
Glimpses of India Class 10 Summary

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Glimpses of India Class 10

Glimpses of India Class 10 English is a chapter that depicts different lifestyles at Indian households with 3 stories. The first story is – A Baker from Goa by Lucio Rodrigues which takes us back to the old Portuguese days. The second story of Glimpses of India Class 10 is by the famous author Lokesh Abrol named, Coorg, a place in Karnataka. This story revolves around the environment, wildlife, weather, people, and the landscape of Coorg. The third story in Glimpses of India class 10 is by the author Arup Kumar Datta named, Tea from Assam. This story is about 2 friends who are discovering the tea gardens of Assam and are acknowledging the legends.

Story 1  – A Baker from Goa by Lucio Rodrigues 

A Baker from Goa by Lucio Rodrigues
Credits – pinterest

A baker from Goa is a story from Glimpses of India class 10 related to the time when the Portuguese ruled Goa. The story focuses on a baker and his relevance in a Goan village. During those days people ate loaves of bread made in big furnaces. The author talks about the upheld importance of bakers even after the Portuguese left the country. 

The bakers used to make jingle sounds with bamboo sticks to sell their bread. The author recalls that it was the same sound that used to wake him and his friends in childhood days and how they ran towards him without even spending time washing their mouths. The baker in the story was the author’s friend and guide. In the author’s house, the loaves of bread were usually bought by the maidservants which were served and ate with tea.

The narrator recalls that in those days bread was a crucial part of every occasion in Goa, especially the sweet bread called Bol. Baker from Goa’s story highlights that this sweet bread was a part of marriages. During that time cakes, sandwiches and numerous other items were prepared with the loaves of bread.

In those days, bakers wore a peculiar dress, ‘Kabai’ an unusual frock single-piece frock of knee-length. Since that time, the bakery has continued to be a profitable and everlasting business in Goa!

Story 2 – Coorg by Lokesh Abrol 

Coorg is the story in Glimpses of India class 10 that describes the smallest district Coorg or Kodagu located in Karnataka. This heavenly place lies between two towns, namely; Mangalore and Mysore. The author claimed it to be God’s abode as it has evergreen forests, overwhelming weather, coffee plantations and flavoured spices. This place serves to be an attraction for tourists in the months of September to March.

The famous story about the Greek or Arabic descent of the Coorg describes that a fraction of Alexander’s army came there as their return was tough. They married the locals and eventually settled there. The dress code of many of the Coorgs is Kuppia which is somewhat similar to what Arabs wear. They are extremely courageous and follow the tradition of hospitality. The Indian Army’s Coorg Regiment is one of the renowned ones in our Indian Army. In addition to this the General Cariappa, the first Army Chief is from this district, Coorgi. The water source for the river Cauvery mainly comes from the hills and dense forests of the Coorg and is a habitat for the largest freshwater fish. The Brahmagiri hills provide the trekkers with an enriching experience and a mind-boggling view of Coorg. Also, the Buddhists monks stayed in Bylakuppe, a famous island near Coorg.

Story 3 – Tea from Assam by Arup Kumar Datta 

Credits – telegraphindia.com

This story of Glimpses of India class 10 mainly focuses on two friends who were travelling to Assam. Both of them bought tea from a roadside shopkeeper and sat there sipping the tea with one gazing at the beautiful scenery and the Pranjol focusing on his detective story. Rajvir initiated the conversation by stating to Rajvir that all over the world human beings drink around 800000000 cups of tea per day but getting unnoticed by Pranjol, Rajvir got busy watching the small tea-bushes all over the place. On the way further, they saw a building which was a tea garden.

Assam is famous for the largest tea plantation across the world and no one is aware of who discovered the tea for the first time. According to a  legend in Chinese, tea leaves of some branches fell in the boiling water and gave it a lovely taste which amazed the Emperor and this marked the journey of the existence of a world-famous drink i.e. tea.

According to an Indian legend Buddhist Monk named Bodhidharma cut his eyelids to focus during meditation and avoid sleep. This led to the growing of tea leaves out of his eyelids.

Later on, they moved down to Mariani Junction and headed towards Dhekiabari Tea Estate where they saw a lady busy plucking tea leaves. Soon after that the Pranjol’s father came to pick them up and stated that he had a lot of information about tea plantations which made Rajvir curious and excited to learn from him.

Exercise-Based On The Stories

Which of these statements are correct?

1. The Pader was an important person in the village in old times.

A: Correct 

2. Paders still exist in Goan villages?

A: Correct

3. The Paders went away with the Portuguese.

A: Incorrect

4. The Paders continue to wear a single-piece long frock.

A: Incorrect

5. Bread and Cakes were an integral part of Goan life in the old days. 

A: Correct

6. Traditional bread-baking is still a very profitable business. 

A: Correct

7. Paders and their families starve in the present time. 

A: Incorrect

Is bread an important part of Goal life? How do you know this?

A: Yes, Bread is a basic need and an important part of Goan life. Bread is required by a mother for preparing sandwiches during her daughter’s engagement. Thus, it is a necessity to have bread for every occasion, because of which the presence of a baker’s furnace in the village is very important.

Tick the right answer. 

1. The thud and the jingle of the traditional baker’s bamboo can still be heard in some places. (Nostalgic, Hopeful, Sad)

A: Nostalgic

2. Maybe the father is not alive but the son still carries on the family profession. (Nostalgic, Hopeful, Sad)

A: Hopeful

3. I still recall the typical fragrance of those loaves. (Nostalgic, Hopeful, Naughty)

A: Nostalgic

4. The tiger never brushed his teeth. Hot tea could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all. (Naughty, Angry, Funny)

A: Funny

5. The baker and his family never starved. They always look happy and prosperous. (Matter-of-fact, Hopeful, Sad)

A: Matter-of-fact

Where is Coorg?

Coord or Kadavu is the smallest district of Karnataka. It is situated midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore.

What is the story about the Kodavu people’s descent? 

Those are descendants of Greeks or Arabs. A section of Alexander’s army moved south along the coast and settled here only when they were unable to return to their country. These people married among the locals. This is the story about the descent of the Kodavu people.

What are some of the things you know about – 

The people of Coorg?

These are descendants of Greeks or Arabs.

The main crop of Coorg?

The sports it offers to tourists?
River rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock climbing.

The animals you are likely to see in Coorg?
Macaques, Malabar squirrel, langurs, elephants, etc.

Its distance from Banglore and how to get there?
By road, it is around 250 – 260 km from Banglore.

These were the summaries of 3 beautiful stories covered in the chapter Glimpses of India class 10. Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comment section below! For more such educational content, stay tuned with Leverage Edu!

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