
PTE Speaking Preparation and Confidence-Building Tips 

5 minute read
PTE Speaking

Pearson Test of English (PTE) is conducted for students willing to study abroad or have a Permanent Residential Visa. The PTE examines your speaking & writing, reading, and listening skills. The whole examination is based on these three sections. This article focuses on PTE Speaking Preparation and Confidence Building Tips for the PTE Speaking Section

ExaminationPTE Academic exam
Full form of PTEPearson Test of English
Examination typeEnglish proficiency test
Mode of examOnline
Test ActivitiesSpeaking & Writing, Reading, and Listening
Duration of exam2 hours 15 minutes

Preparation for PTE 

We have curated some PTE Speaking Preparation and Confidence Building Tips that students can apply to their PTE Speaking Exam preparation. English speaking is a habit which every student should inculcate in their preparation practice as well as in general. Having the skills to communicate in English will always be beneficial for everyone. It is a plus point wherever you go. So let us discover the points and understand how you can improve your speaking skills. 

Good Intonation 

Everything depends on how you say things. To maintain a certain level of flow, rhythm, and accent all these factors contribute to good intonation. PTE Speaking test can help you increase your overall score if done correctly and most importantly smartly. 

The pitch of your voice while explaining your point or giving answers matters a lot in PTE Speaking. Do not speak in a flat tone, like a robot. Try to be expressive with your tone and the words you use. The best way to test yourself is to become aware of your speaking. Just be attentive and mindful when you speak to yourself or someone else. Practise while looking at yourself in the mirror. This is the easiest practice you should start from and it will enhance the way you communicate. 

Must Read: Why Choose the PTE Exam? 

Speed of Speaking

Avoid talking too fast, or slow or do not be in a hurry to complete your sentence. The speed of your speech can be understood as a song you are playing. Sometimes the song becomes intolerable when one decides to play it in fast-forward motion. A need to inculcate a habit of speaking at a normal pace. 

The speed should be balanced and avoid repetition of words. Frame small sentences while speaking. You do not have to answer in long sentences. Use small and to-the-point sentences that are easy to understand. It will impact positively your speech. Also, do not take this as a burden on yourself, rather try to maintain a level of ease in your conversation by focusing on your speaking pace. 

No Long Pauses while Speaking 

Avoid long pauses in PTE Speaking Test. Take it as an example, while you are talking to your friends taking a long pause may dissolve the importance of the conversation. The same can happen in the examination. The time limit you have to answer the questions will get over, so avoid the long pauses and give answers in just one go! 

Take a deep breath before you start giving your answers or trying to maintain a conversation with your friends. We understand, sometimes you might get nervous while speaking and give fragmented answers. We advise you to not do it. Just totally avoid giving answers with long pauses and practise speaking English as much as possible with everybody around you who are ready to correct your mistakes and help you evolve. 

Prioritize Pronunciation 

Saying the wrong words will make you lose your points in the PTE Speaking section.  Make use of the right words and also make sure they are pronounced correctly. Wrong pronunciation is not appreciated in PTE nor in having a normal conversation. Prioritize your pronunciation skills and grammar the most. 

You can enhance your vocabulary by practising new words on an everyday basis. Take out time to prepare at least 20 new words and speak them aloud every time to become perfect with your pronunciation. 

Also, Read: PTE Speaking and Writing: Retell Lecture 

Confidence for Success

Confidence is a key to success. It is fact we all agree with. Without confidence, everything may not work in your favour, but having the right level of confidence could make things easier for you in general and not just for PTE Speaking tests. Let us discuss this in-depth! 

Relax & Focus

Be mindful while giving your tests or speaking English in general. You do not have to just give the answers for the sake of doing it. You need to give the right answers as well as maintain the focus on your speaking as well. 

Practice Everyday

Practise focusing on your speaking skills on an everyday basis. Read newspapers, and magazines and enhance your reading plus speaking skills. Speak aloud, clearly and without any long pauses in between your speech. You will be no less than an expert if you follow the tips at the beginning of your everyday practice. 

Break Down your Speech 

You can start with a small intro, then the main body of the speech and last comes the conclusion. Practise dividing your sections. It will make your speech easier to understand. Your sentence formation will also become better every time you break your speech into small sections. 

Speak Aloud 

Do not be very loud or extremely low while giving answers. Using words clearly will make your speech more impactful. Always present your speech pleasantly.  

Learn Grammer Rules

Grammer is a very important part of PTE Speaking. You cannot go wrong with your grammar in your exam. Make sure you practise all the rules and be aware of them while framing sentences. 


What is the best time to give PTE? 

Pearson Test of English can be given at any time of the year at your convenience. You have the ease to choose the location as well as the day for your examination. 

What is the full form of PTE and why is it conducted? 

PTE is known as the Pearson Test of English. It is conducted to test your proficiency in English Langauge. Students willing to study abroad must give PTE exam and have a good scorecard to get into their desired university. 

Is PTE compulsory for students?

The exam is accepted worldwide by all universities and governments. It is only mandatory for the students willing to study or settle abroad. 

Are there any passing marks for PTE?

No. There is no set of passing marks in PTE but a high score is beneficial for the student to get into their desired university/college. 

We hope the above-discussed PTE Speaking Preparation and Confidence Building Tips will help you score the best in your PTE Speaking examination.

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