
How to Write a Book?

4 minute read

The maturation phase in the life of writers comes when they actually decide to settle down to write a book. Perhaps, the most crucial part of a writer’s journey is to see his ideas, word by word, taking shape of a cover. While reading a book, we hardly realize the amount of hard work put in by a writer. Crafting each sentence to completely convey the idea, the writer connects with its readers and paints a vivid picture of its imagination while portraying the underlying issues in the society. In this blog, we will give you a stepwise guide to understanding how to write a book.

Decide the Theme 

The fundamental thing after you decide to write a book is to convince yourself to narrate it well. As they say, ‘it begins with a word’. Once you choose your writing space and assemble your writing tools, the next thing in the process is to select a central theme for the story. The answer to the question of ‘how to write a book?’ lies in knowing what really the story should narrate. It is relatively easy to write a book but to make it sell, it must have a powerful story. Considering the fact that the reader has a variety of options, you, as a writer, should ask yourself the question of ‘why would people read my book?’. Not following the narcissist approach, work towards making a book that you would want to read. 

Introducing a Strong Character

Once you have decided the theme, you should work on the protagonist of the story. Most of the time, people remember the narrative not because of the story but through the protagonist of the story. It is imperative that you establish the main character of your story as real as possible which would take a lot of dedication. Do not fear your mistakes while doing so, for you are not the right person to be in love with the character of the story, let the audience do that. So keep making changes till you get it the way you wanted. 

Set Your Writing Goals

How to Write a Book

To know how to write a book is not enough but to actually begin it is. Having a plot, developing a character and carrying an outline for Story Writing is important but to begin, you need to set your goals. Fix your daily word count and ensure that you don’t miss it because writing a lot is not important but to stay in the flow, writing daily is. Even if you start by writing one page a day, by the end of a year, you will achieve a major part of your project. Choose a time most suitable for you, when you can focus on the narrative completely. Having a set time helps your brain to get accustomed to the task. While writing your first draft, be less concerned about the editing and more focused on the story. 

Add Your Signature Element

Setting your book apart from other available publications in the market is central to turn it into a bestseller. What audience want is not just a ‘happy ending’ but a blend of conflict, resolution, facts, story, and originality from your book. As a writer, you should be able to deliver to your readers what they expect of you. There is no contradiction to the fact that you can be influenced by a writer’s style of going about a story but making your style of writing stand out is a challenge. Filling your story with details and adorning every sentence with the apt usage of literary techniques is an important step on how to write a book. Flat and monotonous sentences are not characteristics of a bestseller. Try adding an element that is unique to your personality and maintain originality all over. 

Read, Review and Rehash

While exploring the question of how to write a book, you must know that writers have to subject themselves to self-censorship and editing. Once your draft is ready, the next step towards the process is to review it. Experts suggest that a writer should read the draft multiple times and each with a different intent. Initial reviewing should be to check the loopholes in the story followed by identifying grammatical errors and changes in writing style. It is preferable to send your manuscripts to some of your close friends and a writer you trust. Once you do the rehashing, your manuscript is ready to be sent to a publisher. 

Knowing how to write a book is not just about answering a few questions. It demands a complete realization on the part of a writer. Driven by passion and adorned by hard work, writing is a craft that develops gradually but by choosing one from a list of Creative Writing courses, you can polish your writing skills and build a career as a successful writer. To get complete information about the courses and assistance with the admission process regarding the same, reach out to our career experts at Leverage Edu. 

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