
Allegory: Meaning & Tips to Use Allegory

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Allegory: Allegory is usually pronounced as Al-eh-Goh-ree and is one of the basic things people always use unknowingly. Moreover, a Literary device that is used to express complex ideas in the most approachable manner is known as Allegory. In simple words, allegory is usually a story within a story, most of the time this hidden story has a relation with religion, morality, or politics.

There are many different ways to use an Allegory in a story. Some of the similar terms for it are symbolism and Parable. In this blog, we have discussed why is it used in writing, types, uses, examples, tips, and much more.

What is Allegory?

The term Allegory is derived from the Latin word “Allegoria” which means speaking to imply something else. An Allegory is a tool used to depict a simple story that represents or delivers a deep message about society or even human behavior sometimes whose various characters usually represent real-life figures. Many authors find it easier to think about these deep messages through the use of Allegoria.

Also, authors even use Allegoria to echo stories from the past or even modern life without actually stating this connection. These Allegories can be very subtle, however, they can also be quite obvious. You can say that Allegory is somehow similar to metaphors as in both authors or poets illustrate an idea with the help of comparison between two things but Allegory Are complete stories that have characters whereas metaphors are brief figures of a speech.  

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Why is Allegory Used in Writing?

Most of the time Allegory is used to throw light on different aspects while narrating a story, thus Allegoria is important to deliver important messages in easy-to-read stories which makes it extremely expressive as well as a useful tool.

Usually, Allegoriais often used to understand the world and surroundings better which includes factors such as the political system, new innovative technologies, or various ethical problems that are faced in day-to-day life. History says that most of the time when human beings are unable to do things they want to say they use Allegoria for the same purpose.  

Types of Allegory

There are many types of AllegoriaEach having a different purpose. Some of the most common types of Allegory are  

  • Modern Allegory One of the most commonly used allegories is Modern Allegoria which includes many instances of phenomena also known as “ Allegoresis”. This phenomenon refers to the interpretation of a work as allegorical without intending this work as allegorical. For example, a series was written by J.R.R. Tolkiens known as The Lord of Rings.
  • Another type of Allegory is Biblical Allegory which invokes themes from the Bible. Usually, this type explores the real struggle between evil and good. This type is often used to interpret Allegoria from the Bible. It is certainly different from literal interpretations and is popular in the Middle Ages. One of the greatest examples of Biblical Allegory is The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis in which the Lion represents Christ’s character, Aslan is a Lion who sacrifices for other characters in the movie.

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Tips to Use Allegory

If you want to master the use of this powerful tool known as Allegoria, we have something for your read. Here are a few tips listed below on how to use Allegory while writing:

  • However, one of the most useful tips is that you need to first think about the important idea you want to share with your readers. It should be about something complex or large as well as related to the society that we live in today.
  • Furthermore, after deciding the topic you are required to plan your Allegoria which means you have to translate these real-world ideas into fictional senses with the help of fictional characters. 
  • Another thing you need to take care of is leaving clues so that the reader can read between the lines but avoid over-explaining.

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Character Mapping Tips in Allegory

Writing an allegory for your novel or short story may be a lot of fun and help you explore new ideas. You have the chance to express yourself more forcefully in society or politics without coming off as blatant.

There are various tactics you may use to compose this style of fiction that will help things feel subtle and more natural.

  • Start by labelling each of your characters with their secret characteristics. So that readers always know who they are reading about. When writing, you can utilize a template, such as our Character Development worksheet. This will help you have a clear frame of reference.
  • Second, keep in mind that not everything needs to be symbolic; you want people to be drawn in by the intriguing things they see on the page or screen.
  • Last but not least, avoid being overly obvious with allusions; this will make readers feel as though they might have discovered something on their own.

How to Use Allegory in Writing

It is one of the most powerful and important tools. Moreover, it has been used in English literature for over a hundred years.

Moreover, it is a powerful literary device that allows writers to convey complex ideas and themes through symbolic storytelling. Such as:

Choose Your Theme: Start by identifying the abstract theme or concept you want to explore.

Create Symbolic Characters: Develop characters that embody aspects of your chosen theme.

Craft a Symbolic Plot: Build a narrative that revolves around your allegorical characters

Utilize Symbolic Settings: The settings in your story can also be used allegorically

Engage Emotions: Effective allegory often elicits emotional responses from readers.

Employ Metaphorical Events: Create events and situations that metaphorically convey your theme.

Reflect on Real-Life Parallels: Consider how your allegory relates to real-world situations, historical events, or contemporary issues.

Revise and Refine: Allegory requires careful crafting and revision.

Examples of Allegory

The usage of this writing tool can be understood with the help of the examples given below.

  • One of the most common examples is George Orwell’s, Animal Farm which is usually taught in high school English classes for the introduction of concepts. In this wonderful Farm fable, society is run by animals that are divided into factions. This fable interprets the author’s criticism of communism and mirrors the rise of the Russian Revolution and Leon Trotsky.
  • Another greatest example is Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, which is a poem published in 1590 which has a Spenserian Stanza. The poem explores twelve virtues as well as follows Arthurian Knights which mirrors commentary on the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
  • Aesop’s Fables were originally identified as a part of oral tradition in ancient Greece. This fable depicts an ancient Greek slave known as Aesop. These fables are one of the greatest examples of Allegoria in the form of instructive lessons that are used to teach students about values and behaviour.

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Ques. What is an example of allegory?

Ans. Allegory is usually pronounced as Al-eh-Goh-ree and is one of the basic things people always use unknowingly. A Literary device that is used to express complex ideas in the most approachable manner is known as Allegory. For example, the story may be about a school student who daily feeds animals after school but the hidden story would be about the society that we live in today.

Ques. Is the Bible an allegory?

Ans. There is a type of allegory known as Biblical Allegory that explores the real struggle between evil and good. This type is often used to interpret allegory from the Bible which is certainly different from literal interpretations and are popular in Middle Ages

Ques. One of the famous allegories?

Ans. The best-known allegory in Classical Literature is by Plato and is known as the Allegory of Cave.

We hope that our blog has provided you with all of the information you require about Allegory. Do you need help deciding which study abroad program is the best fit for you? For total assistance in getting admission to your selected college, contact our Leverage Edu consultants. Call us right now at 1800572000 to make an appointment!

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