PTE Exam Format: Registration, Section-Wise Exam Pattern, Syllabus

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PTE Exam Format: Registration, Section-Wise Exam Pattern, Syllabus

The Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE) is a widely accepted English language proficiency test that students and professionals take. Universities, corporations and governments recognize the PTE Academic as an unbiased measure of a candidate’s proficiency in the English language. While preparing for this exam, you must be well acquainted with the exam format to understand the different test sections. So, in this blog, we will explore the major details of the PTE Exam Pattern, along with things that you must keep in mind while undertaking the test. 

ExamPearson Test of English (PTE)
Conducted by Pearson Inc.
Types1. PTE General [Conducted to reward excellent achievements in English language learning.

2. PTE Academic [As an English Proficiency Test for those aiming to work or study abroad]
Eligibility CriteriaPTE General: None
PTE Academic- Age limit: 16 years and above
Exam Fee15,900 INR

Latest Update for PTE Exam

PTE introduced certain alterations to the existing tasks and introduced new tasks in place of the existing ones, especially in the speaking and writing sections. These updates were made to enable students to better showcase their proficiency in the English language. 

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PTE Exam: An Overview

There are two types of PTE exams, i.e. PTE General and PTE Academic. PTE General is only conducted to reward brilliant achievements in English language learning and is not used as an English proficiency test. On the other hand, PTE Academic is the major exam that you can undertake if you are planning to work or study abroad.

In addition to TOEFL and IELTS scores, the PTE Academic exam is accepted by some institutions in countries like the United States of America, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada among others. The PTE exam format is also the same for all institutions around the world, however, it’s better to check with the institution for preference.

PTE Academic - Test format
Credit: PTE Academic

What is the PTE Exam Registration Process?

PTE aspirants must follow the outlined steps below to register for the PTE exam.

  • Visit the official website of PTE.
  • Agree to the terms & conditions box and select your preferred test centre with date & time.
  • You will be redirected to another page, enter the PTE appointment details and pay the fee.
  • After paying the fees, take a printout and your registration process is complete.

PTE Exam Pattern 2024: Everything You Need to Know

Adhering to a set pattern for any given examination can help candidates create a viable plan for their exam preparation. Being acquainted with a fixed exam pattern can give applicants a viable preparation window for preparing for the said exam. The detailed exam pattern is as follows:

Speaking & Writing54-67 MinutesPersonal introduction
Repeat sentence
Read aloud
Re-tell lecture
Describe image
Summarize written text
Answer short question
Essay (20 mins)
Reading29-30 MinutesReading & writing: Fill in the blanks
Reading: Fill in the blanks
Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
Multiple-choice, choose single answer
Re-order paragraphs
Listening30-43 MinutesSummarize spoken text
Fill in the blanks
Multiple-choice, choose single answers
Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
Select missing word
Highlight correct summary
Highlight incorrect words
Write from dictation

PTE Exam Syllabus: Check Section-Wise Syllabus

Understanding the latest syllabus is crucial for taking any exam. Knowing the ins and outs helps create a solid study plan. Let’s explore the PTE exam syllabus in detail.

PTE Speaking: Retell Lecture | SUPER METHOD!
Source: E2 PTE Academic
PTE SectionPTE Exam SyllabusTotal Questions and Duration
Speaking & WritingPersonal IntroductionRead AloudRepeat SentenceDescribe ImageRe-Tell LectureAnswer Short QuestionsSummarize Written Text EssayNo. of Questions: 28 – 36

Duration: 54 – 67 minutes
Reading SectionMultiple Choice, Choose Single AnswerMultiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers Re-Order ParagraphsFill in the Blanks No. of Questions: 13 – 18

Duration: 29 – 30 minutes
Listening SectionSummarize Spoken TextMultiple Choice, Multiple Answer Fill in the Blanks Highlight Correct Summary Multiple Choice, Single Answer Select Missing WordHighlight Incorrect Words Write From DictationNo. of Questions: 12 – 20

Duration: 30 – 43 minutes

PTE Speaking and Writing Questions: Type of Questions, Duration Number of Questions

PTE aspirants who wish to ace the speaking and writing sections must keep abreast of the question types and duration required for completing each task. That being said, refer to the table below to go through the particulars regarding the PTE speaking and writing questions to get a better understanding of the questions asked in the sections.

