
TOEFL Sample Test

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TOEFL Sample Test

TOEFL is one of the most widely accepted English language proficiency tests. A 100+ score in this exam ensures a seat in various prestigious colleges and eases your visa processing as well. The best way to get a good score in TOEFL is by attempting TOEFL sample tests regularly. This will help you in getting a good understanding of TOEFL syllabus. TOEFL sample test will also better your paper solving speed. Let us look at some of the important sample questions for the TOEFL exam!

TOEFL Syllabus 2021 

Before getting to the TOEFL sample tests, let us look at the syllabus of the Test of English as a Foreign Language

Testing SkillExplanation 
SpeakingApplicants have to speak on the given topics. 
WritingStudents have to write a well-structured essay. 
ReadingThere are 3- 5 passages with 10 question each passage. 
ListeningStudents have to answer questions based on an audio clip. 

TOEFL Sample Questions – Speaking Section

Here are some sample questions for the independent TOEFL speaking topics:

  1. What kind of behaviour would you be inclined to? A carefree, adventurous one or do you believe in avoiding taking risks and sticking to the plan.
  2. What do you consider to be the best place to spend time with your friends and family? Is it in the comfort of your home or the adventures of the outside world?
  3. How do you make career related choices? What are the three most appealing career paths you have come across till now?
  4. Where would be your next travel destination? What makes it the perfect spot to spend your time?
  5. Where do you see yourself living in the future? An urban or rural area? Why is that so?
  6. What is your take on students being asked to spend more time on science and technical subjects instead of arts and humanities?
  7. What’s your idea of ideal home economics? Do spend your money on the things you need at that moment or do you plan ahead and save to spend.
  8. Pick a place you never have been to. Explain what you think it’s like.
  9. What makes you go back to a restaurant or a cafe again.
  10. What’s your idea on sources of knowledge?
  11. How do you choose to make friends? What characteristics give you a friendly vibe?

Here is a complete list of TOEFL Sample Speaking Questions!

TOEFL Sample Test – Writing Section

Here are some sample questions for the independent writing section:

  1. What are your observations on the effects of widespread use of the internet?
  2. Movies and television tend to create certain notions for a perfect lifestyle/human being. How would you elucidate that?
  3. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that young people can teach older people?
  4. What do you think is the impact of the place in which a person spends his/her childhood?
  5. Parents are the best teachers. What’s your take on that?
  6. Do you believe that technology is helping people to connect on a deeper level?
  7. What do you think brings out better solutions? A group or an individual?
  8. If you could change one thing about your family what would it be and why?
  9. At some point or the other you’ll have a co-worker in your life. What measures will you take to bring out the best in both of you?
  10. If your school announced that students with low GPA will be kicked out of the school. What will you do in response to the situation?
  11. What’s your take on the compulsion for traditional schooling? What do you think will happen if we start studying whatever we want by ourselves?

TOEFL Exam Tips 2021

Points to keep in mind while answering these questions:

  • You will be evaluated based on your day to day use of your skills in the English language.
  • Refined vocabulary gives an edge to your response but tries not to use way too many big words. You might end up losing track of the central idea.
  • Cohesion is very important. You might need to deviate from the topic for an instance to explain something but ensure that you don’t go completely off-the-topic. Every point you mention should root back to the central idea.
  • Proper punctuation indicates profound knowledge of the language and its usage while writing. Similarly, taking pauses at the right time and the right tone is very essential while speaking. You don’t want to blabber in front of the evaluator.
  • Make sure that your answer is structured and you leave with a valid point. Vaguely stating facts which are loosely connected to the topic won’t fetch you marks. A critical analysis is very essential.
  • Don’t be offensive with any of your remarks! You are entitled to your opinion but make sure that you don’t hurt any emotional or political sentiment.
  • Your main focus should be to have a proper flow to your answers and follow the structure. 
  • Be aware of the subject-verb agreement. 

Hope this blog familiarized you with the importance of TOEFL samples test to get a high score in the examination. To get your personalized test prep plan, get in touch with Leverage Edu and get closer to your dream to study abroad!

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