential as fundamental wet lab techniques. In response, bioinformaticians need to keep improving their skill set. And to really make a mark, they need to develop new tools that others in the field consider valuable.

Popular Industries for Bioinformatics Professionals:

  • Agricultural chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Medical device and equipment
  • Research and testing
  • Health Care intuitions

The career prospects in bioinformatics have been steadily increasing as there has been a change in how bioinformatics is perceived in the industry. It is now a motor of innovation. They not only answer the data inquiries but also determine what questions need to be asked in the first place. The future of Bioinformatics id bright and exciting.

Bidyut Dutta,

Senior Vice President | Leverage Edu

[email protected] | www.leverageedu.com

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