TasksQuestion Per TaskDuration Per Task
Personal Introduction155 seconds
Read Aloud6-730 – 40 seconds
Repeat a Sentence10-1215 seconds
Retell a Lecture1-290 seconds
Describe an Image3-425 Seconds
Answer Short Questions5-620 Seconds
Summarize Written Text1 Sentence Summary10 Minutes
Essay1 essay20 Minutes
Total Questions28 – 36Time: 54 – 67 Minutes

PTE Reading Questions: Types of Questions and Exam Format

How to Get a High Score in PTE Reading
Source: E2 PTE Academic

PTE aspirants who wish to ace the reading section must keep abreast of the question types and duration required for completing each task. That being said, refer to the table below to go through the particulars regarding the PTE reading questions to get a better understanding of the questions asked in the sections.

Fill in the BlanksIn this section, incomplete and gap-filled sentences appear on the screen in front of the candidate. You are required to select suitable words from the words displayed to complete the sentence correctly. There is another question on fill-in-the-blanks which is a shorter version. An 80-word text with gaps needs to be filled with the right combination of words displayed separately.
Multiple Choices, Multiple AnswersA passage is displayed on the screen. Based on the reading of the passage, the candidate has to answer a question having multiple correct answers.
Re-order ParagraphsThis is a common question on many English tests. Multiple boxes with phrases appear on the screen which need to be arranged in the correct order to form a grammatically coherent sentence. Read every text before rearranging them.
Multiples Choices, Single AnswerIn this section of the PTE exam format, the examinee is shown a long text of approximately 250 words. After careful reading, you are required to attempt a multiple-choice question with a single correct answer.
Reading and Writing Fill in the BlanksIn this section, a text appears on the screen with several gaps and you need to drag words from the box below to fill the gaps

PTE Reading Exam Pattern

Refer to the following table below to go through the PTE reading exam pattern.

TasksQuestions Per TaskDuration Per Task
Fill in the blanks – Reading & Writing5 – 6 Read 300 words of text
Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers1 – 2Read 300 words of text
Re-order Paragraph2 – 3Read 300 words of text
Fill in the blanks – Reading4 – 5Read 300 words of text
Multiple Choice, Single Answer1 – 2Read 300 words of text
Total Questions13 – 18Time: 29 – 30 Minutes

PTE Listening Questions: Types of Questions and Exam Format

PTE Listening: Write from Dictation | SUPER METHOD!
Source: E2 PTE Academic

For the final section of the PTE Academic format, here are the major 8 tasks that it contains:

Summarize Spoken TestAn audio recording is played. Candidates are required to write a 50-70 word summary of the recording on their understanding of the recording. A total of 10 minutes are allotted for this task.
Multiple Choice, Multiple AnswerOn the basis of a short recording, the candidate is questioned on any aspect of it through a multiple-choice question. This question can have multiple right answers so make sure to listen intently.
Fill in the BlanksA gap-filled transcript of a recording is displayed on the screen. Based on the recording played, the gap needs to be filled with the appropriate word. The option of taking notes is provided for this part of the PTE exam format.
Highlight the Correct SummaryA recording is played for you. Based on its content, the candidate is asked to choose the paragraph that closely reflects the summary of the recording.
Multiple Choice, Single AnswerBased on the understanding of the recording, a multiple-choice question with a single correct answer is put forward. Candidates need to select the option that best reflects the meaning and sense of the played recording.
Select the Missing WordAccording to the audio recording, the candidate needs to select a suitable word from the displayed choices.
Highlight the Incorrect WordThe transcript of the audio played in the above section is then displayed. Select those words that are not correct in the transcript.
Write From DictationThe recording plays a short sentence. You are expected to rewrite the sentence correctly.

PTE Listening Exam Pattern 

Refer to the following table to go through the PTE listening exam pattern.

