
Scope of Advertising

7 minute read
Scope of Advertising

In simple terms, Advertising can be described as a significant tool of presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services to an audience through different methods, be it visual, oral or written. The traditional types of advertising included newspapers, magazines, billboards and TV but with digital media, there is a pivotal paradigm shift with the emergence of social media platforms and hi-tech ways of advertising. The emerging technologies have changed the ways we communicate and thus there are multifarious ways to promote goods and services in the digital era. If you are interested in pursuing a career in this ever-growing industry, this blog brings you a detailed analysis of the career nature and scope of advertising and the top in-demand jobs in this field!

What is Advertising?

YouTube: The Economics

Advertising is means communicating with users about a product or service. Advertising uses strategic communication techniques to influence the buying preferences of the masses. The core motive of advertising is to sell a product or a service. Blending creative fields like Design and Art with Statistics and Psychology. 

Also Read: Types of Advertising

Benefits of Advertising

Advertising has opened an array of opportunities in different domains becoming one of the biggest industries globally. It has various benefits from helping increase the sale of products and services to spread consumer awareness. Let’s find out all the benefits of advertising

  • When a product is launched in the market, it helps to create promoting that product
  • Advertising helps manufacturers expand their market
  • Advertising helps spread awareness among the consumer
  • Advertising acts as a bridge between manufacturers and consumers

Nature and Scope of Advertising

As an essential area of study in the contemporary digital era, the field of Advertising encompasses immense scope as a career and an arena of study. There are different forms of advertising media from print, digital to broadcast and emerging new media which has further widened its scope of study. Before delving deeper into the career scope of Advertising, it is essential to understand its nature as a specialised discipline. Take a look at the following features of advertising which aim to explain the same.

  • It aims to disseminate information about a product or service to a larger audience through multiple types of mass media.
  • In order to advertise a product or service, the USP or Unique Selling Proposition is an essential aspect of the advertising message which highlights the product or service from others and thus makes it stand out.
  • Advertising also incorporates a wide range of visual and non-visual as well as verbal and non-verbal elements to create a perfect appealing advertising message to reach the target audience of a product or service.
  • Another prominent feature of advertising is that it is highly consumer-oriented and incorporates consumer behaviour, pattern and preferences to craft the right message to advertise a product or service.

The wider scope of Advertising lies in helping an organisation or a company advertise their product or service in the best way to boost their sales and ensure maximum promotion. Here are the key factors you must know to understand the scope of advertising:

  • By Budget: To curate an advertising or marketing campaign, it is essential to set a certain budget estimating all the major costs which can incur to create an advertisement.
  • By Deliverables: The advertising plan is set into motion with the budget finalisation. While drafting this plan, all the deliverables are decided which elucidate the form of advertisement which is followed by the advertising plan.
  • Allocation of Deliverables: Now the next step is to find the type of deliverables such as print, digital or TV ads which suit the advertising campaign.
  • By Strategy: Once deliverables are allocated, the advertising agency works on creating the right strategy as per the demands of the brand or service.

Objectives of Advertising

It is hard to deny that advertising has become a quintessential part of businesses around the globe. But do you know what has led to advertising being such a crucial part of the entrepreneurial world? It is the effective objectives of Advertising that has made it a go-to option for reaching out to the masses.

  1. Introduce a Product: The primary most objective for which advertising is used is to introduce a new product in the market. It is through this feature that you are aware of new launches of various categories of products. 
  2. Introduce a Brand: Another major aim of advertising is introducing a brand or its services. Many brands emphasize advertising their brand names rather than directly promoting their services. 
  3. Awareness Creation: The most influential aspect or objective of advertising is to awaken the audience. By catching people’s attention, they are made aware of basic trends. 
  4. Acquiring Customers or Brand Switching: Acquiring more and more customers for their particular brand or making the customer switch towards their particular brand is another prominent objective. 
  5. Difference and Value Creation: Advertising also helps in differentiating the product or service that is being endorsed. If your advertisement highlights the promises made by the brand as well as the features of the product, then, you will be able to gain better brand recognition. 

