
Multiplication Short Tricks

3 minute read
Multiplication Short Tricks

Many of us can recall studying multiplication and division as children. From using different tricks to remember multiplication tables to reciting them, again and again, we did it all that takes to remember those numbers! Although many of these techniques of teaching multiplication are now obsolete, the necessity of understanding these mathematical fundamentals remains as vital today as it has always been. Check out some amazing multiplication short tricks here!

Multiplication Basics

Before we move on to know more about the multiplication short tricks, first let’s revise the basics:

  • The number which is being multiplied is known as the multiplicand
  • The number which is multiplying the first number is the multiplier

For instance, in this operation, 40 × 30, 

40 is the multiplicand and 30 is the multiplier.

Multiplication Short Tricks: How to Multiply Numbers Fast?

Let’s now have a look at some of the multiplication short tricks and tips through which you can easily solve complex multiplication sums. These multiplication short tricks can be used in competitive exams to solve multiplication problems easily. 

Multiplication by 2

It refers to doubling a number.

Example: 6 × 2, here we have to double the number 6.

So we can apply the addition method here, i.e.

6 + 6 = 12

Multiplication by 3

 It refers to tripling a number

Example: 6 × 3 = 6 + 6 +6 = 18

Multiplication by 4

It denotes a double of a double number.

Example: 6 × 4: double of 6 is 12.

Thus, double of 12 is 24 

Multiplication by 5

When a number is being multiplied by 5, then you may also divide the number by 2 and then multiply by 10.

Example: 6 × 5 will be the same as:

6 divide by 2 = 3, multiply 3 by 10, 3 × 10 = 30

Multiplication by 8

It involves: Double → Again Double → Again Double

Example: 6 × 8 will be:

 6 + 6 = 12; 12 + 12 = 24; 24 + 24 = 48

Multiplication by 9

When a number is being multiplied by 9, add +1 to 9, then subtract the multiplier with itself

Example: 5 × 9 = 9+1 × 5 – 5 = 10 × 5 – 5 = 50 -5 = 45

How to Round Up for Multiplication

In this multiplication short tricks method, we will learn how to round up the complex numbers in the simple form to make the multiplication easier. 

Multiplication Short Tricks for a 2-digit numbers

Example 1

68 × 2

Rounding the number 68 to 70,


Multiplying the rounded amount to itself;


Subtracting 140-4= 136

So, 136 is the final answer.

Example 2 

28 × 22

If we right, 22 as 20+2 and then multiplying them separately,

28×20 and 28×2 and adding them.

28     28

×20 + ×2

—— ——

560 + 56 = 616

—— ——

So the answer for 28 × 22 is 616

Multiplication of the given numbers which are close to the powers of 10. (10n)

Step 1: Mention the 2 numbers with the difference from the base number.

Step 2: Now take the sum of two numbers, which are obtained in step 1 (Considering the sign also) along with either of the two diagonals. This should be the first part of the answer).

Step 3: Now, take the product of two numbers (numbers obtained from step 1), with the consideration of the symbols. This should be the second part of the answer.

Step 4: Combine the first part (result from step 2) and the second part (result from step 3) of the solution together to get the final solution. 

Example: Multiply 97 by 94


Step 1

97 = (97 – 100) = -3

94 = (94 – 100) =  -6 

Step 2: Take the sum of two numbers along either of two diagonals (Consider the sign also)

Diagonal sum ⇒ 97 + (-6) = 94 +(-3) = 91

Step 3: Take the product of two numbers: -3 ×-6 = 18

Therefore, the second part of the solution is 18

Step 4: Combine the first and second part of the solution- 9118: Answer

Therefore, 97 × 94 = 9118.

So, you can now solve various questions using multiplication short tricks. These tricks are extremely helpful if you are preparing for any competitive examinations like SAT, GMAT, GRE, etc. For more such amazing and fun content, stay tuned with Leverage Edu and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.

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