
10 Success Secrets by Sabyasachi

6 minute read

The bridal dream of every girl, the man behind Label Sabyasachi has become the star of the generation with his exquisite collection. After 21 years of launch, he stands strong with no competitors being able to sustain their advance in front of him. But ever wondered what his journey was like? How did he establish himself in such a competitive industry? He has put in a lot of effort and dedication to build the super brand that he is now. If you wish to know more about the secret of success by Sabyasachi, read on to find out.

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About The Dream Designer 

Born on February 23, 1974, to a middle-class Bengali family in Kolkata, Sabyasachi always had a keen interest in handicrafts. When his father lost his job when Sabyasachi was all 15 years old, continuing and paying for his education seemed impossible. He expressed his desire to his parents to study and learn how to design clothes or fashion designing – which came as a shock to his parents as they wanted him to become an engineer. But he was determined. He sold all of his books and paid for his education. 

Sabyasachi Mukherjee is a graduate of National Institute of Fashion Technology and won awards during his course of study since he was always outstanding at his work. His journey to success wasn’t an easy one. He had his own fair share of struggles but what kept him going was his grid determination and love for his work. His journey to success, for sure, is one of the most inspiring tales.

“A creative journey without criticism can be a dangerous one.”

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About His Label

After three months of completing graduation, he launched his own label with only three helpers and 20,000 rupees in his hand. Soon enough his label caught the attention of the media because of its very unique collection. His idea of beauty was very different from the glamour world’s beauty conception. His collection was always different from the glitz and glamour, it was more about the dull shades in a blend that catches the immediate attention of people, tea-stained hues and mismatched patchwork. He was the first Indian designer to have earned INR 100 crores in one year, back in 2014 and now his yearly turnover is around INR 253 crores. Quite a successful story!

Image Source: India Today

Here are 10 success secrets by Sabyasachi:

Trust Your Gut

Sabyasachi says it was always his singularity of vision and grid determination that helped him reach where he is today. He says believing in one’s instinct is the first step towards success and one should work hard for it with utmost dedication and sincerity. The one thing which most people lack is confidence and trust within oneself. Sabyasachi teaches us to trust ourselves and our gut and keep working towards what we want. 

Build Your Brand With Originality

While it is important to keep up with the ongoing fashion trends, what is equally important is to maintain a unique brand image that stands for itself. Sabyasachi has gone and built his brand by being original and not aping anybody else. This lesson is most important as many people lose their originality and start copying others. It is essential to be ourselves and be original.  

“Have a design and visual language that is yours and nobody else’s, so that people can easily identify with it.” 

Build Brand Loyalty

Mukherjee acknowledges the importance of art, but at the same time also addresses the vital importance of building brand loyalty among customers. He says quality must never be compromised for quantity. Quantity can be assured but not at the cost of quality. If we work towards building brand loyalty, no matter what field we are working in we will always be on the road to success.

Image Source: Wedding Sutra

“Every bride is a story I write, each one different, each one new.”

Understand Customer Needs And Demands

According to Mukherjee, the needs and the demands of the customer should be of utmost importance. India is a diverse country, so what may be appreciated by one section of people, might face backlash by another set of people. A designer must be open to all of these views and accommodative of all the demands. If we are able to understand what the customer wants from us and meet their needs not only will we have loyal customers but also be unstoppable. 

“I believe that clothes should be just an extension of one’s intellect.”

The Bollywood Way

Sabyasachi acknowledges the importance of Bollywood in promoting fashion labels. He says Bollywood has a major impact on the lives of the Indians and it is only through Bollywood that people would like to go for something that doesn’t come from the glitz and glamour world. He believes Bollywood creates a mass hysteria and this must be utilised to enhance brand visibility.

Bollywood And Sabyasachi
Image Source: GoodHomes

One of the most important things you could ever come across in your life is your uniqueness. Never ever lose it.

Maintain A Local Identity

Sabyasachi emphasises on building a local identity in the first place. While he recognizes the importance of going global, he also says his work should be locally accepted nationally. He says, as one enters from one market to another, the local identity must always be maintained because that makes one’s work distinct.

Structure Your Business Plans Accordingly 

One should always have a structured business plan before getting onto work. Like educating oneself about the pros and cons of investing, similarly in the other fields, one might feel the need to diversify into. So, all of these ideas must be carefully listed before actually solidifying business plans.

Effective Social Media Management

Sabyasachi’s Instagram handle is definitely the most searched one on social media. Right from its authentic exquisite collection showcasing to management skills, everything stands unmatched. Therefore, he emphasises on the need of correct and effective use of social media that helps the business grow.

Your advertising should always have a point of view that is yours — whether it is the choice of models you use, whether it is the way you shoot your campaigns, or whether it is the way you present your products.”

Create Iconic Markers

Sabyasachi believes in creating brand markers that are carried forward in every design to maintain its uniqueness. For Sabyasachi, the marker has always been his unique border style, the colour red, the floral prints and the Royal Bengal Tiger logo, which keep coming back in his new designs.

Creating Iconic Designs
Image Source: Indulge – The New Indian Express

“I don’t design for a muse because my market is  my muse.”

 Accept Criticism

The final and most important ingredient of success is accepting criticism. As a designer, one should always be aware of the shortcomings in their design which might lead to rejection. In situations like these a designer must always react positively.

Source: YouTube

He also points out that sometimes people might criticize for the sake of it, so one needs to block out all the negativity and move ahead.

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So, this was all about Sabyasachi Mukherjee, the ace designer’s secret to success. Yes, the road to success is never an easy one. Everyone has their own share of struggles, but you must learn to embrace whatever comes your way to make a future for yourself. Because once the final destination is reached, you understand how every struggle helped you become a better version of yourself and it will all be worth it in the end. Wish to read more such inspiring content? Stay connected to Leverage Edu. Follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Quora and Facebook.

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