Apart from these objectives of Advertisements, here are some other main objectives highlighting the scope of Advertisement-

  1. Brand Building 
  2. Positioning the Product- Product and Brand Recall 
  3. Increase Sales 
  4. Increase Profits 
  5. Create Desire 
  6. Call to Action

Career Scope of Advertising

Now that you are aware of the nature and scope of Advertising as an academic discipline, we have elaborated upon the major job opportunities in the field which you must know to avail the immense career scope of Advertising:

Advertising Planner

Advertising agencies are always in need of professionals who can help them in selecting the most effective ways to reach out to their target audience. Amongst the sought-after careers under the vast scope of Advertising, an Advertising or Media Planner explores different advertising mediums and finds the best one that suits a certain product, service or idea and their promotional objectives. Also, you may be asked to conduct brand-oriented or need-specific surveys to reach out to the right audience. The average salary of an Account Planner in India is 4,50,000- 5,50,000 per annum.

Media/Market Researcher 

Market researchers are required to evaluate and analyse the output of the ongoing or upcoming campaign. Gathering data through research, the media team is able to target the campaigns more strategically. This can be an ideal field for those who have a knack for numbers as well as data. As the scope of advertising is growing day by day, many advertising agencies, as well as business firms, need market researchers to carry out the study of how the advertising and marketing campaigns actually performed. The average salary of a Market Researcher in India is 3,50,000- 4,20,000 per annum.


With social media establishing its presence in the digital world, there are a plethora of career opportunities on offer in social media marketing! As a copywriter in an advertising agency, you will be provided with the briefs and then you will have to curate interesting and engaging copy ads and content from the same. Amongst the prominent job opportunities under the scope of advertising careers, copywriters write different types of content from captions for social media to drafting copy ads and ideating new advertising campaigns. The average salary of a Copywriter in India is 3,50,000- 4,00,000 per annum.

Creative Designer 

A creative designer works closely with the copywriter as well as the market researcher. As the scope of advertising is massive in terms of curating visually-engaging and aurally-oriented campaigns, a creative designer works on drafting the outlines of advertisements for a product or services. These advertisements can vary from video advertisements to building attractive digital banners and making them highly creative to capture the attention of the audience. The average salary of a Creative Designer in India is 3,50,000- 4,00,000 per annum.


Another prominent job profile coming under the scope of Advertising as a career, a visualizer examine the final ad copies and ensures that they adhere to the briefs provided by the client. They oversee the entire layout of the ad along with the message it conveys. From content to graphics, a visualizer manages the whole process of conceptualizing the idea of a campaign and ensuring that it is engaging and interactive. The average salary of a Market Researcher in India is 4,45,000- 5,00,000 per annum.

Ideally, it is taught as the subset of Mass Communications but some universities offer it as a specialization degree like Masters in Advertising under the Marketing and Business domain. 

  1. Diploma in Advertising
  2. Bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication
  3. Master of Public Relations and Advertising
  4. MA in Advertising, Marketing, and Media
  5. MA in Strategic Advertising and Marketing Communications

Top 10 Universities offering Advertising Course Abroad

Over the years, Advertising and Public Relations has seen many takers. The rising demand for professionals in the field has led to universities all over the world offer specialized courses in the subject:

  1. De Montfort University
  2. Northwestern University in Evanston
  3. University of Pennsylvania
  4. New York University
  5. Colorado State University
  6. Coventry University
  7. Webster University
  8. Boston University
  9. Michigan State University
  10. The University of Miami

Scope of Advertising PPT

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Hence, the scope of advertising as a career is colossal as it encompasses a host of job opportunities with lucrative salary packages and expansive space to implement your creativity and imagination! Want to pursue a career in advertising? Reach out to our Leverage Edu experts and we will help you in shortlisting the best advertising course and university which aligns the most with your career goals. Book a free e-meeting now!

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