
Business School Interview/Admit: Waiting For The Responses?

3 minute read
Business School Interview/Admit: Waiting For The Responses?- Leverage Edu
Business School Interview/Admit: Waiting For The Responses?- Leverage Edu

Anxiously waiting for the results from all the Business school interview/admit? Last couple of weeks might have been quite eventful as you were all into your essays, Letter of recommendations, SOPs, test preparation and lot more to conclude your application process within the given guidelines and deadlines. Now that you have submitted your application to your dream schools, it’s surely the time for butterflies flying in the stomach.

The best way to cope up this strange anxiety and excitement while waiting for business school interview/admit responses is to keep yourself busy. Many of you get engaged in reading MBA message boards or other forums. These forums guarantee a distraction for MBA hopefuls waiting eagerly for business school interview invites or final admit decisions. Such channels eventually create more stress in applicants by providing misinformation that may derail your carefully considered MBA application plans. It’s better to channelize your energies on the activities which are more creative, enhances your preparation and help utilize the time productively. Following few tips will help you to make this waiting period more effective.

Engage with Schools where you applied

Submitting your carefully drafted final application doesn’t mean your journey for preparation comes to a hault. At this time, you’re not sure from which B schools you will get the invites from. But you must continue to spend time to further enhance your knowledge in all things related to the courses you’ve applied for. Most of the B-schools have this as an essay question or an interview question- “Why this school”. You must be updated with any big news that you can later refer to, as a way to demonstrate your interest and commitment to attending this school, if admitted.

If you’ve not already started this, do that now, follow the alumni and professors on social media, through their articles. Keep a check of all upcoming events which are designed for prospective students. Collect more specific details that you can add into your conversation with your interviewer, this may sound more convincing to the admissions team, regarding your fit with their school.

Start your Interview Preparation
  • Start working on most common Business School interview questions like, Your strengths and weaknesses? Why MBA now? Why this program? What are your post-MBA goals?
  • Prepare a video or a detailed document / resume about yourself
  • Start watching videos about behavioral questions
  • Brainstorm with your friends who’ve applied or others from your professional or personal life
  • Discuss on general topics like leadership, overcoming challenges, and your unique passions and ambitions
  • Non-native English speakers should work extra on their language skills.
  • Reading can be a great way to prepare for the interview experience
  • Go ahead with subscriptions for business publication or books related to your primary areas of interest


Be ready with Plan-B

There is nothing wrong with being prepared with plan B, that’s called a dose of realism. What if you are on the wait-list in first or second application round, your mind would be boggling with following questions:

  • Should I try my luck in super-competitive round three?
  • Should I re-apply next year?
  • What career shift or lifelong dream might I pursue instead?


Having completed this to-do list will make you feel more confident and an acceptable backup plan in mind will go a long way towards building up a positive attitude towards all results and coping with any adverse outcome, if any.


Good Luck !!

Team Leverage

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