
Speech on My Favourite Book

3 minute read
Speech on My Favourite Book

Preparing for public speeches can be daunting for many students. From overcoming stage fright to deciding on the right topic to finding the right arguments, the process is quite lengthy. That is why, in this blog, we have curated two samples for speech on My favourite book to help you prepare better for your speaking and listening tasks at school.

Speech on My Favourite Book (2-3 Minutes)

Good morning to all. My name is Reeva Raj and my topic for the English-speaking task is My favourite book. “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers”. Books are friends who never leave your side. I find this saying to be very true as books have always been there for me. I enjoy reading books. My favourite book is Harry Potter by J.K Rowling. This book is about wizards and the wizarding world. Harry Potter contains a total of seven books. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the 2nd book in the series and it’s my favourite.

There are so many things for readers to learn from the series Harry Potter. It teaches us the importance of friendship. It teaches us that someone’s background doesn’t determine his or her value as a person and many more lessons. It also showed me that no one in this universe is perfect. Everyone has good and evil inside them. I have learnt a lot from this great book. It remains one of the most precious treasures of mankind. 

Speech for 5-10 Minutes

Good morning to all. My name is Reeva Raj and my topic for the English-speaking task is My favourite book. “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers”. Books are friends who never leave your side. I find this saying to be very true as books have always been there for me. I enjoy reading books. My favourite book is Iliad by Homer. The Iliad is an epic poem written by the Greek poet Homer. It tells the story of the last year of the Trojan War fought between the city of Troy and the Greeks. Achilles – Achilles is the main character and the greatest warrior in the world. 

The Iliad teaches us many things, such as The importance of family is a central theme in the epic, the lovely scene of Hector with Andromache and his son is heartwarming all these years later.The friendship between Achilles and Patroclus is incredibly touching. The way Achilles fiercely and obsessively seeks vengeance for Patroclus has made many question if there was a romance between them.Priam losing his greatest son Hector and his supplication to Achilles to return his body so he and Troy can properly mourn its protector is another example of the theme of family.Achilles too lamenting his own father and how he shall never see him again, Priam and Achilles weeping together shows the futility of war as well as how family has affected these two enemies together.

The classics of Greece and Rome provide us with a set of connected stories and a cast of characters that teach us what it means to be human. They are also the basis of literature, teaching us about natural man (man at his best and worst, but natural man). They don’t give us the answers that we find in revelation, but they do give us the questions.

Books are wonderful – a bundle of pages with a cover on top brimming with content that stimulates the human imagination and helps us escape pressing reality. They are also beneficial to health. If you don’t like reading books, it’s definitely worth trying different genres until you find what interests you. Thank you for listening. I hope the speech was informative for you.

How to Prepare for a Speech?

how to prepare for a speech
Read the tips to prepare for a speech

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  1. It’s very thankful and i have the compitition and it is very helpful
    Can you make a speech on if I were a doctor ☺️