IELTS Writing Score Calculator

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IELTS Writing Score Calculator

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IELTS is a big part of the study abroad application journey of all Indian students. It tests their Listening, Writing, Speaking, and Reading ability in the English Language. When it comes to the IELTS Writing section, the questions asked are subjective. Therefore, there is no clear indication of how much you can score in each task. Nonetheless, we tell you about the IELTS Writing Score Calculator and what parameters a student is marked on!

Full-FormInternational English Language Testing System
Annual No. of Test TakersMore than 3 Million
Skills TestedListening, reading, writing, speaking
Score Range0-9 (0.5 band increments)
Score Validity 24 Months

What is IELTS?

Understanding IELTS Writing in Just 45 Minutes | Leverage Edu

Before we know more about the IELTS Writing Score Calculator, let’s know what is IELTS and why is it important. 

IELTS, or the International English Language Testing System, is an English language proficiency test which citizens from a non-English speaking country give to study/work in English-speaking countries like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. 

IELTS score is not only asked by the top universities abroad but also during visa applications. For example, a student needs an IELTS of 5.5 to apply for the UK Tier 4 visa

The higher the IELTS score, the higher your chances are of getting into your dream university. The maximum a student can score on the IELTS test is 9. 

You can see below a table that tells us about each score and what they mean-

IELTS Overall Band Score Meaning
9Expert User
8Very Good User
7Good User
6Competent User
5Modest User 
4Limited User
3Extremely Limited User
2Intermittent User
0Did Not Attempt

Universities Accepting Low IELTS score

Who marks your IELTS writing paper?

There are two examiners for the IELTS writing paper. All students have to appear for one for Task 1 and one for Task 2. The two papers are marked separately and the marks are allocated independently of your performance in the other test.

IELTS Writing Score Calculation

The IELTS writing scores are calculated on the basis of 4 categories such as:

  • Task Achievement
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammar

IELTS Writing Task 1 Score

IELTS writing task 1 holds 33% of the total score. The IELTS writing marking scheme of task 1 is based on four main criteria and is marked on a scale of 0 to 9. The writing scores in Task 1 are calculated on the basis of task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource and grammatical range, and accuracy.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Score

Writing Task 2 is assessed the same parameters as Task 1 and also a new category called the task response criterion. The writing score is marked on a scale 0 to 9.

How are the Task 1 and Task 2 scores combined?

Task 1 and Task 2 are assessed by two different examines and the marks are later combined on the computer to avoid a median score for the IELTS writing section for the candidate.

What is the IELTS Writing Section?

IELTS tests your English through 4 sections- Listening, Speaking, Writing, and Reading. A test taker has to complete two Writing tasks in 60 minutes which will test the following- 

  • Task Achievement (Task 1)
  • Task Response (Task 2)
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy 

The IELTS Writing Score is calculated differently for the Academic and General Training tests. More detailed information is given below.

How long is the IELTS Score valid?

IELTS Academic Writing 

Questions of Writing Task 1 in IELTS | IELTS Writing Skills | Leverage Edu

Students from India who wish to study undergraduate or postgraduate courses abroad have to the take IELTS Academic Writing Test. You will be given 2 tasks-

  • Task 1 

In this task, you will get a chart, diagram or a pictorial representation in which you have to identify the information and write 150-words about the same. You are expected to complete the task in 20 minutes. You will be penalised if you write less than 150 words and if plagiarism is found in your task. 

  • Task 2

You are expected to complete the second task in 40 minutes. Topics about relevant issues will be given, and you have to write a 250-word essay responding to that topic specifically. If your response is off-topic, irrelevant, broad or plagiarised, your task will be penalised. 

IELTS General Training Writing

Indian citizens who wish to work in English-speaking countries have to take the IELTS General Training Writing. Since the test is taken to test those going abroad to work, the IELTS General Training score is calculated on professionalism mainly.

  • Task 1 

Test takers have to write a letter (semi-formal, formal or informal) of 150 words according to the situation they are given. You will be given 3 hints about the information that you must include in your letter. It is suggested that you complete this task in 20 minutes. Even in General Training Writing tasks, you will be penalised if your content is irrelevant or off-topic.

  • Task 2 

In the second task for the IETLS Writing Score, you have to write a 250 words essay. You will be an argument or a point of view, and you will have to provide factual information, justify information and provide evidence relatively. No bullet points or irrelevant or off-topic information will be allowed.

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Samples of Task 1 and Task 2

Here’s a PDF that includes IELTS Writing Task Samples:

How is the IELTS Writing Score Calculated?

Now that you know everything about the IELTS Writing Score, let’s understand how this band score is calculated. The IELTS Reading and Listening are objective sections in the MCQ format. So, you will know where you have gone wrong. To use the IELTS Writing Score Calculator, you must use the parameters given below.

Parameters Meaning
Task Achievement Basically, in Task 1, you have to transfer information from the graph or the bullet points and create a description for 150 words. Therefore, the output is defined. If you fulfil all the required sub-tasks, you have achieved your task.
Coherence and CohesionHow well have you connected the information by linking various instances is known as coherence and cohesion. The correct use of conjunctions, pronouns and other connectors are tested in this parameter.
Lexical ResourcesYour vocabulary in the tasks and its relevant use is tested in Lexical Resources.
Grammatical Range and AccuracyAccurately using grammar in your sentence and the relevance is assessed.
Task ResponseSpecifically in Task 2, you are required to give a response to an argument, point of view or issue presented in 250 words. How direct and well have you responded to Task 2 is assessed here.

IELTS with Leverage Edu 

Want to get into your dream university? Then IELTS is one exam that you have to be completely prepared for! Universities like Oxford need a minimum of 7.0 IELTS score for even you to apply to. Nervous? Well, IELTS cannot be a journey you take alone. You need a guiding hand who will push you to your best limits. Leverage Edu is one such uni buddy. We make every step understandable and enriching so that there’s no obstacle between you and your dream university. Explore the best deals for IELTS tutorials here!

Assessment criteria for IELTS | Band descriptors | IELTS | Leverage IELTS

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The best way to improve your writing score for IELTS writing is to practice your grammar, vocabulary as well as writing skills. Improving your writing style and examing your surroundings to express different situations coherently can help you get a 7+ IELTS band in NO time!

That’s all you need to know about the IELTS Writing Score Calculator. For more exclusive updates on study abroad and careers, follow Leverage Edu on Instagram and watch us talk to IELTS experts on Youtube.

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