How to Score 1500+ on your SAT

1 minute read
How to score 1500+ on your SAT | Improve your SAT skills | Leverage Edu
How to Score 1500+ on your SAT

Working hard but still not getting scores above 1500 in your SAT? Don’t worry! This video by Leverage Edu will cover the common mistakes that you have been doing up till now without any conscious realization. As most of us are well aware that the main section for the SAT exam is the writing section. This particular section alone has the power that can make or break your overall section or SAT exam. The writing section comprises 800 marks in total. The video will help you score 1500+ in your SAT exam. SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardized test that is used as an entrance test in most colleges and universities across the globe and especially in countries like the US, Canada, UK, and Australia. Watch the entire video by Leverage Edu till the end and know more about the SAT exam.

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