What is the Difference Between CV and Resume?

9 minute read
Difference Between CV and Resume

CV (Curriculum Vitae) represents a candidate’s complete academic history, such as educational qualifications and professional history. A resume highlights a person’s skills and qualifications for a specific role in an organisation and is dedicated to years of work experience. But have you ever wondered why some companies ask for a Resume and others ask for a CV? What is the difference between CV and resume? Can we use them interchangeably?

A lot of people are not aware that a CV and a Resume are two very different documents with different purposes. While they generally settle down by using the same document, both certainly don’t indicate the same thing. Do you want to know what exactly separates a CV from a Resume? What is the basic difference between a CV format and Resume? If yes, then stay tuned with our blog as it aims to equip you with a clear understanding of both documents. We are sure that after reading the blog, next time you will fetch the right one for a career opportunity.

Curriculum Vitae (CV) Vs Resume: Difference Between them with definition & Comparison Chart
Key Differences

Also Read: Resume Format For Freshers

Resume Format

Before we go on and understand the major difference between a CV and a Resume, let us first study what is Resume. A resume is a French word that says ‘to sum up’. Hence, it is a short document ranging from 1-2 pages and includes the basic information and work history in brief. Its objective is to make the candidate stand out from the competition. It is a highly customizable document and can be tailored according to the needs and demands of a specific post. It doesn’t necessarily have to be chronologically ordered and does not have to cover your whole professional experience.

Also Read: List of Hobbies and Interests for Resume

Mobile number

Give a short overview of yourself.

Mention your career objectives and goals

Educational Qualifications
Mention all the degrees, certificates, and diplomas you have acquired along with the name of the institution and the year of passing.

Professional Experience
Internships, Training, Work experience, or Freelance projects

Professional Skills
Highlight all your professional skills and extra knowledge acquired through higher education or some professional courses.

Language Proficiency
Mention the languages you proficiently know

Extra-curricular Activities and Achievements 
Along with your school and college life, the achievements you have gathered in sports and other extra-curricular activities will be mentioned here

Hobbies & Interests
Add your interests and things you like doing.

General Information
Mention basic details related to you like, such as date of birth, nationality, etc.

CV Format

CV Format
CV Format

This Latin word means Curriculum Viteza means ‘course of life’, and correspondingly it is an in-depth document which can spread across multiple pages. Education and Achievements are the most relevant fields explained in it. The difference between a CV and a Resume comes from the fact that it is mandatory to arrange the content of a CV in chronological order. A CV is static, and one doesn’t change the order and the positions of the achievements. A CV does not come with a page limit. It can be a two-page document or a ten-page document. The length of a CV is based on the experience of a person and is not modified as per the job description or purpose. 

Take a look at the CV Format:

Mobile number

All Educational Qualifications from High School to Postgraduate/Doctoral.
Mention Subjects, Final Grades, Clubs and Activities along with the passing year and Specialisation.

Work Experiences
Highlight the previous jobs and internships including your role, company, responsibilities, period, projects and year of employment.

Positions of Responsibility
Add all the major positions of responsibilities which can be in a professional setting, personal setting, or community service. 

Achievements and Extra Curricular Activities
Personal achievements and professional ones as well which are not mentioned in the employment section.

Professional Courses or Training
Different skills that you have acquired through external training and courses

Include certification courses from an independent organization. These can pertain to some software, training, or theories and practice of popular theories that are employed in the organization.

Any fellowship you undertook in the past

Mainly for doctoral scholars; mention any research publications you contributed to or worked on.

Awards and Honours
Personal, professional, and community achievements.

Academic or Professional References

Hobbies and Interests

Key Differences Between CV and Resume

In terms of the differences between a CV and a resume, the following things are crucial:

  • A CV is a detailed document that outlines all of a person’s professional accomplishments. A resume is a picture of a person’s professional life that includes all of the information needed for a job.
  • A CV is detailed, but a resume is brief.
  • Curriculum Vitae is a Latin term, and CV is an acronym for it. The term resume comes from the French word résumé, which means “resume.”
  • In comparison to a CV, a resume is much shorter.
  • A CV emphasizes academic facts, but a resume emphasizes non-academic details while also showing crucial skills and competencies that are relevant to the employment.

Difference between CV and Resume Explained

Are CV and resume the same? What’s the difference between a CV and a Resume? Well, the CV reflects a detailed overview and presentation of your academic and professional history and personal achievements and on the other hand, a Resume is a more concise version of your skills and qualifications, is shorter in length (1-2 pages) and varies as per the years of experience.

Here are the key differences between a CV and a Resume as per their length, layout, chronology and purpose. 


