The Ultimate Checklist for English Speaking Books 2024!

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English Speaking Books

English Speaking Books: English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. However, not everyone can communicate in it even though they have learned enough to know the rules and principles of English grammar and vocabulary. Often people start fumbling while speaking and this can make a lasting impression on the listener. Imagine you are up for a job interview for your dream job. The interviewer converses in English but you are unable to communicate fluently despite having all the required education and career skills. English communication skills can either take you to newer heights or may stumble your career path to a great extent.

Therefore, just for you, we have compiled a list of some best English speaking books which help you speak perfect and fluent English at any given time and also help you with personality development.

Why Pick Best English Speaking Books?

Why is it important to master the English language? because it is a language used for commercial communications. Moreover, a language that is widely used. Although many of us studied English in high school and college, we still believe that our English proficiency has not increased. Why so? Because we see it as a problem, even though it is simple to comprehend and acquire if we put the time and effort into understanding it.

On the other side, taking the IELTS exam is now required if you wish to further your job or education in other speaking nations. Therefore, improving your English would benefit both your personal and professional growth. Additionally, you can compete in the international job market and start interacting with people from various cultures.

How Quickly Can You Gain Fluency?

It can be difficult to become fluent in English quickly, but once you start the process you will gradually notice the difference. How to speak English fluently in 30 days shouldn’t be the question, but rather how to prepare for the objective. The pace of the learning process is affected by a number of variables, including the learner’s attitude, attentiveness, time available for learning, etc. You can definitely accomplish your goals more quickly if you’ve successfully worked on these elements.

Benefits of Learning English Speaking

English is spoken by 20% of the world’s population, making it the universal language. The English language is a prerequisite in the age of information, regardless of whether you’re speaking with a customer service representative, giving a speech in a seminar, or giving a business presentation. Before you discover how to speak English fluently in 30 days? You should be aware of the various benefits that studying the English language may provide.

  • Increasing the number of people you reach.
  • Improving mental capacity.
  • Increasing digital literacy for smartphones, computers, and other devices.
  • Providing access to the study and research materials accessible.
  • Interacting with other cultures through the use of a middle language.

Best English-Speaking Books to Learn English On Your Own

Looking for the best English speaking books? Want to speak fluent English in 30 days? Here are the best English Speaking books to learn English on your own:

  1. The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking by Dale Carnegie
  2. Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
  3. Speak English Like a Star: Learning English was Never So Easy by Yogesh Vermani
  4. How I Learnt To Speak in English? by Neetu Sugandh
  5. Think English, Speak English by Julian Northbrook 
  6. Spoken English by Vikram Khanna
  7. My Grammar and I… Or Should That Be Me?: How to Speak and Write It Right by Caroline Taggart
  8. Everyday English for Grown-Ups by Michelle Finlay
  9. Speak English Like an American by Amy Gillett 
  10. How to Write and Speak Effective, Powerful and Fluent English by Raj Bapna and Anil Bapna
  11. SuperSpeed English Speaking Course (Hindi) by Rashmeet Kaur
  12. English: Speak Like a Naive in 1 Lesson For Busy People by Ken Xiao
  13. English Collocations in Use by Cambridge
  14. Practical English Usage by Oxford
  15. Usage And Abusage: A Guide To Good English by Eric Partridge

Must Read: How to Improve English Pronunciation for IELTS?
Best English Speaking Courses Online

Love reading fiction books? Here are some of the top popular literary marvels you can read to learn English:

Check Out: How to Learn Spoken English?

English Speaking Books for Beginners

If you feel that you are just starting out on your journey to improve your spoken English and the books mentioned above seem a little bit hard to start with, then worry not, we have also compiled a list of English-speaking books for beginners. The top English Speaking Books for Beginners:

English Speaking E-books

There are plenty of online resources that you can leverage in your favour to improve your spoken English. Here are the top and highly reviewed English Speaking E-books:

We’ll Call You a Grammar Nazi If You Can Ace Our Tough Grammar Quiz!

Improve your English Speaking and Listening Skills by Watching Series and Movies | Leverage Edu

Best English Books for Improving Your English Vocabulary in 2024

Increasing your vocabulary in English is one of the best ways to get better at communicating in the language. Take a look at these suggestions!

  • English Vocabulary in Use by Michael McCarthy
  • English Collocations in Use: Advanced
  • Advanced English Conversations Thousands of Words, Expressions, and Idioms in Dialogues
  • Complete English Grammar Workbook for Adult Beginners Write and Speak English in 30 Days!
  • Fifty Ways to Practice Writing Tips for ESL/EFL Students
  • English Prepositional Phrases for ESL/EFL
  • Definitions, Dialogues, and Practice

English Speaking Books for Children

Children often enjoy everything they do, even reading. Children usually enjoy reading books just because they are entertaining. This trait can actually help them in learning the English language as reading is the best way to improve English. Keeping this in mind, here is a list of English-speaking books especially for children.

Easy Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary and Score 8+ Bands | Part 1 | Leverage Edu Ielts

English Speaking Courses

Apart from reading books, taking up English-speaking courses is the best way to improve your spoken English. In this digital era, there are a bunch of courses available to everyone which only creates confusion amongst people. At times, it gets really difficult to decide on a specific course and then stick to it. Luckily for you, we have saved you the trouble and created a list of top English-speaking courses.

