Top Career in Humanities Abroad 2023: Top Recruiters, Job Titles, Pay Scale

4 minute read

Students who choose a career in humanities can leverage the benefits of numerous jobs. Some of the most eye-catching career options are international relations, mass communication, hospitality, psychology, and marketing. When you learn about the job options as well as the salary details, you will be able to know the career options better and choose a suitable one as per your needs. In this blog, we will discuss the best and high-paying career options that you can receive after completing your humanities degree. 


Career Options in Humanities 

If you’re looking for some interesting and high-paying jobs in the market, you should pay close attention to a career in humanities. Some of the most popular job designations in humanities abroad are:

Advantages of Choosing Humanities Abroad

This is one of the most important pieces of information you need to know about careers in humanities abroad. Some of the most eye-catching advantages of pursuing humanities courses abroad are:

  • Boosts Creativity: You can gain knowledge in different areas such as performing arts, visual arts, library arts, etc. which will help you express your creativity through different art forms such as drawing, poetry, theatre, painting, and music. 
  • You Can Understand Foreign Cultures and Languages: When you chose a humanities subject, it will offer scope in numerous languages that will help you explore different cultures. 
  • Boosts Political Awareness: Humanities courses abroad will make you more aware of the worldwide political environment and help you know more about concepts in human rights, demographics, social justice, and equality. 
  • Enhances Communication: As you can choose your communication skills, you will be able to communicate better with people from different cases, communities, classes, and faiths. 

Highest Paying Jobs in Humanities 

Now that you know the advantages of pursuing humanities courses abroad, you should know about the highest-paying job designations after graduation. This way you will be able to make more data-driven decisions that can align with your interest. Some of the highest-paying jobs in humanities are:


Historians are responsible for carrying out field research, focusing on different types of historical records, and furnishing past events that are associated with critical insights. They also decode the pieces of evidence found in physical artefacts and determine the past. Thanks to historians, modern society will be able to learn more about past ideologies, societies, traditions, technologies, and cultures

Also Read: How to Become a Historian?

Art Director 

An art director will manage different types of campaigns that will focus on creativity. In addition, they will also focus on the charge of illustrations, designs, coordination, publishing, and team management. Art directors will also collaborate with copywriters as well as graphic designers to come up with the best marketing projects. The process also involves providing crisp instructions to the team so that they can achieve higher authority in the campaign. 

Technical Writer 

This is the most high-paying career in humanities. Technical writers need to write different types of instruction manuals, help sections, and guides on websites. They will also convert technical information into content that is simple to understand as well as read. They are also responsible for interacting with SMEs to come up with clear instructions for consumers including operational staff and businesses. 

Also Read: How to Become a Technical Writer?

Content Marketing Manager 

The content marketing manager is another great career in humanities you can consider. When you become a content marketing manager, you will look after the development, planning, and proper implementation of numerous content strategies within your company. With the help of this, you will help businesses achieve their revenue through their target audience. A content marketing manager is responsible for working across different segments such as blogs, apps, social media platforms, ebooks, and other platforms. 


If you’re looking for a great career in humanities, make sure you also consider becoming a psychologist. A psychologist will listen as well as assess the emotions and thoughts of their clients to support their therapies. Psychologists will try to understand the mental health condition of their patients to know what’s causing their emotional, mental, and behavioural distress. As per the diagnosis, a psychologist will provide different treatments and therapies. 

Also Read: Career in Psychology

Pay Scale 

Keep in mind that the job you receive in your career in humanities will depend on numerous factors such as the country, your job designation, the company, and your overall experience. Here’s a table that would help you know more:

DesignationAvg Salary in the USAAvg Salary in the UKAvg Salary in CanadaAvg Salary in Australia
HistorianUSD 71,000GBP 42,000CAD 85,000AUD 98,000
Technical Writer USD 85,000GBP 44,000CAD 66,000AUD 90,000
Art Director USD 141,666USD 48,850CAD 81,110AUD 108,722
PsychologistUSD 101, 841GBP 32,000CAD 104,177AUD 105,226
Content Marketing Manager USD 150,000GBP 48,000CAD 80,000AUD 90,000


Does humanities have scope abroad?

Humanities is undoubtedly one of the greatest courses you can choose to study. The score for humanities abroad is also higher. 

What is the highest paying job for arts students?

Even though there are different types of jobs available for arts students that pay really well, an illustrator is the highest-paying option. 

Can you build a career abroad?

Building a career abroad is not a hard task as long as you focus on your study. 

This is everything you need to know about the top career options in humanities. If you want to fulfil your study abroad dream and looking for assistance, make sure you contact Leverage Edu at 1800 57 2000 today and the study abroad experts will help you. 

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