The first difference between CV and Resume is the length as a CV is more lengthy while a Resume is rather shorter and more precise. Ideally, a resume is summed up between 1-2 pages while there is no predetermined length of a CV, it can range from two to even a double-digit page count. It is mandatory to mention all the details in your Resume shortly and crisply while CV, you can elaborate a little about your achievements.


Another important difference between CV and Resume is the layout or the format of these documents as a CV comprises a more detailed version of your academic record, professional experience, awards and honours, achievements and more. Resumes normally start with the candidate’s contact information and a career objective, followed by the education and experience section. In the end, there’s a skills section plus any section that the candidate needs. On the other hand, a CV does not have a fixed layout. However, it should include education, work experience, publications, skills, interests, and awards. In conclusion, there should be a detailed description of as many relevant past jobs and achievements as you have. It is practice to tailor the layout of the resume according to the requirements whereas a CV has a predetermined format that is widely accepted across the globe.


The purpose of the CV and Resume is also different as a Resume is mainly utilised for academic applications while the CV is required in case of job and professional applications. A Resume is generally made to apply to various universities and institutions for academic purposes whereas a CV is usually used to apply to various job positions. However, there might be a case that you apply with a Resume first in the preliminary round as the recruiters get many applications and they only glance to thin out the crowd.


Another prominent parameter for examining the difference between CV and Resume is the chronological order in which the information is mentioned. When drafting a CV it is necessary to follow the chronological order of the happenings and then mention the achievements in a similar order. But in a resume, there is as such no order that has to be followed. Candidates are free to list down their details in whatever manner they are comfortable with. The skills you think will help you optimize your resume, you can mention those achievements and skills in the list.

Most Important Differences Between CV and Resume

CV Resume 
To be used when applying for opportunities in academia.There is no limit on the CV in terms of the number of pages used it shall be as per the experience and achievements that are included. 
The resume shall not be longer than two pages at all and shall include all the important details. It is relevant when the candidate is applying for an industry role in the public or private sector.
It is mandatory, to begin with the name and educational background leading on to further details. There is no limit on CV in terms of the number of pages used it shall be as per the experience and achievements that are included. 
Mainly emphasizes academic accomplishments.In a resume, freshers may start with their personal details but after having 1 or 2 years of industry experience candidate can directly begin with the technical knowledge of the field they have and then Kuchi mention the educational background. 

When Should I Use a Resume?

Use a resume when applying for jobs that aren’t academic or research-based. In the United States, most corporate, government, and nonprofit companies will need a resume as part of your job application. The one-page style of a resume allows companies to get a rapid overview of the applicant and assess if they fulfil the job’s minimum criteria. To decide which applicants are rejected and which are given additional consideration, resumes are examined for relevant information (e.g., called in for an interview).

When Should I Use a CV?

CVs are suitable for specialized job tasks that demand specific knowledge since they contain numerous pages of information about your professional talents and experience. When applying for employment in education or research, consider utilizing a CV, as the entire list of your qualifications will appeal to employers in these fields.

Should I Use a Resume or a CV?

Even after discussing the major difference between CV and Resume, one question that confuses us all is when to use a CV and when a Resume. After understanding the distinguishing features of a resume and CV, it is important to understand that a CV is used when you are applying to the academic industry.

As a CV elaborates upon the academic achievements and educational journey of one, it helps the academic institution in framing a fair judgement about your background. They can get an idea about your subject knowledge, and management skills along with other complementary tools and techniques that you know. In contrast to this, a resume is always put to use when one is applying for a corporate job in the public or private sector. So if you are looking forward to applying for your dream job, you will now be able to make a clear choice between a CV and a resume. 

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Que1. Which is better CV or resume?

Ans. The CV is a comprehensive history of your academic accomplishments, hence its length varies. In contrast, a resume gives a brief overview of your abilities and experience for a particular employment, therefore its length is typically shorter and determined by years of experience (about 1-2 pages).Ans.

Que2. Can I replace CV with resume?

Ans. Organise your data to showcase experience and abilities that are pertinent to the desired position. To express your experience and accomplishments, use action verbs. Make your document more concise. Use brief formatting and cut out any extraneous details.

Que3. Why is it called a CV and not a resume?

Ans. The Latin term for a course of life is CV. In the United States, a C.V. is a thorough academic synopsis submitted with job applications for positions in academia, science, and medicine. The term “CV” is used to refer to the same thing as a “resume” in the United States in Europe, Ireland, and New Zealand.

These may be the points to keep in mind and we’re sure you are now well versed of what is the difference between a CV and a Resume. But it is equally important to display the information in a correct form that is optimized to get the maximum attention and leave a mark. A capturing CV or Resume is the ultimate goal.

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