  • Speak Better English- Lingoda
  • Speak English Professionally by Georgia Tech- Coursera
  • University English Speaking Certifications- edX
  • English for Adults- British Council
  •  Learn English for Free- Perfectly Spoken
  • English Speaking Courses and Classes Online- Udemy
  • English Communication Skills by Georgia Tech- Coursera
  • Speaking and Writing English Effectively- Alison
  • Basic Spoken English Course- Ardobook

Now that you know the best books to master spoken English, let’s explore some of the best English speaking books in further detail:

“Word Power Made Easy” by Norman Lewis

Word Power Made Easy is one of the best books for enhancing vocabulary for students as well as professionals.  The book provides valuable tips as to how you can maximize your study habits and utilize your time more efficiently. The book introduces its readers with thousands of unique words which keep getting more technical after every chapter. It is considered to be one of the best books for students preparing for CAT, XAT, GATE etc.

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Speak English Like a Star: Learning English was Never So Easy” by Yogesh Vermani

One such problem when we cannot speak proper and fluent English is when we do not have sufficient vocabulary. One of the best English speaking books written by Yogesh Vermani which covers all the aspects of English vocabulary along with a step-by-step approach to learning English. This book has been formulated with the sole aim of providing the basic English vocabulary to the readers so that they can land their dream jobs.

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How I Learnt To Speak in English?” by Neetu Sugandh

When the author Neetu Sugandh was rejected for her first job due to a lack of communication skills, that is when she decided to learn from her mistakes and come out with this book. It is one of those unique English speaking books which contains multiple lessons with loads of pictures as a cherry on the top. The author made sure that her book focuses on the accurate usage of the English language. The USP of this book is that it contains a video game table for some fun learning English.

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Think English, Speak English” by Julian Northbrook 

Does your brain go through mental gymnastics every time you try speaking English? Yes, that happens when you translate English in your head when you speak it. This is one of those English speaking books that just make you learn some English and its vocabulary, and you are done. The book has been designed with the sole aim of stopping translation within your head and directly understanding and thinking in English, which also contributes to fluent English communication.

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Spoken English” by Vikram Khanna

One of the best English speaking books for beginners, Spoken English is one such book that covers an extensive range of concepts in English grammar and vocabulary such as sentence patterns, conversation practice, and vocabulary building. What adds the icing to the cake is that the book comes at a great price and contains loads of learning strategies, reference tools, and vocabulary training for independent learning and developing great conversational skills.

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My Grammar and I… Or Should That Be Me?: How to Speak and Write It Right” by Caroline Taggart

One of the most fun, creative and clever English speaking books around the world, this book is for the ones who continue to be stumped for their communicative and spelling errors. The delightful English speaking guide written by Caroline Taggart has put special emphasis on correcting the sentence structure, parts of speech, punctuation, spelling confusables and elements of style in order to develop written and conversational skills within the readers.

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Everyday English for Grown-Ups” by Michelle Finlay

A book specially formulated for independent studies, Everyday English for Grown-Ups ensures that all the topics related to effective English communication are covered which includes grammar rules and vocabulary to name a few. Containing an abundance of infographics, visual exercises and reference material, it is safe to say that this book can be considered as one of the best English speaking books. 

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Speak English Like an American” by Amy Gillett 

Do you know what makes you speak English so fluently? You may be surprised but it is the proper usage of some tricky phrases and idioms that are commonly used in the English language. Speak English Like an American is one of those unique English speaking books which ensures fluency in English conversational skills of the readers. The USP of this book is that it contains 25 lively dialogues comprising different idioms telling the story of an American family, and the illustrations and pictures add some delight to the book.

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How to Write and Speak Effective, Powerful and Fluent English” by Raj Bapna and Anil Bapna

Laying heavy focus on correcting the English communication skills of the readers, How to Write and Speak Effective, Powerful and Fluent English is another book in the list of best English speaking books you can ever find. For those who like to self-teach the English language, this book uses multiple charts, infographics and short exercises to add some fun to learning how to speak English fluently.

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Super Speed English Speaking Course (Hindi)” by Rashmeet Kaur

One of the best English Grammar books and English speaking books in the Hindi language, this book focuses more on the grammar aspect of the English language. Owing to its simplicity and design, the book makes it easier for the readers to understand English and communicate effectively like never before. English grammar, sentence building, and conversational English in various common situations are what make this book unique for the readers.

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 “The Quick and Easy Way To Effective Speaking” by Dale Carnegie

How about a book that motivates you to upgrade your English conversational skills? Yes, that is what “The Quick and Easy Way To Effective Speaking” is known for. Considered as one of the go-to English speaking books around the world, the author Dale Carnegie made sure that the book directly targets your weak points such as lack of English speaking skills and vocabulary. 

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English: Speak Like a Naive in 1 Lesson For Busy People” by Ken Xiao

Through this one-lesson English speaking book, Ken Xiao states that if you cannot read, write or speak in English, it is completely normal. One of the best English speaking books for beginners, the book is designed especially for the ‘Busy People’ and the ones who want to speak English like a native. 

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“Usage and Abusage: A Guide To Good English” by Eric Partridge 

The book sheds light on the constant misuse of the English language and offers constructive advice on the proper use of the language. The author states that the root cause of the majority of people’s English speaking problems is incomplete knowledge of grammar and poor choice of vocabulary. The book provides the reader with clarity on picking up the correct words, participles and conjunctions.

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What are some English Speaking Books to Learn English On Your Own?

The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking by Dale Carnegie
Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
Speak English Like a Star: Learning English was Never So Easy by Yogesh Vermani
How I Learnt To Speak in English? by Neetu Sugandh
Think English, Speak English by Julian Northbrook

What are some best fiction books to learn English?

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen King
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Orientalism by Edward Said
One for the Money by Janet Evanovich
Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

What are some books for children to learn English?

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
Curious George by H.A Rey and Margaret Ray
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss

Though speaking efficient English can get you selected for your next big job through the help of these English speaking books, however, it must be understood that English should not be considered a measurement of intelligence, rather it should be treated like any other language. Like Irrfan Khan in the movie ‘Hindi Medium’ said, “Is desh mein angrezi zabaan nahi hai…class hai.”

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