Greatest Novels by Mary Shelley

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Greatest Novels by Mary Shelley

Among the many researched and popular writers, Mary Shelley’s life has been archetypal with astonishing achievements. She was an English writer and was popularly renowned for her famous novel Frankenstein, also known as modern Prometheus. Shelly had faced many unusual incidents in her life and researchers awed her exceptional writing without any formal education or training in the English Language. Now, more than 2 centuries later, her narrations are still among the popular reads for kids and adults. In this blog, we try to bring you the legacy of Mary Shelley and some of her renowned works.

Mary Shelley: A Biography | Frankenstein | National Theatre at Home
Credits: National Theatre

About the Author

Biography of Mary Shelley, Novelist
Source: ThoughtCo

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, also known as Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. was born on 30th August 1797 in England to the political writer and philosopher William Godwin and mother Mary Wollstonecraft. Her mother was a famous author of The Vindication of the Rights of a Woman and died soon after the birth of Mary Shelley.

Shelley spent lots of time in her father’s library to read and learn from them. She educated herself from there and was good at imagination and daydreaming. Mary Shelley was keen on creative writing and scribbled during her childhood days.

The young poet Percy Bysshe Shelley was the student of Mary‘s father. Soon Mary developed an interest in him and the relationship started in 1814. They got married in 1816 while she also continued her writing career. Mary Shelly died on 1 February 1850 in England due to Brain cancer. She was cremated in Saint Peters Church in Bournemouth. 

Some Fun Facts About Mary Shelley

  • Mary Shelley’s mother was a feminist, whoch influenced her writing.
  • She was just 21 years old when she published Frankenstein.
  • Mary Shelley’s inspiration came from a nightmare to write Frankenstein.
  • Thomas Edison adapted Frankenstein for a film
  •  At 16, she eloped to France with the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, despite the fact that he was already married.
  • Mary went on to write another six novels, plays, stories and poems, a second travel book and dozens of biographies

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Notable Works of Mary Shelley

Mary began her career by starting to write the famous novel called Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus. She published her travelogue on traveling Europe by the name “History of a six weeks tour”. Her notable works include the following:

Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus

Everything you need to know to read
Credits: TED-Ed

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.”

Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus (1831 version,Illustrated) eBook :  Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft: Kindle Store
Source: Amazon

One of her most famous and appreciated novels was published in the year 1818. It’s a story of a young scientist named Victor Frankenstein who performs an unorthodox scientific experiment and gives rise to a sapient creature. It is written in epistolary form. 

The story is very intriguing and includes a lot of twists and turns. It ends on a beautiful note. The readers are at peace after learning the message of the novel. Highly recommended book for fiction lovers and literary enthusiasts.

The book has been received really well by the readers and critically reviewed over time due to the extraordinary writing style. It reflects the powerful imagination of Mary Shelley. It was also adapted into a film by the director Kenneth Branagh. which was released in 2013 by the name Frankenstein itself.

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“Life has more in it than we think; it is all that we have, all that we know.”

Valperga by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Source: Goodreads

Valperga is another piece of art by Shelley. It was published in the year 1823. It is a historical novel describing the adventures of 14th-century despot Castruccio Castracani Who was a historical figure. He, later on, became the lord of Lucca and took over Florence. An interesting tale of love and politics between Castruccio and Countess Euthanasia, a woman whom he loved. It has been positively reviewed and regarded as a historical love story.

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The Last Man

“What is there in our nature that is for ever urging us on towards pain and misery?”

The Last Man by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Source: Goodreads

A classic book, The Last Man is a science fiction novel by Shelley published in the year 1826. It describes the future of the earth in the late 21st century. It talks about a pandemic and mysterious disease which results in the near extinction of humankind. The book has been released in three volumes. It basically enquires about scientific advancements such as the apocalypse.

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History of a Six Weeks Tour 

History of a Six Weeks' Tour Through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany  and Holland eBook: Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft: Kindle Store
Source: Amazon

Co-authored by her husband and famous author, Percy Shelley. This travelogue consists of excerpts from their travel experience. It has been published as a “Journal of A Six Weeks Tour” and “Letters from Geneva”. It was published in a single volume in the year 1845.

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“If pain can purify the heart, mine will be pure.” 

Mathilda - Kindle edition by Shelley, Mary. Literature & Fiction Kindle  eBooks @
Source: Amazon

This novel is comparatively short to her other novels. It has a very small audience however the book represents very critical moments of her own life. The story is narrated in the first person by Mathilda, a woman in her 20s. It describes the solitary upbringing of the girl. It explains the relationship of the girl with her parents and the sad life she lives. This novel is often taken as the autobiography of Shelley with three main characters, her father, her husband, and herself. However, there is no evidence confirming this assumption. The story is a metaphor of a woman’s life and the consequences of relations with ignorant males.

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Additional Renowned Novels and Poems

Apart from the above-mentioned novels, here are a few additional works by Mary Shelley. 

  • The fortunes of Perkin Warbeck
  • Lodore
  • Falkner
  • I Must Forget Thy Dark Eyes’ Love-Fraught Gaze
  • Ode to Ignorance; ‘Hail, Ignorance! majestic queen!
  • Absence; ‘Ah! he is gone—and I alone!
  • A Dirge; ‘This morn, thy gallant bark, love
  • The Death of Love
  • A Night Scene; ‘I see thee not, my gentlest Isabel
  • Song; ‘When I’m no more, this harp that rings
  • To Love in Solitude and Mystery

Movies based on Mary Shelley’s life and Writings

Apart from that, here are a few Movies based on Mary Shelley’s Life and Writings

  • Known For. Young Frankenstein Writer (1974)
  • The Bride of Frankenstein Writer (1935)
  • Frankenstein Writer (1931)
  • I, Frankenstein Writer (2014)
  • Writer. Mary Shelley’s the Mortal Immortal (2021)
  • Mashup at the Movies (2021)
  • Cineficción Radio (2019-2021)
  • Adam in aeternum (2021)

Shelley has also written several biographies, children stories, articles, and reviews. It is one of the modern thrillers. She made a huge impact among the readers with her scientific temperament. Her novel, The Last Man has also received some serious accolades and attention from modern readers. She continues to be loved and read by so many literature lovers. Hope you enjoyed reading about some of the greatest novels by Mary Shelley. For similar blogs on other personalities, stay tuned to our blogs by Leverage Edu!

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