
Know About Highest Paying Jobs In Finland 2024

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highest paying jobs in finland

In Europe, Finland is considered as the eighth wealthiest nation. Many professionals keep Finland as the top of their priority to work. Finland’s job market is large and holds a large number of job vacancies in various sectors like IT, engineering, healthcare, education, Tourism Hospitality etc. Life in Finland is rich and provides a good quality of life along with great opportunities to earn money. In this article, we will learn about the highest paying jobs in Finland, the Benefits of doing work in Finland, the Best sites to search for jobs in Finland etc.


Working Benefits In Finland

For those who aspire to work in Finland there are lots of benefits to working in Finland which are mentioned below-

  • Finland has ample job opportunities.
  • Finland is considered one of the world’s happiest country
  • Finland holds high quality of life
  • Working for 40 hours only per week is required.
  • Opportunity to earn an average annual income of 45,365 Euros
  • Finland gives the chance to get Finland PR within 4 to 5 days

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Highest Paying Jobs In Finland

highest paying jobs in finland

Highest Paying Jobs In Finland are given below to get an idea about the same you can refer to the following points-

IT And Software-Finland contributes most to invention globally and has more than 3,000 open positions in the Engineering industry and requires qualified workers.

Job TitleAverage Annual Income
IT And Software64,162 Euro

Engineering-In Finland there are many opportunities in Finland for engineers who must be qualified and skilled. Finland is also known as the home to creative engineering organisations. Finland has more than 3,000 job opportunities.

Job TitleAverage Annual Income
Engineering45,600 Euro

Accounting and Finance-Right now Finland’s accounting and finance sector is proliferating and along with it demand for accounting professionals is also increasing. Right now Finland is holding 15,000 Accounting and Finland jobs.

Job TitleAverage Annual Income
Accounting and Finance58,533 Euro

Human Resource Management- Finland’s working population is ageing and by reaching 2070 Finland can lose its workforce therefore there HR professionals can attract young professionals to work for them.HR is given the responsibility of screening, interviewing, recruiting and placing professionals. They are also responsible for training, relations, payroll and benefits.

Job TitleAverage Annual Income
Human Resource Management75,450 Euro

Hospitality– With growing job opportunities, the population is also at the pace of growth and with this, we can smoothly understand that the hospitality industry will also be growing and this sector will also have lots of job opportunities. In Finland, the hospitality industry observed a recent increase in staff size of 21 per cent.

Job TitleAverage Annual Income
 Hospitality3,230 Euro

Sales And Marketing– The GDP of Norway is increasing. It helped boost consumer purchases and retail sales in the country which resulted in an increase in sales by 3.9 per cent and this boost led to more job opportunities in the Sales and Marketing Sector.

Job TitleAverage Annual Income
Sales And Marketing46,684 Euro

Healthcare– Finland’s Healthcare system is based on public healthcare facilities and it is available to all citizens. Finland also has private Healthcare Facilities. Currently, there are more than 11,000 Healthcare job opportunities.

Job TitleAverage Annual Income
 Healthcare45,684 Euro

STEM JOBS– According to STEM (Science, technology, Engineering and Mathematics) students will receive education on the four important disciplines in a discrete and personal way. There are multiple job prospects for international professionals in the STEM sector in Finland as Finland is experiencing a shortage in the workforce.

Job TitleAverage Annual Income
STEM41,000 Euro

Teaching-Teaching is becoming a most lucrative job sector in Finland and multiple opportunities are offered to teach English as a second language. Anyone who wants to teach English in Finland will be required to have a TEFL with an undergraduate degree.

Job TitleAverage Annual Income
  Teaching48,000 Euro

Nursing-In Finland there is a shortage of nursing sector and have high demand for nurses. In public and private sectors nurses are required, Finland is ready to hire 30,000 nurses by 2030.

Job TitleAverage Annual Income
   Nursing72,000 Euro

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Documents Required To Work In Finland

 Documents are mentioned below to get Finland’s work permit-

  • A valid employment contract will be needed
  • A valid passport of the applicant will be required
  • A photograph of the applicant will be needed
  • A medical certificate will be required
  • A residence permit for the employee application will be needed

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Eligibility To Get Finland Work Permit

Steps to get an idea of the Finland Work Permit are given below-

  • Applicant must not have a criminal record
  • A valid job offer from Finland will be required
  • Applicant must have lived in Finland for 4 years without any breaks
  • An applicant should have skills in Finnish or Swedish

How To Apply For Finland Work Visa

Read the following steps to learn how to apply for the Finland work visa.

  • First, find a suitable job in Finland
  • Once you have secured a job, you can apply for a work permit through e-service online
  • Applicants are required to fill in the information correctly and submit the documents 
  • The next step includes the applicant’s visit to the Finnish mission where you can submit the original documents you attached to your application
  • After the submission your application will be processed by the authorities and a decision will be made
  • After you get your approved application then you can move to Finland

Best Sites To Search For Jobs In Finland

To search for the highest paying jobs in Finland some of the best sites are given below-

The Hubhttps://thehhub.com/
Work In Finlandhttps://www.workinfinland.com/en/


Which job is in high demand in Finland?

The demand for professionals in Healthcare, IT, engineering and clean energy is increasing among the other sectors. Considering Finland’s innovation-driven resources and its obligation to sustainability and technology, the job market in Finland continues to grow even in 2024.

Which industry is booming in Finland?

There are many sectors which are booming in Finland technology and Innovation, Healthcare and Innovation, Healthcare and Life Science, Clean Energy and Sustainability, Education, Tourism and Hospitality.

What are the skills shortages in Finland?

Finland’s economy has a high demand for engineers. Finland grants engineering and technology education and is home to creative engineering organisations which leads to a high demand for engineering professionals.

We have explored the highest paying jobs in Finland and their related aspects. And if you want to get more information about topics such as highest paying jobs abroad, universities, and visas abroad then stay connected to Leverage Edu’s page.

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