
This Day in History – September 28

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This Day in History – September 28

Did you know that September 28 is celebrated as World Rabies Day? This day is essentially celebrated to  spread awareness regarding the prevention of rabies. This day also aims to highlight the progress made so far in defeating this horrifying disease. Certain other major events have taken place on September 28. To know more about these important events of September 28, read through the blog.

What Happened in India on September 28?

  • 1837– Bahadur Shah II took over Delhi
    On September 28 1837, the rule of Delhi was taken over by Bahadur Shah II.
  • 2004 –India, the 4th largest economy
    The World Bank called India the 4th largest economy in the world

Important Events that Happened Across the Globe on September 28

  • 1918 – World War I
    The 5th Battle of Ypres began
  • 1919 – Race Riots
    September 28, 1919, also witnessed race riots in Omaha, Nebraska.
  • 1924 – First Aerial Circumnavigation Completed
    The First  Aerial Circumnavigation was completed by the US Army team.
  • 1928 – Penicillin discovery
    Alexander Fleming noticed a bacteria killing mould in his laboratory. This was later known as penicillin.
  • 1951 – Color Televisions available for Sale
    CBS made the first Color Televisions available for Sale for the general public. 
  • 1961 – Military Coup in Damascus
    The 1961 Military Coup in Damascus ended the United Arab Republic which was the union between Egypt and Syria.
  • 2008 – Falcon I, the first privately developed liquid fuel vehicle
    Falcon I became the first privately developed liquid fuel vehicle to put a payload into the orbit.
Credits : SpaceX
  • 2014 – Hong Kong Protests
    The Hong Kong protests began in response to restrictive political reforms imposed by NPC.
Credits : South China Morning Post
  • 2016 – South Australian Blackout
    The South Australian blackout occurred which lasted upto 3 days

Famous Birthdays

1929 – Lata Mangeshkar
Lata Mangeshkar  is an Indian playback singer and music director.

1982 – Ranbir Kapoor
Ranbir Kapoor is an Indian actor who  has featured in Forbes India’s Celebrity 100 list since 2012.

Credits : Rajeev Masand

Hope you are now familiar with the events of historical significance that took place on this day in history – September 28. For more such informative content, stay connected to Leverage Edu! For the latest updates around study blogs, you can follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and also subscribe to our newsletter.

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