
Discover Nandini’s Journey to her Dream University!

2 minute read
Nandini's Success Story

Enrolling herself just a day before the deadline of Canada’s OUAC application, Nandini had begun her Goal Clarity Workshop in Leverage Edu on the same day. Initially, Nandini was encouraged to see her profile from an outside viewpoint that enabled her to understand her advantages. Then, there were many discussions regarding courses and countries. When the country and institutions were zeroed down to Canada as her preferred study abroad destination, she was assigned special mentors for acing her study abroad program in Canada. This blog is all about Nandini’s success story.

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Nandini's Success Story

The first step of Nandini’s success story was when she got in touch with Leverage Edu. To direct her in acing the application process, the Leverage Edu coaches held intensive training sessions. They gave her additional resources to meet the set’s tight deadline. Our Leverage Edu mentors also helped her review curriculums. They also guided her in understanding the scope and fit of the Institutions and future aspirations and takeaways. As a reward for her efforts, Nandini successfully received admits from eight universities in Canada. Amongst them were top institutions like the University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, the University of York and the University of Surrey, etc. What would have been a rigorous schedule to meet tight deadlines was made easier with our Leverage Edu mentors’ help.

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So, this was all about Nandini’s success story. At Leverage Edu, we acknowledged that all Nandini required to get her admits at the brief timeframe that would help her meet her study abroad goals was a little push and a lot of research and discussions. There was a need to provide her with additional support and unique advisors that would allow her to get acceptance from her dream institutions. These limited but fundamental efforts have helped Nandini land eight admits from Top Universities in Canada.

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