TasksQuestions Per TaskDuration Per Task
Summarize Spoken Test1 – 260 – 90 seconds to retain 50 – 70 words, 10 minutes to write
Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers1 – 240 – 90 seconds to prompt
Fill in the Blanks2 – 330 – 60 seconds
Highlight Correct Summary1 – 230 – 90 seconds
Multiple Choice, Single Answer1 – 230 – 60 seconds
Select Missing Word1 – 220 – 70 seconds
Highlight Incorrect Word2 – 315 – 50 seconds
Write from Dictation3 – 43 – 5 seconds
Total Questions12 – 20Time: 30 – 43 Minutes

PTE Exam Format for General Test

Though only utilised as a language proficiency test by a few select countries and not accepted for visa and immigration purposes, the PTE General test is mainly undertaken by those aiming to evaluate one’s ability to communicate in English. The PTE exam pattern for the General Test comprises two sections, i.e, written and spoken tests that analyze the reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills of the test-taker. There are six levels of proficiency under the PTE General, i.e. Foundation level (A1), Level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and are linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Refer to the table below for a better understanding:

LevelTime DurationExplanation
Foundation Level1 hour 15 minutesSuited for beginners, and tests the writing and speaking skills
Level 11 hour 35 minutesSuited for beginners, and tests the writing and speaking skills
Level 21 hour 35 minutesSuited for intermediate candidates, and tests the writing and speaking skills
Level 32 hoursSuited for intermediate candidates, and tests the writing and speaking skills
Level 42 hours 30 minutesSuited for higher education candidates, and tests the writing and speaking skills
Level 52 hours 55 minutesSuited for higher education candidates, and tests the writing and speaking skills
PTE Full Mock Test
Source: E2 PTE Academic

PTE Exam Pattern for Australian PR

To get an Australian PR, students must have the required PTE score, knowing the exam pattern beforehand will help you understand the exam pattern and scheme better.

Part 1: Speaking & Writing

  1. Personal information
  2. Repeat sentence
  3. Answer short question
  4. Summary Writing
  5. Essay

Part 2: Reading

  1. Fill in the blanks
  2. Jumbled Words

Part 3: Listening

  1. Summarize spoken text
  2. Fill in the blanks
  3. Highlight correct summary
  4. Missing word
  5. Write from dictation

PTE Exam Preparation: Best Tips, Result and Score

Make a Study Plan: To crack any competitive exam, it is imperative to draft a study plan and schedule that ensures your timely preparation for the exam. Your study plan to crack the PTE must be carefully devised while keeping in mind, the concepts you need to strengthen as well as the ones you are good at

  1. Improve your vocabulary: To enhance your vocabulary, you must read a newspaper daily as well as inculcate the habit of learning a few new words every day. Highlight the new words you come across while reading a book or newspaper and look out for their meanings in a monolingual dictionary
  2. Improve fluency and pronunciation: No matter how well you focus on accentuating your writing and reading, the Speaking section emphasises assessing your fluency, pronunciation and impromptu response.

PTE: Results & Score

PTE Results are announced within 48 hours. You will receive your PTE scorecard which will include a Score Report and a Skills Profile that will help you in understanding test scores, language skill levels, and areas of improvement. Although every university has different requirements for PTE scores, in general, your undergraduate score should range between 51-60 and postgraduate courses should range between 57-67. Here is a comparison of PTE scores with IELTS and TOEFL.

PTE Exam
Credits: PTE

So that was all about the PTE Exam pattern. Hope the blog has answered all your queries regarding the topic.

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What is the format of PTE?

For the two types of PTE exams, the paper pattern is slightly different. The PTE General Test consists of two sections, namely the written and spoken tests. The PTE Academic comprises three sections, i.e. Speaking & Writing, Reading, and Listening which one needs to complete in 3 hours and an optional 10-minute break is also allowed between the reading and listening sections. 

Is the PTE exam easier than IELTS?

PTE and IELTS are quite different in the type of questions and assessments they include though the exam pattern is slightly similar. PTE is considered easier by candidates but IELTS is a more widely accepted one as an English Language Proficiency Test across the top academic institutions and countries around the world.

What is the PTE exam for Australia?

PTE Academic is amongst the major English Language Proficiency Tests accepted by the Australian government for their visa application process.

How many questions are there in PTE?

There are 20 different types of question formats comprised under PTE Academic.

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