
Elementary Education and Its Importance

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Elementary Education

Also referred to as primary schools, elementary educational institutes aim to establish the foundation of every child’s educational journey. As it commonly begins at the age of four or five years, a kid has only learned things from their family as well as in kindergarten by then. But the official start to quality education comes at the elementary stage where teachers are equipped with the responsibility of helping the little ones in the growth of social, cultural, physical, emotional and cognitive skills as per the best of their abilities. Through this blog, we aim to understand the importance of elementary education in a child’s life as well as their academic journey.

Varied Systems Around the World

Since every country has its own education system, the approach to elementary education varies. In the current education system in India, elementary or primary education begins at the age of 6 till 14 and is classified into two stages, i.e. Lower Primary (Class I to IV) and Upper Primary (Class V to VIII). While in the UK education system, kids start their elementary school at the age of 5 and complete it after 6 years, i.e. when they turn 11. On the other hand, in Finland, which has been credited amongst the best education system in the world, primary education wholly and compulsorily constitutes a total of 9 years. The elementary schools there have classes of smaller sizes to help teachers concentrate on each child in a better way. Comparing the different approaches to elementary education across the globe, the crucial focus is laid on planting the seeds of curiosity amongst the little ones and designing learning curriculums in a way that they are enjoyable and proficient and further nurture a persistent desire towards knowledge. Interested in understanding the education systems throughout the world? Check out these blogs:

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Understanding the Importance of Elementary Education

Elementary Education

When it comes to finding the answers to ‘what is education’, it is essential to understand that it is not just about achieving a particular qualification that will add to your academic journey. Human beings are gifted with an innate strive to gain knowledge and perhaps that’s what led to the concept of education. The Buddhist education system actually sums up the essential aims of education as it focuses on ensuring the moral, intellectual and spiritual growth of an individual in order to assist them in achieving a state of ultimate wisdom and equality. Since elementary education is often the first step of their academic journey, it holds the potential to equip them with healthy attitudes as well as moral values. Further, the basic knowledge of varied academic disciplines is also provided during this phase so to ensure that the students immerse in a wholesome experience.

Moreover, comprehending the importance of elementary education, it is essential is to make it compulsory and to ensure that it emphasizes a fun learning process for children which is why elementary schools often implement a flexible grading system. Finding creative approaches towards learning is also pivotal, be it through puppetry, audio & video tools or visual stimulation.

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How Does It Contribute to Secondary & Tertiary Education?

As it puts the basis of the educational journey of students, elementary education is an incremental step towards the next stages of the pedagogy. Generally, in primary school, students start with learning, reading, writing as well as mathematics at the stage of Lower Primary. Then, moving further, when they reach upper primary, they get to study different disciplines such as Social Studies and Science as well as practical ones like Music, Crafts, Physical Education, amongst others. So, without earning writing and reading skills, one won’t be able to comprehend the advanced disciplines in the latter stage of elementary education. Moving on to the secondary phase, one gets to focus on the advanced facets of the basic academic disciplines like Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, etc. Then, they are given the choice of studying subjects like that in the Commerce stream, Science stream, Arts stream, etc at the higher secondary which further delineates their tertiary education.

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Emerging Role of Educational Technology in Elementary Education

Elementary Education

As the world has engrossed itself in the digital advancements, there are many implications that have been brought by technology changing the face of education. Elementary school kids can be made aware of the pros of digital devices in the early-learning environment which can further help them use it consciously in the latter stages. Further, modern education needs to be a balanced mix of traditional and latest technologies in order to facilitate an interactive learning environment. Using smart devices, be it mobile phones or tablets, young kids will get the chance to learn about the basic disciplines in an interactive manner. This has also led to the emergence of many educational applications such as the virtual classroom app called ClassDojo; Spelling Stage for brushing up their English vocabulary; Quick Maths for strengthening their Math basics, amongst others.


What does the term “elementary education” mean?

The initial phase of formal education is elementary education. It lasts six years (grades 1-6) and is free and required for children aged six to eleven. Grade 7 is an optional extended elementary level offered by a few prestigious private institutions.

What does primary education entail in India?

In India, elementary or primary education lasts eight years. The primary stage, grades I–V, and upper primary stage, grades VI–VIII, are completed by students between the ages of 6 and 14.

Primary and elementary schools interchangeably?

Elementary schools are known as elementary schools, middle schools are known as middle schools, and secondary schools are known as high schools.

Hence, we hope that this blog has helped you understand what elementary education entails and the role it plays in an individual’s educational quest. Similarly, we at Leverage Edu strive to help you sail further in your academic and professional journey by providing you with the right guidance in choosing the degree and university that aligns with your professional goals. If you have been struggling with choosing a suitable course at the conclusion of your schooling, sign up for a 30-minute free career counselling session with our experts and we will help you make an informed decision that can bring you closer to your dream career!

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