
PhD Stipend in Germany

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PhD Stipend in Germany

When it comes to being affordable, Germany is one of the best European countries for PhD stipend and research. Funding is made available with a wide range of options with almost no doctoral fees at public universities. As is evident from the way it takes PhD research particularly seriously, there are a number of established things Germany makes sure of when it comes to the students. These are the basics of PhD Research and PhD Stipend in Germany that everyone should be aware of. Let’s take a look at the below for a better understanding.

Basics of PhD in Germany

We cover the programme length, fees, number of international students present for PhD in Germany, etc; in short, key features.

Programme Length Traditional PhD: 4 years
Structured PhD: 3 years 
Fees  None. (No fees but there is a requirement of semester contribution, usually between €100-350 (INR 8K – 28K))
International Students3 lakh

PhD Funding and PhD Stipends in Germany 

PhD is accompanied by funding and opportune stipends. The following points expand on the basics of the same:

  1. PhD funding in Germany is not limited to research conducted in public universities, independent research institutes also provide their own funding to PhD students, being a part of larger collectives. 
  2. Furthermore, students can also earn a salary on their PhD apprenticeship (PhD stipend); something that financially and morally supports them. 
  3. Next, it’s important to learn that PhD research is usually not charged in Germany, therefore PhD stipends in Germany are most commonly used for living costs.
  4. PhD fellowships and scholarships in this country are tax-free.
  5. Germany helps international students with exclusive awards when it comes to PhD funding. 

PhD Stipend in Germany for International Students

As mentioned in point 2 above, the concept of PhD stipend also enables students to separately earn via their salaried apprenticeship. So, the question arises, how about the PhD stipend for international students? Let’s learn.

International Students Average PhD Stipend in Germany 
Pursuing a PhD in German Universities24,500 EUR/year (INR 19.5 lakh)
Interning at Public or Private Organisations 500 EUR/month (INR 40,000/month approx.)
  • The relevance of PhD Stipends in Germany is that it offers great opportunities to PhD students while they are doing their research and working on the PhD programme. Along with the zero cost of PhD in Germany, with options like apprenticeships, you can also earn a living to cover your other expenses, something that contributes to both your experience and growth level. 

Note: If a doctoral student is entering at starting level, they should make sure that their bond runs for at least 1 year. This is because job contracts lasting for less than 1 year are not considered valid professional experience. 

Also Read; Study in Germany: The Guide To Your German Dream!

Application Requirements 

  • Completion of the academic study of a minimum of 8 semesters. The final degree should be equivalent to a German Master’s degree. The good news for outstanding international students is that they can be admitted to a PhD program with a Bachelor’s alone, but for this, you need to complete an entrance examination. 
  • While there might be a need for you to prove your English Language Proficiency, like through IELTS or TOEFL; traditional PhD programs could also check your level of German language fluency.
  • Documentation Requirements:
    • Statement from Doctoral Supervisor 
    • Academic Transcripts
    • Proof of Recognition 
    • 2 Academic references 
  • Some structured PhD programs conduct interviews, as well. 
  • Requirement of Student Visa
  • Valid Passport 

Top Universities for PhD in Germany

Top German Universities 2022 are as follows:

UniversitiesQS Ranking 2023 
LMU Munich64
Technical University of Munich50
Heidelberg University63
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin–
Humboldt University of Berlin128
University of Tübingen177
Free University of Berlin127

Must Read: Free Universities In Germany For International Students

Job & Salary After PhD in Germany

Once you complete your PhD and have already had experience with PhD stipend in Germany, there are a number of job positions available that can be offered based on that experience, the industry, and job profile. We have listed some of them below:

Junior Professor67,000 EUR (INR 54 lakh/year)
Assistant/Associate Professor 62,000 EUR (INR 50 lakh/year)
Guest Lecturer60,000 EUR (INR 48.3 lakh/year)
Actuary68,000 EUR (INR 55 lakh/year)

Germany is one of the top countries to accept and provide PhD students with jobs. So who are some of these recruiters that offer placements after a student has completed PhD, including having received a PhD Stipend in Germany? 

Top Recruiters 

Some of the German recruiters are as follows:

BMW Group
Deutsche Group
Bosch Group


The monthly gross salary of a PhD professor is usually from 5,300 euros to 6,600 euros (INR 4 lakh to 5.3 lakh). Do PhD students get paid in Germany?

Yes, PhD Stipend in Germany allows PhD students to be paid. 

How much stipend do PhD students get?

PhD Stipend in Germany ranges from ₹70,000 to ₹80,000 per month during 4th and 5th year of the program. 

What is the salary of a PhD professor in Germany?

The monthly gross salary of a PhD professor is usually from 5,300 euros to 6,600 euros (INR 4 lakh to 5.3 lakh). 

Is a PhD in Germany free?

Yes, PhD in Germany is usually free for all students, except for some other fees that you might have to pay during your study.

This was all about a PhD stipend in Germany. If you want to get into a high-ranked university, you may enlist the assistance of Leverage Edu specialists to assist you with the application process. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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