
LinkedIn Careers Expert’s Top Tips to Scale Your Career & Tackle the WFH Blues!

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LinkedIn Careers

With ‘work from home’ cropping up as the new normal, many companies and employees are searching for better options to effectively concoct their professions. The new trend has spread feelings of ambiguity amongst people, especially freshers who are ready to enter the industrial and business world. From online interviews, performance reviews, and manager reviews to recruitment and feedback, the world is truly embracing everything virtually. Among the global platforms for career and searching jobs, LinkedIn is one of the biggest names in the world. To help you adjust to the WFH environment, we have brought the insightful tips and ways provided by the exclusive advisors. LinkedIn Careers Expert Bhairavi Jhaveri spoke with CNBC18 on the best 5 ways to scale one’s career while working from home! Read this blog to the best tips by Bhairavi Jhaveri on climbing up your career ladder while working from home.

“Across the world, professionals are navigating a massive amount of change. It’s also been a challenging transition for professionals, especially those who may be juggling additional responsibilities at home taking care of children or elderly family members. Glint insights from more than 5 million survey responses and over 1.1 million professionals around the world have found that employees are feeling less connected to leaders (31 percent), teammates (37 percent), and even their friends (40 percent),” LinkedIn Careers Expert Bhairavi Jhaveri in conversation with CNBC18.

Be Honest About Your Career Growth

Courtesy: NY Times

Having honest communication with your seniors can help you tackle your work issues. There is no harm in speaking out about issues that hamper your productivity and efficient working. This is one of the best tips by LinkedIn Careers Expert Bhairavi Jhaveri for people who are still struggling in this current WFH environment because of the habitual office environment. Be open about the issues you face while working from home and negotiate solutions with your manager. It will help your career growth and a sense of clarity about your work. Talk about work pressures and deadlines and if there are any difficulties you are encountering while working from home. This will form reliable relations with your colleagues and help you build confidence. 

Catch-up with your Team Members

Courtesy: Dribble

Catching up with other members of the company/team is another useful takeaway from the best tips by LinkedIn Careers Expert Bhairavi Jhaveri. Make sure you’re updated about the schedules and connected with your team. It could be a 15-minute meeting every day, but it helps understand the status of each member’s work and the overall achievement. These quick meetings not only help you be acknowledged but also motivate you to do better. Platforms like Google Hangouts and Zoom are providing free access for teams to gather and have virtual meetings from time-to-time. Hosting occasional casual chats and conversations can help employees build a sense of belonging in such dire situations. 

Adopt New Skills and Polish them

Courtesy: Gifer

One of the most important advice by LinkedIn Careers Expert Bhairavi Jhaveri for any professional or even a successful CEO is to continuously work and polish your skills. There is a lot to learn and explore in the virtually simulated world. From new technological advancements being made, applications have various features that can be useful for the efficient working and operation of companies. There are ample online courses to explore and it is important to utilize these resources. Seek new ways to adapt these skills and then discuss with other members. Improvise your faults and help other members. But while learning new skills and tackling work responsibilities, don’t forget to take a mindful break and remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup.

Improve your Soft Skills

Soft Skills
Courtesy: Insights

Apart from mastering the new skills, LinkedIn Careers Expert Bhairavi Jhaveri highlights how significant it is to make sure you don’t repress your soft-skills. Social distancing has made it difficult to improve upon your interpersonal skills but has given us the silver lining of grasping the soft skills of virtual communication. During these sensitive situations, you must be considerate towards people and empathize with their needs. You never know what issues your colleagues are facing and hence it is important to be kind and compassionate and check up on your fellow colleagues. Make sure you spread a sense of positivity and encourage each member instead of cribbing about uncontrolled situations. Being emotionally intelligent and empathetic is a sign of growth and also reflects your personality and thoughts. It will improve the potential of employees and lessen the overall burden of the team. 

Optimize your Performance

It is difficult to work from home owing to the presence of family members and lack of space. Improvise your work by setting a schedule without compromising with your family time. Inform your manager if you need some time or a day off to take a break. It will help increase productivity and also optimize your performance. 

Apart from the above, Jhaveri also highlights the importance of taking good care of your own mental health. Don’t overcrowd your mind with unnecessary news and positively address only those issues that require attention. Before being there for others, make sure you’re emotionally stable and free of negativity. Being emotionally unstable will only spiral down your mental health. Adopt newer ways to manage stress and talk to reliable mates and family members if any issue gets overwhelming. 

Hope these tips by LinkedIn Careers Expert Bhairavi Jhaveri help you achieve success and improvise your career. If you are skeptical about your career choices and academic options and need assistance, our Leverage Edu experts are here to help you! Sign up for a free session and get all your academic and career-related queries answered!

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