
Gandharv’s Study Abroad Journey

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Gandharv’s Study Abroad Journey

While several students aspire to study abroad in one of the world’s top universities every year, what is that one thing that helps someone make the cut? Having the right guidance in your long and ambitious study-abroad journey can prove to be your elixir to excellence. This is the story of our star student, Gandharv,’s Study Abroad journey of acceptance into the Master’s program at four top colleges in the USA- Purdue University, Columbia University, Stanford University and UT Austin.

Gandharv’s Life Before 

Gandharv is pursuing the Civil Engineering course at IIT Bhubaneswar. In his second year of college, he started considering the path of studying abroad. However, to him, it seemed like a far-fetched dream with an intimidating and tedious process.  After reaching out to some of his friends studying at Columbia University and UT Austin, he discovered Leverage Edu and how experts at Leverage Edu can guide him to achieve his aspiration. This gave him the courage to embark on his study abroad with us. 

Leverage Edu Process 

For a student, the right mentorship can be the wings to fly. Here’s how Leverage Edu was able to help Gandharv set his flight to Stanford University. 

The First Step 

Gandharv’s study abroad journey started with Leverage Edu in September. He initially appeared for a psychometric analysis and interacted with his head coach to understand his goals and aspirations. After which, he was provided with a comprehensive list of colleges and universities abroad. This was the beginning of his blueprint of studying abroad. 

Finding the Right Course and University 

After seeing Stanford in this comprehensive list, Gandharv was amused. Even reading the names of these top universities as options was a laughable feat for him. 

After understanding Gandharv’s long term goals and personality, his head coach assisted him to shortlist some courses and universities that seemed right for his profile and what he wanted to achieve. Through multiple meetings and interactions, this tedious process seemed like a cakewalk. Gandharv gained a confidence boost with how well his head coach understood his profile.

Writing SOPs and Essays

Gandharv was already a little later than when students usually begin planning their study abroad journey and work on their SOPs and Essays. 

Writing the Statement of Purpose, an admission requirement for most universities, can seem tricky and turn out to be a differentiating factor for students. Gandharv’s head coach helped him present himself in the best possible well-rounded manner. To make sure each part of his story made sense to him, she asked him multiple questions to dig deeper and unveil what he truly wanted to become. This exercise helped him discover more about himself in the process. After numerous sessions and exercising care, Gandharv wrote down his final cut of the statement and his essays. He was satisfied that he reached the best version of them that could be achieved. 

Getting the Right Help at the Right Time 

Waiting to hear back from universities can be an anxious period for students. Gandharv’s head coach was engaged with him round the clock and addressed all his queries. She helped him track all the four colleges he had applied to.

Words from Gandharv’s Mother 

Parents’ support can play a significant role in instilling confidence in a student stepping on the study abroad path. Gandharv’s mother expressed her satisfaction with the guidance at Leverage Edu:  “We were really happy to see the work done by the head coach. She was really very supportive and made sure she met all the deadlines. There was never a delay in filing any application.” said his mother. 

Getting Accepted at Stanford

Stanford, located in Silicon Valley, opens the door to a plethora of opportunities. It is a place with state-of-the-art infrastructure, some of the world’s best faculty and brilliant minds from around the globe.  It is a global hub of opportunities for students where the sky’s the limit! Gandharv is enthralled to hear back from all the universities he applied to and seek admission at Stanford University in the upcoming September batch. 

We hope Gandharv’s miraculous study abroad journey inspires you to take your stride in planning your education. As you can see, what seems like an unachievable task can often turn into reality. Are you planning to study in the world’s top universities abroad? Reach out to our experts at Leverage Edu to board the rocket ship designed for your star-studded career. We at Leverage Edu believe in making miracles come true! 

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